Greater Books

*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *StJohns* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Oriental* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Utne* *Campbell* *Norway* *Landmarks* *Dirda* *Great* *Guardian* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Van Doren* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Recommended* *Educated*

Charles Van Doren, The Joy of Reading: A Passionate Guide to 189 of the World's Best Authors and Their Works [2008]

585 entries: 351 monographical, 234 otherwise

Unranked—arranged chronologically by author

The first edition of Joy of Reading, subtitled 210 Favorite Books, Plays, Poems, Essays, Etc. What's in Them, Why Read Them, was published in 1985, a few years after the author's retirement from Encyclopaedia Britannica; it gave the author a chance to make his own list of books, after having worked with Mortimer Adler on the second, 1972 version of the latter's book, How to Read a Book. The second edition of Van Doren's book not only expanded the number of entries—there are multiple works discussed for many of the 189 authors—and made it so five of the 47 lists documented here come from the year 2008, but also arranged the authors chronologically, whereas the first edition had arranged the works alphabetically by author. Unlike the Adler book, which discusses reading generally and has a list tagged on at the end, Van Doren's is similar to Newman's, Dirda's, Seymour-Smith's, Fadiman's, and Ward's in being a book-as-list, giving a short account of each author or work in turn. At times, Van Doren's choices violate the spirit of the endeavor: namely, including his father's poetry and Adler's Syntopicon from the Great Books of the Western World set; the latter choice at least is an appropriate self-referential move given how important those Great Books have been to the entire phenomenon of "great books" education. Van Doren also admits to being a Shakespeare denier; not a strong one—as he no longer believes Edward de Vere is the real author of Shakespeare's works, and never believed that Christopher Marlowe was—but still has trouble convincing himself that a "provincial actor" is the same person as the author. Despite these drawbacks, the book is an easy enjoyable read. For the most part, I only list those works that Van Doren includes under each chapter heading. However, Van Doren does not limit himself to discussing those works; he mentions others to provide background about the author and, at times, praises additional works as much as he does those named at the head of the chapter. In those latter cases, I partake in the editorial freedom to include them.

The authors added to the second edition, or works added to authors who had already been included: Matthew Arnold; W H Auden; Jane Austen's Persuasion; John Berger; Elizabeth Bishop; Fred Bodsworth; Roberto Calasso; John le Carré; Willa Cather; C P Cavafy; J M Coetzee; Michael Dibdin; Charles Dickens' Our Mutual Friend; George Eliot's Adam Bede; Alan Furst; Joseph Heller; Mark Helprin; John Hersey; Hesiod; Carl Hiaasen; Henry James's The Ambassadors; Sébastien Japrisot; Julian Jaynes; Ring Lardner; Donn Leon; Primo Levi; Archibald MacLeish; Henning Mankell; Cormac McCarthy; Larry McMurty; Walter M Miller, Jr.; Czesław Miłosz; Nancy Mitford; Marianne Moore; Toni Morrison; Patrick O'Brien; Ovid; Michael Pollan; Ezra Pound; Daniel Quinn; Leo Rosten; J K Rowling; José Saramago; Erwin Schrödinger; Alexander Solzhenitsyn; John Steinbeck; Wallace Stevens; James Thurber; J R R Tolkien; Kurt Vonnegut; Edith Wharton; Richard Wilbur; William Carlos Williams; Virginia Woolf; and the "Tumbler of Our Lady" French folk tale. Note that McCarthy's The Road is included in the list of works under the McCarthy chapter heading. However, in the text, Van Doren notes that he has not yet read the book! I have thus excluded it, leaving only McCarthy's Border Trilogy.

The works excluded from the second edition that were included in the first: Euripides' Iōn, a curious decision since in the 1985 book Van Doren wrote, "Read this play even if you read no other, for it is pure Euripides," and in 2008 he does not explain its omission; an unspecified entry for the the Encyclopædia Britannica; the Oxford English Dictionary; Robertson Davies' Deptford Trilogy; Gabriel García Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude; the entire entry for Kant, which had included five works; the entire entry for John Fowles, which had included three works; three works by Thomas Mann; Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal; John Irving's Hotel New Hampshire; Edward Gibbon; Montesquieu; and the U. S. constitution, credited to James Madison. Of these, the only authors still included are Mann and Madison (as one of the three authors of the Federalist Papers). Needless to say, some of these exclusions are baffling. A few of these are no longer in the Greater Books master list because the older edition of Van Doren's book was the only list that included them: Hotel New Hampshire, Fowles' Daniel Martin, the Oxford English Dictionary, and the unspecified entry for the Britannica (another list includes the 1909 edition).

  1. Iliad

  2. ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B. C.—Greek

  3. Odýsseia
    The Odyssey
    ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B. C.—Greek

    • Hesiod

  4. "Homeric Hymns"
    hymns to Demeter, Apollo, Hermes, Apphrodite not commonly attributed to Hesiod—Greek

  5. Aeschylus

  6. Oresteia_
    The House of Atreus
    458 B. C.—Greek

  7. Antigone

  8. ca. 441 B. C.—Greek

  9. Oidipous Tyrannos

  10. Oedipus Rex; Oedipus the King
    ca. 429 B. C.—Greek

  11. Oidipous epi Kolōnō

  12. Oedipus at Colonus
    401 B. C.—Greek

  13. Aias

  14. Ajax
    ca. 450-430 B. C.—Greek

  15. Philoktētēs

  16. Philocetes
    409 B. C.—Greek

  17. Alkēstis

  18. Alcestis
    438 B. C.—Greek

  19. Mēdeia

  20. Medea
    431 B. C.—Greek

  21. Hippolytos

  22. 428 B. C.—Greek

  23. Trōiades

  24. The Trojan Woman
    415 B. C.—Greek

  25. Bakchai

  26. The Bacchae
    405 B. C.—Greek

  27. Iphigeneia en Taurois

  28. Iphigeneia in Tauris
    written ca. 414-12 B. C.—Greek

  29. Akharneîs

  30. The Acharnians
    425 B. C.—Greek

  31. Eirēnē

  32. Peace
    421 B. C.—Greek

  33. Lysistrate

  34. Lysistrata
    411 B. C.—Greek

  35. Nephelai

  36. The Clouds
    423 B. C.; revised 417 B C; only revised version remains—Greek

  37. Ornithes

  38. The Birds
    414 B. C.—Greek

  39. Bátrachoi
    The Frogs
    405 B. C.—Greek

    • Aesop

  40. Fables
    ca. late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B. C.—Greek

  41. Herodotus

  42. Historiē
    Fifth Century B. C.—Greek

  43. Thucydides

  44. History of the Peloponnesian War
    early Fifth Century B. C.—Greek

  45. Hippocrates

  46. Hippocratic Corpus
    late Fifth-early Fourth centuries B. C.—Greek

  47. Politeia

  48. The Republic
    early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  49. Symposium

  50. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  51. Euthyphro

  52. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  53. Apologia Socratis

  54. The Apology
    early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  55. Crito

  56. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  57. Phaedo

  58. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  59. Meno

  60. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  61. Protagoras

  62. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  63. Theaetetus

  64. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  65. Sophist

  66. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  67. Statesman

  68. early Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  69. Peri Poiêtikês

