Greater Books

*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *StJohns* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Oriental* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Utne* *Campbell* *Norway* *Landmarks* *Dirda* *Great* *Guardian* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Van Doren* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Recommended* *Educated*

Louise Cown and Os Guinness, eds., Invitation to the Classics [1998]

446 entries: 334 monographical, 112 otherwise

Unranked—arranged chronologically with the exception of the distinct topical sections (no. 8-17; 35-Pirandello; 56-Jerome; 63-69; 81-Underhill; 94-101; 115-31; 138-88; 197-242; Darwin; Frost-Stevens; 248-96; Borges-333), each itself arranged chronologically

The tag, Trinity, is applied to this list because "Invitation" has already been used and the Trinity Forum seems to be the organization largely responsible for this book. An opening essay, 'The Purpose of the Invitation to the Classics', states, "Each year the Trinity Forum holds a series of forums offering those in European and American leadership circles the opportunity to engage with readings selected from classic texts of the world. Almost invariably the staff is asked to suggest a list of further texts to be read. Invitation to the Classics is the answer to countless such requests and to the wider interest in the revival of the classics that they represent." This introductory essay should be read in full; it offers an excellent defense of "great books"-like endeavors from a genuine conservative Christian perspective, not the politicized fundamentalism from which we hear so frequently in contemporary U S society. In short, while Os Guinness, the essay's author, criticizes Romanticist and Deconstruction interpretations of the arts largely for dogmatic reasons (unpersuasively), he nonetheless rightly rebukes the "cannibal" approach to the arts offered by "market totalitarianism."

  1. Iliad

  2. ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B C—Greek

  3. Odýsseia

  4. The Odyssey
    ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B C—Greek

  5. Oresteia

  6. The House of Atreus
    458 B C—Greek

  7. Promētheus Desmōtēs

  8. Prometheus Bound
    disputed authorship; Fifth Century B C—Greek

  9. Hepta epi Thēbas

  10. Seven Against Thebes
    467 B C—Greek

  11. Herodotus

  12. Historiē
    Fifth Century B C—Greek

  13. Thucydides

  14. History of the Peloponnesian War
    early Fifth Century B C—Greek

  15. Polybius

  16. Histories
    Second Century B C—Greek

  17. Livy (Titus Livius)

  18. Ab Urbe Condita Libri
    History of Rome
    First Century B C—Latin

    Cornelius Tacitus
  19. De Origine et Situ Germanorum

  20. Germania
    written ca. 98—Latin

  21. De Vita et Moribus Iulii Agricolae

  22. Agricola
    written ca. 98—Latin

  23. Dialogus de Oratoribus

  24. written ca. 102—Latin

  25. Historiae

  26. written ca. 100-10—Latin

  27. Annales>

  28. written First Century—Latin

  29. Augustine of Hippo

  30. De Civitate Dei Contra Paganos
    City of God

  31. Bede

  32. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum
    written ca. 731—Latin

  33. Edward Gibbon

  34. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
    originally published in six volumes: first, 1776; second-third, 1781; fourth-sixth, 1788—English

  35. Oidipous Tyrannos

  36. Oedipus Rex; Oedipus the King
    ca. 429 B C—Greek

  37. Oidipous epi Kolōnō>

  38. Oedipus at Colonus
    401 B C—Greek

  39. Euripides

  40. Bakchai
    The Bacchae
    405 B C—Greek

  41. Akharneîs

  42. The Acharnians
    425 B C—Greek

  43. Hippeîs

  44. The Knights
    424 B C—Greek

  45. Nephelai>

  46. The Clouds
    423 B C; revised 417 B C; only revised version remains—Greek

  47. Sphēkes

  48. The Wasps
    422 B C—Greek

  49. Eirēnē

  50. Peace
    421 B C—Greek

  51. Ornithes>

  52. The Birds
    414 B C—Greek

  53. Lysistrate>

  54. Lysistrata
    411 B C—Greek

  55. Thesmophoriazousai

  56. 411 B C—Greek

  57. Ploutos

  58. Wealth
    408 B C; revised 388 B C; only revised version remains—Greek

  59. Bátrachoi

  60. The Frogs
    405 B C—Greek

  61. Ekklesiazousai

  62. The Assemblywomen; A Parliament of Women
    391 B C—Greek

  63. Plato

  64. Politeia
    The Republic
    early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  65. Aristotle

  66. Ethika Nikomacheia>
    Nicomachean Ethics
    Fourth Century B C—Greek

  67. Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

  68. Aeneid
    First Century B C—Latin

  69. Epictetus

  70. Diatribai
    compiled by Arrian; Second Century—Greek

  71. Marcus Aurelius
    Ta Eis Heauton>
    written 161-80—Greek

    • Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Selected works
    First Century—Latin