  70. De Poetica; Poetics
    Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  71. Ethika Nikomacheia

  72. Nicomachean Ethics
    Fourth Century B. C.—Greek

  73. Euclid
    written ca. 300 B. C.—Greek

    • On Floating Bodies [excerpted]

    first book; Third Century B C—Greek

    • The Method of Mechanical Theorems [excerpted]

  74. The first and second propositions; Third Century B. C.—Greek

  75. On the Measurement of a Circle

  76. Third Century B C—Greek

  77. The Sand Reckoner

  78. Third Century B C—Greek

  79. Titus Lucretius Carus

  80. De Rerum Natura
    On the Nature of Things
    First Century B. C.—Latin

  81. Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

  82. Aeneid
    First Century B. C.—Latin

  83. Ovid

  84. Metamorphoseon

    Cornelius Tacitus
  85. Annales

  86. written First Century—Latin

  87. Historiae

  88. written ca. 100-110—Latin

  89. Plutarch

  90. Bìoi Paràllēloi
    Parallel Lives; Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
    First Century—Greek

  91. Epictetus

  92. Diatribai
    compiled by Arrian; Second Century—Greek

  93. Marcus Aurelius

  94. Ta Eis Heauton
    written 161-180—Greek

  95. Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy)

  96. Almagest
    Second Century—Greek

  97. Boethius

  98. Consolatio Philosophiae
    The Consolation of Philosophy
    written ca. 524—Latin

  99. Augustine of Hippo

  100. Confessionum Libri Tredecim
    The Confessions of St. Augustine
    written 397-98—Latin

  101. La Chanson de Roland
    ca. Eleventh Century—French

    • "The Tumbler of Our Lady"

  102. Thirteenth Century; one of a series of stories collected by Gautier de Coinci; author unknown—French
    *Van Doren*

  103. Joseph Bédier

  104. Le Roman de Tristan et Iseult

  105. Thomas Aquinas

  106. Summa Theologiae
    Summa Theologica
    written 1265-74—Latin

  107. Dante

  108. La Divina Commedia
    The Divine Comedy
    originally entitled La Commedia; written ca. 1308-21—Italian

    Geoffrey Chaucer
  109. Canterbury Tales

  110. 1478—English

  111. Troilus and Criseyde

  112. written ca. 1380s—English

  113. François Rabelais

  114. La Vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel
    originally published in five volumes: Les Horribles et Épouvantables Faits et Prouesses du Très Renommé Pantagruel Roi des Dipsodes, Fils du Grand Géant Gargantua, 1532; La Vie Très Horrifique du Grand Gargantua, Père de Pantagruel, 1534; Le Tiers Livre des Faicts et Dicts Héroïques du Bon Pantagruel, 1546; Le Quart Livre des Faicts et Dicts Héroïques du Bon Pantagruel, 1552; Le Cinquiesme et Dernier Livre des Faicts et Dicts Héroïques du Bon Pantagruel, 1564—French

  115. Niccolò Machiavelli

  116. Il Principe
    The Prince

  117. Nicolas Copernicus

  118. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
    On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

  119. William Gilbert

  120. De Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure
    On the Magnet

  121. Johannes Kepler

  122. Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae
    originally published in three volumes: 1617, 1620, and 1621—Latin

  123. Galileo

  124. Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche, Intorno è due Nuove Scienze
    Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences

    Francis Bacon
  125. Novum Organum Scientiarium

  126. 1620—English

  127. Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human

  128. 1605—English

  129. Essays: Religious Meditations. Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. Seene and Allowed

  130. 1597; expanded 1612; expanded and retitled Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall, 1625—English

  131. Michel de Montaigne

  132. Les Essais
    originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

    William Shakespeare
  133. Hamlet

  134. 1602—English

  135. King Lear

  136. 1606—English

  137. Othello

  138. ca. 1604—English

  139. Sonnets

  140. 1609; two sonnets originally published in The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599—English

  141. Romeo and Juliet

  142. ca. 1591-7—English

  143. A Midsummer Night's Dream

  144. ca. 1595-1600—English

  145. The Merry Wives of Windsor

  146. ca. 1597-1602—English

  147. Much Ado About Nothing

  148. ca. 1598-99—English

  149. Richard II

  150. 1597—English

  151. Henry V

  152. 1599—English

  153. The First Part of Henry IV

  154. 1597—English

  155. The Second Part of Henry IV

  156. 1600—English

  157. As You Like It

  158. 1603—English

  159. Pericles, Prince of Tyre

  160. ca. 1606-08—English

  161. Cymbeline

  162. written ca. 1609—English

  163. The Winter's Tale

  164. ca. 1611—English

  165. The Tempest

  166. 1611—English

  167. Miguel de Cervantes

  168. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha
    Don Quixote
    originally published in two volumes, 1605 and 1615—Spanish

  169. René Descartes

  170. Discours de la Méthode Pour Bien Conduire sa Raison, et Chercher la Vérité dans les Sciences
    Discourse on the Method

  171. Jean de La Fontaine

  172. Fables
    originally published in 12 volumes: first-sixth, 1668; seventh-eleventh, 1678; twelfth, 1694—French

  173. L'École des Femmes

  174. The School for Wives

  175. Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire Amoureux

  176. The Misanthrope

  177. Le Médecin Malgre Lui

  178. 1666—French

  179. Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur

  180. 1664—French

  181. Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre

  182. 1660—French

  183. Blaise Pascal

    John Donne
    • Poems

    early Seventeenth Century—English

    • 'Death Be Not Proud'

    one of the Holy Sonnets; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'At the Earth's Round Imagined Corners, Blow'

  184. one of the Holy Sonnets; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