    • Terence (Publius Terentius Afer)

    Second Century—Latin

    • Titus Maccius Plautus

    Third-early Second centuries B C—Latin

    • Epicurus

  72. Letters
    three extant letters, part of Diogenes Laërtius's Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers; Third Century—Greek

  73. Titus Lucretius Carus

  74. De Rerum Natura>
    On the Nature of Things
    First Century B C—Latin

  75. Plotinus
    Third Century—Greek

    • Lucian

  76. Selected works
    Second Century—Greek

  77. Plutarch
    Bìoi Paràllēloi>
    Parallel Lives; Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
    First Century—Greek

    • Marcus Tullius Cicero

  78. Selected works
    First Century B C—Latin

  79. Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus)

  80. Insitutio Oratoria
    ca. 95—Latin

  81. Ovid

  82. Metamorphoseon>

    Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
  83. Satirae

  84. originally published in two volumes, 35 B C and 30 B C—Latin

  85. Carmina>

  86. Odes
    originally published in four volumes: first-third, 23 B C; fourth, 13 B C—Latin

  87. Epodon

  88. Epodes
    30 B C—Latin

  89. Epistularum

  90. originally published in two volumes, 20 and 14 B C—Latin

  91. Ars Poetica
    ca. 10-8 B C—Latin

    Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca)
    • Poems

  92. Fourteenth Century—Latin

  93. Africa

  94. written ca. 1337-43—Latin

  95. Giovanni Boccaccio

  96. Il Decameron, Cognominato Prencipe Galeotto>
    ca. 1351-53—Italian

  97. Matteo Maria Boiardo

  98. Orlando Innamorato

  99. Ludovico Ariosto

  100. Orlando Furioso
    published in part, 1516; revised 1521; published in its entirety, 1532—Italian

  101. Torquato Tasso

  102. La Gerusalemme Liberata

  103. Niccolò Machiavelli
    Discorsi Sopra la Prima Deca di Tito Livio

    • Giambattista Marino

    Selected works
    early Seventeenth Century—Italian

    • Pietro Metastasio

    Selected works
    Eighteenth Century—Italian

    • Carlo Goldoni

    Selected works
    Eighteenth Century—Italian

    • Giordano Bruno

    Selected works
    late Sixteenth Century—Italian

    • Tommaso Campanella

  104. Selected works
    late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—Italian

  105. Giambattista Vico

  106. Principi di Scienza Nuova d'Intorno Alla Comune Natura Delle Nazioni
    The New Science
    1725; revised 1730 and 1744—Italian

  107. Alessandro Manzoni
    I Promessi Sposi
    The Betrothed

    • Giacomo Leopardi

    early Nineteenth CenturyItalian

    • Giosuè Carducci

    Nineteenth Century—Italian

    • Giovanni Pascoli

  108. Poems
    Nineteenth Century—Italian

  109. Francesco de Sanctis
    Storia Della Letteratura Italiana
    History of Italian Literature
    originally published in two volumes, 1870 and 1871—Italian

    • Gabriele D'Annunzio

    Selected works
    late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Italian

    • Benedetto Croce

    Selected works
    late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Italian

    • Giuseppe Ungaretti

    Twentieth Century—Italian

    • Eugenio Montale

    Twentieth Century—Italian

    • Salvatore Quasimodo

    Twentieth Century—Italian

    • Alberto Moravia

    Selected works
    Twentieth Century—Italian

    • Cesare Pavese

    Selected works
    Twentieth Century—Italian

    • Luigi Pirandello

  110. Plays
    Twentieth Century—Italian

  111. Justin Martyr

  112. The First Apology
    Second Century—Greek

  113. Irenaeus

  114. Against Heresies
    written ca. 180—Greek

  115. Tertullian

  116. De Praescriptione Haereticorum
    Prescriptions Against Heretics
    late Second-early Third centuries—Latin

  117. Origen

  118. Contra Celsum
    written 248; this work critiques The True Word by the Second-Century philosopher Celsus; it includes extensive quotations from, or perhaps the entirety of, that work, which otherwise is not extant—Greek