  185. First and Second Anniversaries
    1612; The First Anniversary originally entitled An Anatomy of the World, published 1611; complete work also included in Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death, 1633—English

    • 'Song (Goe, and Catche a Falling Starre)'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Loves Deitie'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Funerall'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Good Morrow'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Blossome'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Undertaking'

    originally entitled 'I Have Done One Braver Thing'; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]; retitled for the second edition of Poems, 1635—English

    • 'The Canonization'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Loves Alchymie'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning'

    written ca. 1611-12; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Hymn to God My God in My Sicknesse'

    part of the second edition of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1635]—English

    • 'A Hymne to God the Father'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • Holy Sonnets [selections]

    nos. 1, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 18 designated but Van Doren does not note which ordering of the Sonnets he refers to; he also lists two of the sonnets separately; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Death's Duell, or, A Consolation to the Soule, Against the Dying Life, and Living Death of the Body'

  186. 1632; included in the author's collected sermons—English

  187. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, and Severall Steps in My Sicknes

    George Herbert
    • Poems

  188. early Seventeenth Century—English

  189. The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

    Robert Herrick
    • Poems

  190. Seventeenth Century—English

  191. His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse

  192. 1647—English

  193. Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq.

    • 'To Meddowes'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'The Argument of His Book'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'Upon Master Ben. Johnson. Epigram'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'To Live Merrily, and to Trust Good Verses'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'To Daffadils'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'Upon Julia's Clothes'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'Delight in Disorder'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'The Mad Maids Song'

    part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

    • 'His Letanie, to the Holy Spirit'

    part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English

    • 'A Thanksgiving to God, for His House'

    part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English

    • 'To Death'

    part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English

    • 'Another Grace for a Child'

  194. part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English

  195. Thomas Hobbes

  196. Leviathan or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil

    John Milton
  197. Paradise Lost
    1667; revised 1674—English

    • Poems

    Seventeenth Century—English

    • 'L'Allegro'

    originally published in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English

    • 'Il Penseroso'

    originally published in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English

    • 'Lycidas'

  198. originally published in Justa Edouardo King Naufrago, 1638; revised for inclusion in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English

  199. Areopagitica; A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, to the Parliament of England_12

    Andrew Marvell
    • Poems

    Seventeenth Century—English

    • 'An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return From Ireland'

    written 1650—English

    • 'To His Coy Mistress'

    written ca. early 1650's—English

    • 'The Garden'

  200. —English

  201. Baruch Spinoza

  202. Ethica, Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata

    Isaac Newton
  203. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

  204. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
    1687; revised 1713 and 1726—Latin

  205. Opticks: or, A Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light

  206. 1704; Latin version, 1706—English

  207. Christian Huygens
    Traité de la Lumière

    John Dryden
    • 'To the Memory of Mr. John Oldham'


    • 'A Song for Saint Cecelia's Day'


    • 'The Secular Masque'

  208. —English

  209. An Essay of Dramatick Poesie

  210. 1668—English

    Alexander Pope
  211. Essay on Criticism_5

  212. 1711—English
    *Lubbock* *Read* *Dirda* *Van Doren* *Newman*

  213. The Rape of the Lock_8
    originally anonymously published 1712 in Linot's Miscellany; expanded 1714 and 1717—English
    *Lubbock* *Read* *Magill* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Great* *Van Doren* *Newman*

    • 'Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot'_2

  214. 1735—English
    *Dirda* *Van Doren*

  215. Essay on Man_6

  216. 1734—English
    *Lubbock* *Read* *Magill* *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman*

    Daniel Defoe
  217. The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner
    originally anonymously published 1719—English

    • A Hymn to the Pillory

  218. 1703—English

  219. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders

  220. 1722—English

  221. A Journal of the Plague Year: Being Observations or Memorials, of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, as Well Public and Private, Which Happened in London During the Last Great Visitation in 1665

  222. originally anonymously published 1722—English

  223. The History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Col. Jacque, Commonly Call'd Col. Jack

  224. Colonel Jack

  225. The Fortunate Mistress: Or, A History of the Life and Vast Variety of Fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau, Afterwards Called the Countess de Wintselsheim, in Germany, Being the Person Known by the Name of the Lady Roxana, in the Time of King Charles II

  226. Roxana

  227. William Congreve

  228. The Way of the World

  229. Voltaire
    Candide, ou L'Optimisme

    John Locke
    • Second Treatise [second part of Two Treatises of Government: In the Former, the False Principles, and Foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and His Followers, Are Detected and Overthrown. The Latter Is an Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government]

  230. complete work originally anonymously published 1689—English

  231. Epistola de Tolerantia

  232. 1689; English version entitled A Letter Concerning Toleration published the same year—Latin

  233. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

  234. 1689—English

  235. George Berkeley (Bishop Berkeley)

  236. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
    1710; revised 1734—English

  237. David Hume

  238. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  239. Discours sur l'Origine et les Fondements de l'Inégalité Parmi les Hommes

  240. Discourse on Inequality

  241. Du Contrat Social ou Principes du Droit Politique

  242. The Social Contract

  243. Henry Fielding

  244. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

    James Boswell
  245. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

    • Journals

    written 1762-95—English

    Robert Burns
    • Poems

  246. late Eighteenth Century—English

  247. Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect

    • 'Green Grow the Rashes'


    • 'My Luve Is Like a Red, Red Rose'

    originally published as part of Pietro Urbani's Scots Songs, 1794—English

    • 'Highland Mary'


    • 'Mary Morrison'


    • 'John Anderson My Jo'

    part of James Johnson's Scots Musical Museum, 1790—English

    • 'The Banks o' Doon'


    • 'Ae Fond Kiss and Then We Sever'

    included in letter to Agnes Maclehose dated 27 December 1791—English

    • 'To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough'

    part of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 1786—English

    • 'To a Louse, On Seeing One on a Lady's Bonnet at Church'


    • 'Address to the Unco Guid, or the Rigidly Righteous'


    • 'Charlie, He's My Darling'


    • 'A Man's a Man for a' That'


    • 'The Cotter's Saturday Night'

    part of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 1786—English

    • 'Tam o' Shanter'

    published Mar. 1791 in the Edinburgh Herald and the Edinburgh Magazine; included in Francis Grose's Antiquities of Scotland, 1791;—English

    • 'O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast'

  248. —English

    William Blake
  249. Songs of Innocence and Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul

  250. published in part, 1789, as Songs of Innocence; in its entirety, 1794—English