  119. Athanasius of Alexandria
    De Incarnatione
    On the Incarnation of the Word
    written ca. 318—Latin

    • Ambrose

    Fourth Century—Latin

    • Jerome

  120. Letters
    late Fourth-early Fifth centuries—Latin

  121. Augustine of Hippo

  122. Confessionum Libri Tredecim
    The Confessions of St. Augustine
    written 397-98—Latin

  123. Beowulf>

  124. ca. Eighth-Eleventh centuries—English

  125. Boethius

  126. Consolatio Philosophiae
    The Consolation of Philosophy
    written ca. 524—Latin

    Anselm of Canterbury
  127. Proslogion

  128. written 1077-78—Latin

  129. Cur Deus Homo
    Eleventh Century—Latin

    Bernard of Clairvaux
    • Selected Works

  130. 1987; translations by G R Evans—Latin

  131. De Consideratione

  132. Twelfth Century—Latin

  133. Itinerarium Mentis in Deum

  134. The Soul's Journey Into God
    Thirteenth Century—Latin

  135. Lignum Vitae

  136. The Tree of Life
    Thirteenth Century—Latin

  137. Legenda Maior

  138. The Life of St. Francis
    Thirteenth Century—Latin

  139. Thomas Aquinas

  140. Summa Theologiae>
    Summa Theologica
    written 1265-74—Latin

  141. La Divina Commedia

  142. The Divine Comedy
    originally entitled La Commedia; written ca. 1308-21—Italian

  143. La Vita Nuova

  144. 1295—Italian

  145. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

  146. probably the same author as Pearl (the "Gawain poet" or "Pearl poet"); late Fourteenth Century—English

  147. Geoffrey Chaucer

  148. Canterbury Tales

  149. The Second Shepherds' Play

  150. Fifteenth Century—English

  151. The Somonyng of Everyman

  152. late Fifteenth Century—English

  153. Thomas More

  154. Libellus Uere Aureus, nec Minus Salutaris Quam Festivus, de Optimo rei Publicae Statu Deque Nova Insula Utopia>

    Martin Luther
  155. De Captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae, Praeludium

  156. Von der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft der Kirche; On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church
    1520; German version published the same year—Latin

  157. Der Kleine Katechismus

  158. The Small Catechism

  159. Ronald H Bainton

  160. Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther

  161. Julian of Norwich

  162. Revelations of Divine Love
    written ca. 1395—English

  163. Thomas á Kempis

  164. De Imitatione Christi
    The Imitation of Christ
    written ca. 1418-27—Latin

  165. Francis de Sales

  166. Introduction à la Vie Dévote

  167. Brother Lawrence

  168. The Practice of the Presence of God
    Seventeenth Century; compiled by Joseph de Beaufort—English

    Jeremy Taylor
  169. Holy Living and Holy Dying
    originally published in two volumes: The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living, 1650; and The Rules and Exercises of Holy Dying, 1651—English

    • Selected Works

  170. 1990—English

  171. François Fénelon

  172. La Perfection Chrétienne

  173. John Wesley
    141 sermons; Eighteenth Century—English

    Charles Wesley
    • Hymns

    Eighteenth Century—English

    • Charles Wesley: A Reader


    John Woolman
    • The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman

  174. 1971—English

  175. The Journal of John Woolman

  176. 1774—English

    Evelyn Underhill
  177. Mysticism

  178. 1911—English

  179. The Mystic Way

    • The Evelyn Underhill Reader

  180. —English

  181. Niccolò Machiavelli

  182. Il Principe
    The Prince

  183. John Calvin

  184. Christianae Religionis Institutio
    Institutes of the Christian Religion
    1536; French translation, Institution de la Religion Chrestienne, 1541—Latin

  185. Miguel de Cervantes

  186. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha
    Don Quixote
    originally published in two volumes, 1605 and 1615—Spanish

  187. El Cantar de Mio Cid
    written ca. 1195-1207—early Iberian Romance language

    • Teresa of Ávila

    Selected works
    Sixteenth Century—Spanish

    Lope de Vega
    • Moorish and Pastoral Ballads

  188. selection of poems part of Desire's Experience Transformed: A Representative Anthology of Lope de Vega's Lyric Poetry; English translations by Carl W Cobb—Spanish

  189. Rimas Sacras

  190. 1614—Spanish

  191. Pedro Calderón de la Barca

  192. La Vida es Sueño
    Life Is a Dream

  193. Leandro Fernández de Moratín
    El Sí de las Niñas
    The Maidens' Consent

    • José de Espronceda

  194. 'La Canción del Pirata'
    'Pirate's Song'

  195. Benito Pérez Galdós

  196. Fortunato and Jacinto

  197. Miguel de Unamuno

  198. Niebla

  199. Federico García Lorca

  200. Romancero Gitano
    Gypsy Ballads
    originally entitled Primero Romancero Gitano, published 1928—Spanish

  201. Camilo José Cela

  202. La Familia de Pascual Duarte
    The Family of Pascual Duarte

    William Shakespeare
  203. Hamlet

  204. 1602—English

  205. King Lear

  206. 1606—English

  207. A Midsummer Night's Dream>

  208. ca. 1595-1600—English

  209. The Tempest>

  210. 1611—English

  211. The Winter's Tale
    ca. 1611—English

    John Donne
    • Poems

    early Seventeenth Century—English

    • 'The Flea'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Sunne Rising'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Canonization'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning'

    written ca. 1611-12; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • Holy Sonnets

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Extasie'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'A Hymne to God the Father'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Relique'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'A Nocturnall Upon S. Lucies Day, Being the Shortest Day'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'The Funerall'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'A Valediction of Weeping'

    part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

    • 'Aire and Angels'

  212. part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

  213. George Herbert

  214. The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

    John Milton
  215. Paradise Lost

  216. 1667; revised 1674—English

  217. Paradise Regained, a Poem, in IV Books, to Which Is Added Samson Agonistes

  218. 1671—English

  219. Blaise Pascal

  220. Pensées>

  221. John Bunyan

  222. The Pilgrim's Progress From This World to That Which Is to Come>

  223. Jonathan Swift

  224. Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and Then a Captain of Several Ships
    Gulliver's Travels
    1726; revised 1735—English

  225. Jonathan Edwards
    A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections

    Samuel Johnson
    • Essays from the Rambler and the Idler

  226. unspecified essays originally published in the Rambler, 1750-52; the Idler, 1758-60; Cowan and Guinness ("Trinity") also specify essays from the Adventurer, 1753-54—English

  227. The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale

  228. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia

  229. James Boswell

  230. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

  231. Francis Bacon

  232. Novum Organum Scientiarium

  233. René Descartes

  234. Discours de la Méthode Pour Bien Conduire sa Raison, et Chercher la Vérité dans les Sciences>
    Discourse on the Method

  235. Thomas Hobbes

  236. Leviathan or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil>

  237. Baruch Spinoza

  238. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
    originally anonymously published 1670—Latin

    John Locke
  239. Two Treatises of Government: In the Former, the False Principles, and Foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and His Followers, Are Detected and Overthrown. The Latter Is an Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government

  240. originally anonymously published 1689—English

  241. Epistola de Tolerantia
    1689; English version entitled A Letter Concerning Toleration published the same year—Latin

    • David Hume

  242. 'Of the Original Contract'
    part of Three Essays, Moral and Political, 1748; that book included in revised edition of Essays, Moral and Political published the same year—English

  243. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  244. Du Contrat Social ou Principes du Droit Politique>
    The Social Contract

  245. Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu

  246. De l'Esprit des Lois
    The Spirit of Laws
    originally anonymously published 1748—French

    Adam Smith
  247. The Theory of Moral Sentiments

  248. 1759—English

  249. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations>

  250. 1776; revised through third edition, 1784—English

  251. Jeremy Bentham

  252. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

    Immanuel Kant
  253. Kritik der Reinen Vernunft>
    Critique of Pure Reason
    1781; revised 1787—German

    • 'Idee zu Einer Allgemeinen Geschichte in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht'

  254. 'Idea for a Universal History With a Cosmopolitan Purpose'

  255. Zum Ewigen Frieden. Ein Philosophischer Entwurf

  256. Perpetual Peace
    1795; expanded 1796—German

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  257. Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts

  258. Elements of the Philosophy of Right

  259. Vorlesungen Über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichtem

  260. Lectures on the Philosophy of History
    1837; edited 1821, 1824, 1827, and 1831 lectures—German

  261. John Stuart Mill

  262. On Liberty>

  263. Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels

  264. Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei>
    The Communist Manifesto