  251. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

  252. ca. 1793—English

  253. Milton, a Poem in 2 Books

  254. ca. 1811—English

  255. Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion

    William Wordsworth
    • Poems

    late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

    • 'Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, July 13, 1798'

    originally published in Lyrical Ballads, 1798—English

    • 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality From Recollections of Early Childhood'

    originally entitled 'Ode', published in Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807; retitled and revised for inclusion in Poems, 1815; revised for inclusion in The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth, 1820—English

    • 'Ode to Duty'

  256. part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

  257. The Prelude or, Growth of the Poet's Mind: An Autobiographical Poem
    1850; earlier versions written 1799 and 1805—English

    • 'The Simplon Pass'

    originally published as part of Poems, 1845; part of 1850 edition of The Prelude—English

    • 'Influence of Natural Objects in Calling Forth and Strengthening the Imagination in Boyhood and Early Youth'

    originally entitled 'Growth of Genius From the Influences of Natural Objects on the Imagination, in Boyhood and Early Youth', published Dec. 1809 in The Friend; retitled for inclusion in Poems, 1815; part of The Prelude, 1850

    • 'She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways'

    one of the "Lucy poems"; originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English

    • 'I Traveled Among Unknown Men'

    originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English

    • 'A Slumber Did My Spirit Steal'

    one of the "Lucy poems"; originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English

    • 'My Heart Leaps Up'

    part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

    • 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge: September 3, 1802'

    part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

    • 'It Is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free'

    part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

    • 'London, 1802'

    part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

    • 'The Solitary Reaper'

    part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

    • 'The World Is Too Much With Us'

    part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

    • 'To Sleep'


    • 'Personal Talk'


    • William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems
    1798; expanded 1800 and 1802—English

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    • Poems

  258. late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

  259. Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream; The Pains of Sleep

  260. 1816—English

  261. Thomas Jefferson

  262. Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
    The Declaration of Independence

  263. Abraham Lincoln

  264. Gettysburg Address

  265. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  266. Faust
    originally published in two volumes: first, Faust. Der Tragödie Erster Teil, published in part, 1790; in its entirey, 1808; revised 1829; second, Faust. Der Tragödie Zweiter Teil, 1832—German

    Lord Byron (George Gordon, Lord Byron)
  267. Don Juan
    originally published in six volumes: Jul. 1819; Aug. 1821; Jul. 1823; Aug. 1823; Dec. 1823; Mar. 1824—English

    • Poems

  268. early Nineteenth Century—English

  269. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage

    • 'So We'll Go No More A-Roving'

    part of Letters and Journals, 1830—German

    Percy Bysshe Shelley
    • Poems

  270. early Nineteenth Century—English

  271. Prometheus Unbound

    • 'A Defence of Poetry'

    written 1821; originally published 1840 in Essays, Letters From Abroad, Translations and Fragments—English

    • 'Ozymandias'

    originally published Jan. 1818 in the Examiner; included in Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; With Other Poems, 1818—English

    • 'Ode to the West Wind'/li>

    part of Prometheus Unbound, 1820—English

    • 'To a Skylark'

    part of Prometheus Unbound, 1820—English

    John Keats
    • 'The Eve of St. Agnes'

    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode to Psyche'

    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'

    originally published May 1820 in the Indictaor—English

    • 'Ode to a Nightingale'

    originally published Jul. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'

    originally anonymously published Jan. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode on Melancholy'

    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode on Indolence'

    originally published in The Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of John Keats, 1848—English

    • 'The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream'

    originally published 1857 in the Bibliographical and Historical Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society—English

    • 'To Autumn'

  272. part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    Jane Austen
  273. Pride and Prejudice

  274. originally anonymously published 1813—English

  275. Emma

  276. originally anonymously published 1815—English

  277. Persuasion

  278. originally anonymously published 1817—English

  279. Honoré de Balzac

  280. Le Père Goriot_
    Father Goriot
    originally published serially Dec. 1834-Feb. 1835 in Revue de Paris—French

  281. Le Rouge et le Noir, Chronique du XIXe Siècle

  282. The Red and the Black

  283. Le Chartreuse de Parme
    The Charterhouse of Parma

    • Alexander Hamilton; John Jay; James Madison

  284. The Federalist Papers
    originally published 1787-1788 in the Independent Journal, the New-York Packet, and the Daily Advertiser—English

  285. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

  286. Vorlesungen Über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichtem
    Lectures on the Philosophy of History
    1837; edited 1821, 1824, 1827, and 1831 lectures—German

  287. Claude Bernard

  288. Introduction à l'Étude de la Médecine Expérimentale

  289. Charles Darwin

  290. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

    John Stuart Mill
  291. On Liberty

  292. 1859—English

  293. Considerations on Representative Government

  294. 1861—English

  295. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

  296. Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
    The Communist Manifesto

  297. Charles Baudelaire

  298. Les Fleurs du Mal
    The Flowers of Evil

    Charles Dickens
  299. A Christmas Carol

  300. 1843—English

  301. Hard Times - For These Times

  302. originally published serially Apr. 1854-Aug. 1854 in Household Words—English

  303. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club

  304. The Pickwick Papers
    originally published serially Apr. 1836-Nov. 1837 under the pseudonym, Boz—English

  305. Bleak House

  306. originally published serially Mar. 1852-Sep. 1853—English

  307. Little Dorrit

  308. originally published serially Dec. 1855-Jun. 1857—English

  309. Our Mutual Friend

  310. originally published serially May 1864-Nov. 1865—English

    George Eliot
  311. Adam Bede

  312. 1859—English

  313. Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe

  314. 1861—English

  315. Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life

  316. originally published serially Dec. 1871-Dec. 1872—English

  317. Walt Whitman
    Leaves of Grass
    1855; expanded and revised through ninth edition, 1892—English

    Emily Dickinson
    • Poems

  318. Nineteenth Century—English

  319. The Poems of Emily Dickinson

    • 'Success Is Counted Sweetest'

    part of Poems, 1890—English

    • 'The Heart Asks Pleasure — First'

    part of Poems, 1890—English

    • 'The Soul Selects Her Own Society'

    part of Poems, 1890—English

    • 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death'

    part of Poems, 1890—English

    • 'After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes'

    part of Further Poems of Emily Dickinson, 1929—English

    Matthew Arnold
    • Poems

    Nineteenth Century—English

    • 'Dover Beach'