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  265. Les Confessions>

  266. 1782—French

  267. Émile, ou de l'Éducation

  268. 1762—French

  269. Discours sur les Sciences et les Arts

  270. Discourse on the Arts and Sciences

  271. Discours sur l'Origine et les Fondements de l'Inégalité Parmi les Hommes
    Discourse on Inequality

    • Alexander Hamilton; John Jay; James Madison

  272. The Federalist Papers
    originally published 1787-1788 in the Independent Journal, the New-York Packet, and the Daily Advertiser—English

  273. Jane Austen

  274. Pride and Prejudice
    originally anonymously published 1813—English

  275. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    originally published in two volumes: first, Faust. Der Tragödie Erster Teil, published in part, 1790; in its entirey, 1808; revised 1829; second, Faust. Der Tragödie Zweiter Teil, 1832—German

    • William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  276. Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems
    1798; expanded 1800 and 1802—English

  277. Nibelungenlied

  278. ca. Twelfth-Thirteenth centuries—German

  279. Wolfram Von Eschenbach

  280. Parzival
    ca. early Thirteenth Century—German

    Hartmann von Aue
  281. Erec

  282. written ca. 1190—German

  283. Der Arme Heinrich

  284. written ca. 1190—German

  285. Gottfried von Strassberg
    early Thirteenth Century—German

    • Walther von der Vogelweide

    Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

    • Meister Eckhart

    Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

    • Heinrich Seuse

    Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

    • Johannes Tauler

  286. Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

  287. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

  288. Nathan der Weise

  289. Christoph Martin Wieland

  290. Geschichte des Agathon
    Story of Agathon

  291. Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock
    Der Messias
    The Messiah
    originally published serially 1748-73 in Bremer Beiträge—German

    • Matthias Claudius

  292. 'Abendlied'
    'Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen'; 'Evening Song'; 'The Moon Is Risen'

    Friedrich Schiller
  293. Die Räuber

  294. 1781—German

  295. Kabale und Liebe

  296. 1784—German

  297. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers
    The Sorrows of Young Werther
    1774; revised 1787—German

    • Friedrich Maximilian Klinger

  298. Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  299. Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre

  300. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

  301. Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, Oder Die Entsagenden

  302. Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years, or the Renunciants
    1821; revised 1829—German

  303. Die Wahlverwandtschaften

  304. Elective Affinities

    Friedrich Schiller
  305. Wallenstein

  306. three parts: Die Piccolomini, Wallensteins Lager, and Wallensteins Tod, 1798-99—German

  307. Wilhelm Tell

    • 'An die Freude'

  308. 'Ode to Joy'
    written 1785; revised 1808—German

    Johann Gottfried Herder
  309. Volkslieder Nebst Untermischten Anderen Stücken

  310. Folk Songs

  311. Vom Geiste der Ebräischen Poesie

  312. On the Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. An Instruction for Lovers of the Same and the Oldest History of the Human Spirit

    Heinrich von Kleist
  313. Amphitryon

  314. 1807—German

  315. Der Zerbrochne Krug

  316. published and performed in part, 1808; published in its entirety, 1811—German

  317. Penthesilea

  318. 1808—German

  319. Das Käthchen von Heilbronn oder Die Feuerprobe

  320. Kathie of Heilbronn or The Trial by Fire

  321. Michael Kohlhaas

  322. 1810—German

  323. Hymnen an Die Nacht
    originally published 1800 in Athenaeum—German

    • 'Die Christenheit oder Europa. Ein Fragment'

    'Christendom or Europe'
    edited lecture, originally entitled 'Europa', presented Nov. 1799; published in part, 1802, in Athenaeum; in its entirety, 1826, in Schriften—German

    • Ludwig Tieck

    Selected works
    Nineteenth Century—German

    • E T A Hoffmann

    Selected works
    Nineteenth Century—German

    • Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm

    Nineteenth Century—German

    Friedrich Hölderlin
    • 'Broud und Wein'

    'Bread and Wine'—German

    • 'Patmos'


    • 'Friedensfeier'

  324. 'Celebration of Peace'—German

    Jean Paul
  325. Titan

  326. originally published in four volumes, 1800-03—German

  327. Flegeljahre
    The Awkward Age

    • F W J von Schelling

    Selected works
    Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

    • Sigmund Freud

    Selected works
    early Twentieth Century—German

    • Carl Jung

    Selected works
    Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

    • Joseph von Eichendorff

  328. Selected works
    Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

  329. Clemens Brentano

  330. Des Knaben Wunderhorn
    The Boy's Miracle Horn

    Eduard Mörike
  331. Das Stuttgarter Hutzelmännlein

  332. The Little Gnome of Stuttgart

  333. Mozart auf der Reise Nach Prag

  334. 1856—German

    Georg Büchner
  335. Dantons Tod

  336. 1835—German

  337. Woyzeck

    • Heinrich Heine

  338. Selected works
    Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

  339. Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

  340. Die Judenbuche
    The Jew's Beech Tree

    Gerhart Hauptmann
  341. Die Weber

  342. 1892—German

  343. Hamlet im Wittenberg
    Hamlet in Wittenberg

    Rainer Marie Rilke
    • Poems

  344. early Twentiet Century—German

  345. Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge

  346. The Notebooks of Malte Laurdis Brigge

    Herman Hesse
  347. Siddhartha

  348. 1922—German

  349. Der Steppenwolf

  350. 1927—German

  351. Das Glasperlenspiel

    • Ricarda Huch

    Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

    • Gertrud von Le Fort

    Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

    • Werner Bergengruen

  352. Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

  353. Reinhold Schneider

  354. Las Casas vor Karl V
    Imperial Mission

    Ernst Jünger
  355. In Stahlgewittern

  356. 1920; revised through 1978 edition—German

  357. Auf den Marmorklippen

  358. On the Marble Cliffs

    Thomas Mann
  359. Buddenbrooks

  360. 1901—German

  361. Der Tod in Venedig

  362. Death in Venice

  363. Der Zauberberg>

  364. The Magic Mountain

  365. Joseph und Seine Brüder

  366. Joseph and His Brothers

    Hermann Broch
  367. Die Schlafwandler: Eine Romantrilogie

  368. originally published in three volumes: Pasenow; Oder, Die Romantik, 1931; Esch; Oder, Die Anarchie, 1931; and Huguenau; Oder, Die Sachlichkeit, 1932—German

  369. Der Tod des Vergil

  370. 1945; English version published simultaneously—German

  371. Robert Musil
    Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften
    The Man Without Qualities
    originally published in three volumes: 1930, 1933, and 1943—German

    Walter Benjamin
    • One-Way Street and Other Writings


    • Illuminationen: Ausgewählte Schriften

  372. 1955—German

    Heinrich Böll
  373. Haus Ohne Hüter

  374. House Without Guardians

  375. Billard um Halbzehn

  376. Billiards at Half-Past Nine

  377. Günter Grass
    Die Blechtrommel
    The Tin Drum

    John Keats
    • 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'

    originally anonymously published Jan. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode to a Nightingale'

    originally published Jul. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode on Melancholy'

    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'Ode to Psyche'

    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

    • 'To Autumn'

  378. part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

  379. Alexis de Tocqueville

  380. De la Démocratie en Amérique>
    Democracy in America
    originally published in two volumes, 1835 and 1840—French

  381. L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution

  382. 1866—French

    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  383. Essays: First Series

  384. 1841—English

  385. Essays: Second Series

  386. 1844—English

  387. Frederick Douglass

  388. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

  389. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    The Scarlet Letter

    • Emily Dickinson

  390. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson

  391. Herman Melville

  392. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale

  393. Gustave Flaubert

  394. Madame Bovary
    originally published serially Oct. 1856-Dec. 1856 in La Revue de Paris—French

  395. La Chanson de Roland

  396. ca. Eleventh Century—French

  397. François Villon

  398. Le Grand Testament Villon et le Petit. Son Codicille. Le Jargon et Ses Ballades

  399. François Rabelais

  400. La Vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel
    originally published in five volumes: Les Horribles et Épouvantables Faits et Prouesses du Très Renommé Pantagruel Roi des Dipsodes, Fils du Grand Géant Gargantua, 1532; La Vie Très Horrifique du Grand Gargantua, Père de Pantagruel, 1534; Le Tiers Livre des Faicts et Dicts Héroïques du Bon Pantagruel, 1546; Le Quart Livre des Faicts et Dicts Héroïques du Bon Pantagruel, 1552; Le Cinquiesme et Dernier Livre des Faicts et Dicts Héroïques du Bon Pantagruel, 1564—French

  401. Michel de Montaigne

  402. Les Essais
    originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

  403. Pierre Corneille

  404. Le Cid

    Jean Racine
  405. Phèdre>

  406. 1677—French

  407. Esther

  408. 1689—French

  409. Athalie

  410. 1691—French

  411. Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur>

  412. 1664—French

  413. Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire Amoureux>

  414. The Misanthrope

  415. L'Avare ou L'École du Mensonge

  416. The Miser

  417. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme

  418. 1670—French

  419. Le Médecin Malgre Lui

  420. 1666—French

  421. Le Malade Imaginaire

  422. The Imaginary Invalid

  423. Jean de la Fontaine

  424. Fables
    originally published in 12 volumes: first-sixth, 1668; seventh-eleventh, 1678; twelfth, 1694—French

  425. Blaise Pascal

  426. Lettres Provinciales

  427. Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu

  428. Lettres Persanes

  429. Voltaire
    Candide, ou L'Optimisme

    • Denis Diderot et al.