    • Essays

  320. Nineteenth Century—English

  321. Culture and Anarchy

  322. 1869; essays published in Cornhill Magazine, 1867-8; preface added in 1875—English

  323. Mark Twain
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    • Henry Adams

  324. The United States in 1800
    first-sixth chapters of The History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, originally published in nine volumes, 1889-91—English

  325. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres_5

  326. 1913—English

  327. The Education of Henry Adams_11

  328. 1918—English

  329. Nathaniel Hawthorne

  330. The Scarlet Letter

    Herman Melville
  331. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale

  332. 1851—English

  333. Billy Budd, Foretopman

  334. Billy Budd, Sailor (An Inside Narrative)

  335. Ivan Turgenev

  336. Pervaâ Lûbov'
    First Love

  337. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  338. Prestuplénie i Nakazániye
    Crime and Punishment
    originally published serially Jan.-Dec. 1866 in Rússkij Véstnik; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky's English translation—Russian

    Leo Tolstoy
  339. Voyna i Mir"

  340. War and Peace
    originally entitled 1805, published in part, 1865 and 1867; retitled and published in its entirety, 1869—Russian

  341. Smert' Ivana Il'icha
    The Death of Ivan Ilyich

    • Twenty-Three Tales

    1906; sections Tales for Children, 1872 (three stories); Popular Stories (four stories); A Fairy Tale: The Story of Iván the Fool, 1885; Stories Written to Pictures, 1885 (three stories); Folk-Tales Retold, all 1886 except last, 1891 (seven stories); Adaptations From the French (two stories); Stories Given to Aid the Persecuted Jews, 1903 (three stories)—Russian

    Robert Browning
    • Poems

  342. Nineteenth Century—English

  343. Sordello

    • 'Meeting at Night'

    part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845—English

    • 'Andrea del Sarto'

    part of Men and Women, 1855—English

    • 'Porphyria's Lover'

    part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. III, Dramatic Lyrics, 1842—English

    • 'My Last Duchess'

  344. part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. III, Dramatic Lyrics, 1842—English

  345. The Ring and the Book
    originally published in four volumes, 1868-69—English

    • 'Home-Thoughts, From Abroad'

    part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845—English

    • 'Home-Thoughts, From the Sea'


    • 'A Woman's Last Word'


    • 'The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church'

    part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845—English

    • 'A Toccata of Galuppi's'

    part of Men and Women, 1855—English

    • 'The Last Ride Together'

    part of Men and Women, 1855—English

    • 'Prospice'

    part of Asolando, 1889—English

    • 'Rabbi Ben Ezra'

  346. part of Dramatis Personae, 1864—English

    Lewis Carroll
  347. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  348. 1865—English

  349. Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There

  350. 1871—English

  351. Thomas Hardy
    Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented
    published in part serially Jul.-Dec. 1891 in the Graphic—English

    • Poems

    late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

    • 'Hap'

  352. part of Wessex Poems and Other Verses, 1898—English

  353. William James

  354. The Principles of Psychology

    Henry James
  355. The Portrait of a Lady

  356. originally published serially Oct. 1880-Nov. 1881 in Macmillan's and Nov. 1880-Dec. 1881 in the Atlantic Monthly—English

  357. The Ambassadors

  358. originally published serially 1903 in the North American Review—English
    *Powys* *Classics* *Read* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Zane* *Smart* *Van Doren* *Newman*

  359. The Golden Bowl

  360. 1904—English

    Arthur Conan Doyle
  361. A Study in Scarlet

  362. originally published 1887 in Beeton's Christmas Annual—English

  363. The Sign of the Four

  364. originally published Feb. 1890 in Lippincott's Monthly—English

  365. The Hound of the Baskervilles

  366. 1902; originally published serially Aug. 1901-Apr. 1902 in the Strand—English

  367. The Valley of Fear
    1915; originally published serially Sep. 1914-Feb. 1915 in the Strand—English

    • 'The Red-Headed League'

    originally published Aug. 1891 in the Strand; included inThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1892—English

    • 'The Five Orange Pips'

    originally published Nov. 1891 in the Strand; included in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes—English

    • 'The Crooked Man'

    originally published Jul. 1893 in the Strand; included in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes—English

    • 'The Adventure of the Speckled Band'

    originally published Feb. 1892 in the Strand; included in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes—English

    • 'The Final Problem'

    originally published Dec. 1893 in the Strand; included in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes—English

    • 'The Adventure of the Empty House'

    originally published Sep. 1903 in Collier's; included in The Return of Sherlock Holmes—English

    • 'The Adventure of the Devil's Foot'

    originally published Dec. 1910 in the Strand; included in His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes—English

    • 'His Last Bow'

  368. originally published Sep. 1917 in the Strand; included in His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes—English

    Rudyard Kipling
  369. The Jungle Book

  370. 1894—English

  371. The Second Jungle Book

    • 'The Cat That Walked by Itself'

  372. part of Just-So Stories, 1902—English

    Sigmund Freud
  373. Die Traumdeutung

  374. The Interpretation of Dreams

  375. Abriss der Psychoanalyse

  376. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis

  377. Das Unbehagen in der Kultur
    Civilization and Its Discontents

    C P Cavafy
    • Poems

    early Twentieth Century—Greek

    • 'The Horses of Achilles'


    • 'The Funderal of Sarpedon'


    • 'Thermopylae'


    • 'The Funderal of Sarpedon'


    • 'Unfaithfulness'


    • 'Ithaka'


    • 'Waiting for the Barbarians'


    • 'One of Their Gods'

  378. —Greek

  379. Alfred North Whitehead
    Introduction to Mathematics

    William Butler Yeats
    • Poems

  380. late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

  381. Last Poems and Two Plays
    1939; includes the plays, The Death of Cuchulain, and Purgatory—English

    • 'Easter, 1916'

    published separately 1916, in the New Statesman, Oct. 1920, and the Dial, Nov. 1920; included in Michael Robertes and the Dancer, 1920—English

    • 'Among School Children'

  382. part of October Blast, 1927; the entirety of that book made part of The Tower, 1928—English

  383. Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems

    • 'Sailing to Byzantium'

    part of October Blast, 1927; published Spring 1928 in the Exile; October Blast made part of The Tower, 1928—English

    • 'Under Ben Bulben'

    originally published Feb. 1939 in the Irish Times and the Irish Independent; published in part in the Irish Press that same month; included in Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939—English