  430. Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers
    published in 28 volumes, 1751-72—French

  431. Le Rouge et le Noir, Chronique du XIXe Siècle>

  432. The Red and the Black

  433. Le Chartreuse de Parme>
    The Charterhouse of Parma

    • Honoré de Balzac

  434. La Comédie Humaine
    collective name for 91 finished and 46 unfinished works; Nineteenth Century—French

    Gustave Flaubert
  435. La Tentation de Sainte Antoine

  436. published in part, 1856; in its entirety, 1874—French

  437. Trois Contes

  438. 1877—French

  439. Émile Zola

  440. Nana
    originally published serially 1879-80 in La Voltaire—French

    Victor Hugo
  441. Notre-Dame de Paris

  442. The Hunchback of Notre Dame

  443. Les Misérables>

  444. 1862—French

  445. La Légende des Siècles

  446. originally published in three volumes: 1859, 1877, and 1883—French

  447. Charles Baudelaire
    Les Fleurs du Mal
    The Flowers of Evil

    • Paul Verlaine

    late Nineteenth Century—French

    Arthur Rimbaud
    • 'Le Bateau Ivre'

  448. 'The Drunken Boat'
    written 1871—English

  449. Une Saison en Enfer

  450. A Season in Hell

  451. Les Illuminations

  452. published in part serially May-Jun. 1886 in La Vogue; in its entirety later the same year—French

  453. Stéphane Mallarmé

  454. Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard
    originally published May 1897 in Cosmopolis; published separately 1914—French

    Paul Claudel
  455. Tête d'Or

  456. Head of Gold

  457. L'Echange

  458. The Exchange

  459. Le Partage de Midi

  460. The Break at Noon

  461. L'Annonce Faite à Marie

  462. The Annunciation to Mary

  463. Le Soulier de Satin

  464. The Satin Slipper

    André Gide
  465. La Symphonie Pastorale

  466. The Pastoral Symphony

  467. Les Faux-Monnayeurs

  468. originally published 1925 in Nouvelle Revue Française—French

  469. Marcel Proust
    À la Recherche du Temps Perdu>
    In Search of Lost Time; In Remembrance of Things Past
    originally published in seven volumes, two of which originally published as two books each, 1913-27—French

    Paul Valéry
    • 'La Cimetière Marin'

  470. 'The Cemetery by the Sea'
    originally published 1922 in Charmes; ou Poès;mes—French

  471. La Soirée de Monsieur Teste

  472. 1896—French

  473. Poesies

  474. 1931—French

  475. Mon Faust

  476. 1946—French

    Jean-Paul Sartre
  477. Les Mouches

  478. The Flies

  479. Huis Clos

  480. No Exit

  481. La Nausée

  482. Nausea

    Albert Camus
  483. L'Étranger>

  484. The Stranger

  485. La Peste

  486. The Plague

  487. Charles Dickens

  488. Great Expectations>
    originally published serially Dec. 1860-Aug. 1861 in All the Year Round—English

  489. John Henry Newman

  490. Apologia pro Vita Sua
    1864; revised 1865—English

  491. Sǿren Kierkegaard

  492. Frygt og Baeven
    Fear and Trembling
    originally published under the pseudonym, Johannes de Silentio, 1843—Danish

  493. George Eliot
    Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life
    originally published serially Dec. 1871-Dec. 1872—English

    Gerard Manley Hopkins
    • The Poetical Works of Hopkins

  494. 1989; edited by Norman Mackenzie—English

    Leo Tolstoy
  495. Anna Karenina>

  496. published in part serially 1873-7 in Rússkij Véstnik; in its entirety, 1877—Russian

  497. Voyna i Mir"

  498. War and Peace
    originally entitled 1805, published in part, 1865 and 1867; retitled and published in its entirety, 1869—Russian