    • 'The Ballad of Father Gilligan'

    originally entitled 'Father Gilligan (A Legend Told by the People of Castleisland, Kerry)', published Jul. 1890 in the Scots Observer; retitled 'Father Gilligan' for inclusion in The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; retitled 'The Ballad of Father Gilligan' for inclusion in Poems, 1895—English

    • 'To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing'

    part of Poems Written in Discouragement, 1913; the entirety of that book made part of Responsibilities: Poems and a Play, 1914; also published May 1914 in Poetry—English

    • 'The Cat and the Moon'

    part of Nine Poems, 1918; that book made part of the expanded second edition of The Wild Swans at Coole, 1919—English

    • 'The Second Coming'

    originally published Nov. 1920 in the Dial and the Nation; included in Michael Robartes and the Dancer, 1920—English

    • 'Leda and the Swan'

    originally published Jun. 1924 in the Dial and Aug. 1924 in To-Morrow; included in The Cat and the Moon and Certain Poems, 1924; that book (except 'The Cat and the Moon') made part of The Tower, 1928; also published as 'Leda' in the first version of A Vision, 1926—English

    • 'Anne Gregory'

    part of Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems, 1932; entitled 'For Anne Gregory' for inclusion in the Spectator, Dec. 1932—English

    • 'The Cold Heaven'

    part of the second expanded edition of The Green Helmet and Other Poems, 1912—English

    • 'The Wild Swans at Coole'

    originally published Jun. 1917 in the Little Review; part of The Wild Swans, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, 1917—English

    • 'The Tower'

    originally published Jun. 1927 in the Criterion and the New Republic; part of October Blast, 1927; that book made part of The Tower, 1928—English

    • 'Down by the Salley Gardens'

    part of The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, 1889; included in Poems, 1895—English

    • 'When You Are Old'

    part of The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; included in Poems, 1895—English

    • 'September 1913'

    originally entitled 'Romance in Ireland', published Sep. 1913 in the Irish Times; retitled for inclusion in Poems of Discouragement, 1913; that book made part of Responsibilties: Poems and a Play, 1914—English

    • 'A Prayer for My Daughter'

  384. originally published Nov. 1919 in the Irish Statesman and Poetry; included in Michael Robartes and the Dancer, 1920—English

  385. J M Synge

  386. The Playboy of the Western World

  387. Beatrix Potter
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit

    Robert Frost
    • Poems

    Twentieth Century—English

    • 'The Gift Outright'

    originally published Spring 1942 in the Virginia Quarterly Review; part of A Witness Tree, 1942—English

    • 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'

    originally published Mar. 1923 in the New Republic; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English

    • 'The Death of the Hired Man'

    part of North of Boston, 1914—English

    • 'The Road Not Taken'

    originally published Aug. 1915 in the Atlantic Monthly; part of Mountain Interval, 1916

    • 'Two Tramps in Mud Time'

    originally published Oct. 1934 in the Saturday Review of Literature; part of A Further Range, 1936—English

    • 'The Witches of Coös'

    originally published Jan. 1922 in Poetry; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English

    • 'Home Burial'

    part of North of Boston, 1914—English

    • 'The Black Cottage'

    part of North of Boston, 1914—English

    • 'In the Home Stretch'

    originally published Jul. 1916 in the Century; part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English

    • 'Fire and Ice'

    originally published Jan. 1920 in Harper's; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English

    • 'Once by the Pacific'

    originally published Dec. 1926 in the New Republic; part of West-Running Brook, 1928—English

    • 'Birches'

    originally published Aug. 1915 in the Atlantic Monthly; part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English

    • 'Mending Wall'

    part of North of Boston, 1914—English

    • 'Revelation'

    part of A Boy's Will, 1913—English

    • 'The Oven Bird'

    part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English

    • 'The Runaway'

    originally published Jun. 1918 in the Amherst Monthly; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English

    • 'To Earthward'

    originally published Oct. 1923 in the Yale Review; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English

    • 'The Silken Tent'

  388. originally published Winter 1939 in the Virginia Quarterly Review; part of A Witness Tree, 1942—English

    Wallace Stevens
  389. Harmonium
    1923; revised 1931—English

    • 'The Idea of Order at Key West'

    included in Ideas of Order, 1934—English

    • 'The Poems of Our Climate'

    included in Parts of a World, 1942—English

    • 'Esthetique du Mal'

  390. originally published 1944 in the Kenyon Review; published separately 1945; included in Transport to Summer, 1947—English

    Thomas Mann
  391. Der Zauberberg

  392. The Magic Mountain
    1924; Mallison ("Smart") specifies John E Woods's English translation—German

  393. Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. Der Memoiren, Erster Teil

  394. 1954—German

    Edith Wharton
  395. The House of Mirth

  396. 1905—English

  397. The Age of Innocence

  398. 1920—English

    Willa Cather
  399. The Song of the Lark

  400. 1915—English

  401. My Ántonia

  402. 1918—English

  403. Étienne Gilson

  404. Introduction aux Arts du Beau

    James Joyce
  405. Dubliners

  406. 1914—English

  407. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

  408. originally published serially Feb. 1914-Sep. 1915, in the Egoist—English

  409. Ulysses

  410. published in part serially Mar. 1918-Dec. 1920 in the Little Review; in its entirety, 1922—English

  411. Henrik Ibsen

  412. Et Dukkehjem
    A Doll's House

    George Bernard Shaw
  413. Pygmalion

  414. 1913—English

  415. Saint Joan

  416. 1923—English

  417. Eugen Herrigel

  418. Zen in the Art of Archery

  419. Isak Dinesen

  420. Seven Gothic Tales
    1934; Danish version entitled Syv Fantastiske Fortaellinger published 1935—English

  421. Virginia Woolf

  422. A Room of One's Own

    Franz Kafka
  423. Der Prozess

  424. The Trial

  425. Das Schloss

  426. The Castle

  427. Die Verwandlung

  428. The Metamorphosis
    originally published 1915 in Die Weißen Blätter; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Stanley Corngold's English translation—German

  429. In der Strafkolonie

  430. In the Penal Colony

  431. Austin Tappan Wright

    Ring Lardner
    • Stories

    Twentieth Century—English

    • 'Alibi Ike'

  432. originally published 1915 in the Saturday Evening Post—English

  433. Erwin Schrödinger
    Nature and the Greeks

    William Carlos Williams
    • Poems

  434. Twentieth Century—English

  435. Paterson

  436. originally published in five volumes: 1946, 1948, 1949, 1951, and 1958—English

  437. Spring and All

    Marianne Moore
    • 'Poetry'

    included in Observations, 1924—English

    • 'Marriage'

    included in Observations, 1924—English

    T S Eliot
    • Poems

    Twentieth Century—English

    • 'The Waste Land'

  438. originally published Oct. 1922 in the Criterion—English

  439. Ash Wednesday

  440. 1930—English

  441. Four Quartets
    originally published in four volumes: Burnt Norton, in Collected Poems 1909-1935, 1936; East Coker, in the New English Weekly, 1940; The Dry Salvages, in the New English Weekly, 1941; Little Gidding, in the New English Weekly, 1942—English

    • 'The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock'

    originally published Jun. 1915 in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English

    • 'The Hollow Men'

    originally published in Poems: 1909-1925, 1925—English

    • 'Rhapsody on a Windy Night'

    originally published Jul. 1915 in Blast; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English

    • 'Morning at the Window'

    originally published Sep. 1916 in Poetry; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English

    • 'Sweeney Among the Nightingales'

  442. part of Poems: 1920, 1920—English

  443. Journey of the Magi

  444. 1927; illustrations by Edward McKnight Kauffer; eighth of a series of 37 pamphlets collectively entitled Ariel Poems—English

  445. Marina
    1930; illustrations by Edward McKnight Kauffer; 29th of a series of 37 pamphlets collectively entitled Ariel Poems—English

    • 'Eyes That I Last Saw in Tears'

  446. originally published Nov. 1924 in Chapbook as part of Doris's Dream Songs—English

  447. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats

    • The Sacred Wood

    1920; 20 essays, some of which originally published in the Times Literary Supplement, the Athenæum, Art and Letters, and the Egoist—English

    • Selected Essays, 1917-1932


    Ezra Pound
    • Poems

    Twentieth Century—English

    • 'The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter'


    • 'In a Station of the Metro'

  448. —English

  449. Eugene O'Neill

  450. Long Day's Journey Into Night

  451. Nancy Mitford

  452. Madame de Pompadour

    C S Lewis
  453. Out of the Silent Planet

  454. 1938—English

  455. Perelandra

  456. 1943—English

  457. That Hideous Strength

  458. 1945—English

    J R R Tolkien
  459. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again

  460. 1937—English

  461. The Lord of the Rings

  462. originally published in three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King, 1954-55—English

  463. F Scott Fitzgerald
    The Great Gatsby

    Ernest Hemingway
    • Stories

  464. Twentieth Century—English

  465. The Old Man and the Sea

    • 'Big, Two-Hearted River'

    originally published May 1925 in This Quarter; included in the expanded edition of In Our Time, 1925—English

    • 'A Clean, Well-Lighted Place'

    originally published 1933 in Scribner's; included in Winner Take Nothing, 1933—English

    • 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro'

    originally published Aug. 1936 in Esquire; included in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, 1938—English

    • 'Old Man at the Bridge'

  466. included in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, 1938—English

    E B White
  467. Stuart Little

  468. 1945—English

  469. Charlotte's Web

    • James Thurber

    'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'
    originally published Mar. 1939 in the New Yorker; included in My World - And Welcome to It, 1942—English

    Archibald MacLeish
    • Poems

    Twentieth Century&msdash;English

    • 'You, Andrew Marvell'

    Twentieth Century; included in New Found Land, 1930&msdash;English

    • 'Ars Poetica'

    originally published in Poetry, June 1926&msdash;English

    Mark Van Doren
    • Poems

    Twentieth Century—English

    • 100 Poems


    • 'The Animals'


    • 'Former Barn Lot'


    • 'My Great Friends'


    • 'So Fair a World It Was'


    • 'O World'

  470. —English

  471. That Shining Place

  472. 1969—English

  473. Good Morning: Last Poems

  474. 1973—English

  475. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  476. Le Petit Prince

  477. John Hersey

  478. Hiroshima

  479. Walter M Miller Jr.

  480. A Canticle for Leibowitz
    early version published as three stories, all in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction: 'A Canticle for Leibowitz', Apr. 1955; 'And the Light Is Risen', Aug. 1956; and 'The Last Canticle', Feb. 1957; revised and expanded for book publication, 1959—English

  481. Charles Galton Darwin

  482. The Next Million Years

    Fernand Braudel
  483. La Méditerranée et le Monde Méditerranéen à l'Epoque de Philippe II
    The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II

    • The Structures of Everday Life

  484. 1967; first volume of Civilisation Matérielle, Économie et Capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe; complete work published 1979—French

  485. Mortimer J Adler

  486. The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World
    volumes 2 and 3 of The Great Books of the Western World, 1952; revised 1990 as volume 1 of the revised Great Books of the Western World, retitled Syntopicon: An Index to the Great Ideas; Van Doren refers to the 1952 version—English

    John Steinbeck
  487. The Grapes of Wrath

  488. 1939—English

  489. Travels with Charley: In Search of America

  490. 1962—English

    George Orwell
  491. Animal Farm

  492. 1945—English

  493. Nineteen Eighty-Four

  494. 1949—English

  495. T H White

  496. The Once and Future King
    originally published in five volumes, 1938-71—English

  497. Samuel Beckett

  498. En Attendant Godot
    Waiting for Godot

    Robert A Heinlen
  499. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

  500. originally published serially Dec. 1965-Apr. 1966 in Worlds of If—English

  501. Farnham's Freehold

  502. originally published serially Jul.-Oct. 1964 in Worlds of If—English

  503. The Door Into Summer
    originally published serially Oct.-Dec. 1956 in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction—English

    W H Auden
    • 'In Memory of W B Yeats'

    originally published Mar. 1939 in the New Republic; expanded for inclusion in the London Mercury, Apr. 1939, and Another Time, 1940; revised for inclusion in Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

    • 'Musée des Beaux Arts'

  504. originally entitled 'Palais des Beaux Arts', published Spring 1939 in New Writing; retitled for inclusion in Another Time, 1940; included in Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

  505. The Shield of Achilles

  506. 1955—English

  507. Margaret Wise Brown
    Goodnight Moon

    Elizabeth Bishop
    • 'Faustina, or Rock Roses'


    • 'The Fish'

    included in North and South, 1946—English

    • 'Sestina'

    originally published in the New Yorker, September 1956—English

    • 'One Art'

  508. originally published in the New Yorker, April 1976; included in Georgraphy III, 1977—English

    Tennessee Williams
  509. A Streetcar Named Desire

  510. 1947—English

  511. The Glass Menagerie

    Richard Wilbur
    • Poems


    • Translations

    Van Doren notes translations of Molière—English

    • 'Love Calls Us to the Things of This World'

    included in Things of This World, 1957—English

    • 'Trolling for Blues'

  512. originally published October/November 1987 in Poetry—English

    Albert Camus
  513. L'Étranger

  514. The Stranger

  515. La Peste

  516. The Plague

  517. Arthur Miller

  518. Death of a Salesman

    Arthur C Clarke
  519. Childhood's End

  520. 1953—English

  521. Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry Into the Limits of the Possible

  522. originally published serially 1958-62; revised 1999—English

    J D Salinger
  523. Catcher in the Rye

    • Nine Stories

  524. originally published 1948-53 in the New Yorker, Harper's, and the Information World Review—English

  525. Julian Jaynes

  526. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  527. Odîn den' Ivána Denîsoviča

  528. A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    originally published Nov. 1962 in Nóvyj Mîr—Russian

  529. V Kruge Pervom

  530. In the First Circle
    1968; expanded 1978—Russian

  531. Fred Bodsworth

  532. Last of the Curlews

    Primo Levi
  533. Se Questo è un Uomo

  534. Survival in Auschwitz; If This Is a Man

  535. Il Sistema Periodico

  536. 1975—Italian

  537. Se Non Ora, Quando?

  538. 1982—Italian

    Leo Rosten
  539. The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N

  540. 1937; originally published in part in the New Yorker—English

  541. The Joys of Yiddish

  542. 1968—English

  543. Kurt Vonnegut

  544. Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death

    José Saramago
  545. Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira

  546. Blindness

  547. A Caverna

  548. The Cave

  549. Joseph Heller

  550. Catch-22

    John Berger
  551. Ways of Seeing

  552. 1972—English

  553. About Looking

  554. 1980—English

    John le Carré
  555. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold

  556. 1963—English
    *Fadiman* *Van Doren*

  557. The Little Drummer Girl

  558. 1983—English
    *Van Doren*

  559. The Constant Gardener

  560. 2001—English
    *Van Doren*

    Alan Furst
  561. Night Soldiers

  562. 1988—English

  563. Dark Star

  564. 1991—English

  565. The Polish Soldier

  566. 1995—English

  567. The World at Night

  568. 1996—English

  569. Dark Voyage

  570. 2004—English

  571. Czesław Miłosz

  572. Zniewolony Umysł
    The Captive Mind

    Sébastien Japrisot
  573. Compartiment Tueurs

  574. The 10:30 from Marseilles; The Sleeping-Car Murders

  575. Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles

  576. A Very Long Engagement

    Toni Morrison
  577. Song of Solomon

  578. 1977—English

  579. Beloved

  580. 1987—English

    Cormac McCarthy
  581. All the Pretty Horses

  582. 1992—English

  583. The Crossing

  584. 1994—English

  585. Cities of the Plain

  586. 1998—English

  587. Larry McMurty

  588. Lonesome Dove

  589. Daniel Quinn

  590. Ishmael

    J M Coetzee
  591. Disgrace

  592. 1999—English

  593. Elizabeth Costello

  594. 2003—English

  595. Roberto Calasso

  596. Le Nozze di Cadmo e Armonia
    The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony

    Mark Helprin
  597. Winter's Tale

  598. 1983—English

  599. A Soldier of the Great War

  600. 1991—English

    Donna Leon
  601. Death at Le Fenice

  602. 1992—English
    *Van Doren*

  603. Death in a Strange Country

  604. 1993—English
    *Van Doren*

  605. Acqua Alta

  606. 1996—English
    *Van Doren*

  607. Uniform Justice

  608. 2003—English
    *Van Doren*

  609. Doctored Evidence

  610. 2004—English
    *Van Doren*

  611. Suffer the Little Children

  612. 2007—English
    *Van Doren*

    Michael Dibdin
  613. Ratking

  614. 1988—English
    *Van Doren*

  615. Vendetta

  616. 1990—English
    *Van Doren*

  617. Cabal

  618. 1992—English
    *Van Doren*

  619. Dead Lagoon

  620. 1994—English
    *Van Doren*

  621. A Long Finish

  622. 1998—English
    *Van Doren*

  623. Blood Rain

  624. 1999—English
    *Van Doren*

  625. And Then You Die

  626. 2002—English
    *Van Doren*

    Henning Mankell
  627. Mördare Utan Ansikte

  628. Faceless Killers

  629. Hundarna i Riga

  630. The Dogs of Riga

  631. Den Vita Lejoninnan

  632. The White Lioness

  633. Den Femte Kvinnan

  634. The Fifth Woman

  635. Brandvägg

  636. Firewall

  637. Danslärarens Återkomst

  638. The Return of the Dancing Master

    Carl Hiaasen
  639. Tourist Season

  640. 1986—English

  641. Strip Tease

  642. 1993—English

  643. Lucky You

  644. 1997—English

    Michael Pollan
  645. The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World

  646. 2001—English

  647. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

  648. 2006—English

    Patrick O'Brien
  649. Master and Commander

  650. 1969—English

  651. Post Captain

  652. 1972—English

  653. H.M.S. Surprise

  654. 1973—English

  655. The Mauritius Command

  656. 1977—English

  657. Desolation Island

  658. 1978—English

  659. The Fortune of War

  660. 1979—English

  661. The Surgeon's Mate

  662. 1980—English

  663. The Ionian Mission

  664. 1981—English

  665. Treason's Harbour

  666. 1983—English

  667. The Far Side of the World

  668. 1984—English

  669. The Reverse of the Medal

  670. 1986—English

  671. The Letter of Marque

  672. 1988—English

  673. The Thirteen-Gun Salute

  674. 1989—English

  675. The Nutmeg of Consolation

  676. 1991—English

  677. Clarissa Oakes

  678. 1992; U S title: The Truelove—English

  679. The Wine-Dark Sea

  680. 1993—English

  681. The Commodore

  682. 1994—English

  683. The Yellow Admiral

  684. 1996—English

  685. The Hundred Days

  686. 1998—English

  687. Blue at the Mizzen

  688. 1999—English

    J K Rowling
  689. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

  690. 1997—English

  691. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  692. 1998—English

  693. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

  694. 1999—English

  695. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  696. 2000—English

  697. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  698. 2003—English

  699. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

  700. 2005—English

  701. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  702. 2007—English