  499. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  500. Brat'â Karamazovy
    The Brothers Karamazov
    originally published serially 1880 in Rússkij Véstnik—Russian

    Henry James
  501. The Portrait of a Lady>

  502. originally published serially Oct. 1880-Nov. 1881 in Macmillan's and Nov. 1880-Dec. 1881 in the Atlantic Monthly—English

  503. The American

  504. originally publishsed serially 1876-77 in the Atlantic Monthly; revised 1907—English

  505. The Europeans

  506. originally published serially Jul.-Oct. 1878 in the Atlantic Monthly—English

  507. The Ambassadors>

  508. originally published serially 1903 in the North American Review—English

  509. The Turn of the Screw

  510. originally published in The Two Magics, with a second novella, Covering End, 1898—English

  511. Leon Edel

  512. The Life of Henry James
    originally published in five volumes: Henry James: The Untried Years: 1843-1870, 1953; Henry James: The Conquest of London: 1870-1881, 1962; Henry James: The Middle Years: 1882-1895, 1962; Henry James: The Treacherous Years: 1895-1901, 1969; Henry James: The Master: 1901-1916, 1972 —English

    Mark Twain
  513. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  514. 1884—English

  515. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  516. 1876—English

  517. Life on the Mississippi

    • Charles Darwin

  518. Selected works
    unspecified selection—English

  519. Friedrich Nietzsche

  520. Götzen-Dämmerung, Oder, Wie Man mit dem Hammer Philosophirt
    Twilight of the Idols

  521. Joseph Conrad

  522. Heart of Darkness>
    originally published serially Feb.-Apr. 1899 in Blackwood's—English

  523. James Joyce

  524. Dubliners

  525. Franz Kafka
    Der Prozess>
    The Trial

    William Butler Yeats
    • The Collected Poems of W B Yeats

  526. 1933; expanded 1950; revised 1956; includes The Wind Among the Reeds [1899]; The Shadowy Waters [originally published May 1900 in the North American Review; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905; theatrical version published separately 1906; both versions included here]; Michael Robartes and the Dancer [1921]; The Tower [1928]; The Winding Stair [1929]; Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems [1932]; New Poems [1938]; selections from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, 1889; The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; In the Seven Woods: Being Poems Chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age, 1904; The Green Helmet and Other Poems, 1910; Responsibilities, 1914; The Wild Swans at Coole, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, 1917, expanded 1919; A Full Moon in March, 1935; and Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939—English

  527. The Wind Among the Reeds

  528. 1899—English

  529. The Shadowy Waters

  530. 1900; originally published May 1900 in the North American Review; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905; theatrical version published separately 1906; both versions included in the author's collected poems—English

  531. Michael Robartes and the Dancer

  532. 1920—English

  533. The Tower

  534. 1928; originally published as Seven Poems and a Fragment, 1922; The Cat and the Moon, 1924; and October Blast, 1927—English

  535. The Winding Stair

  536. 1929—English

  537. Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems

  538. 1932—English

  539. New Poems

  540. 1938—English

  541. T S Eliot
    Four Quartets
    originally published in four volumes: Burnt Norton, in Collected Poems 1909-1935, 1936; East Coker, in the New English Weekly, 1940; The Dry Salvages, in the New English Weekly, 1941; Little Gidding, in the New English Weekly, 1942—English

    Robert Frost
    • The Poetry of Robert Frost

  542. 1969; includes A Boy's Will [1913; revised 1930]; North of Boston [1914]; Mountain Interval [1916; expanded 1930]; New Hampshire [1923]; West-Running Brook [1928; expanded 1930]; A Further Range [1936]; A Witness Tree [1942]; A Masque of Reason [1945]; Steeple Bush [1947]; A Masque of Mercy [1947]; In the Clearing [1962]; plus two of the three poems in the section entitled An Afterword, from the Collected Poems [1949; see above], the other poem having been made part of In the Clearing—English

  543. A Boy's Will

  544. 1913; revised 1930—English

  545. North of Boston

  546. 1914; revised 1930—English

  547. Mountain Interval

  548. 1916; revised 1930—English

  549. New Hampshire

  550. 1923—English

  551. West-Running Brook

  552. 1928; expanded 1930—English

  553. A Further Range

  554. 1936—English

  555. A Witness Tree

  556. 1942—English

  557. A Masque of Reason

  558. 1945—English

  559. Steeple Bush

  560. 1947—English

  561. A Masque of Mercy

  562. 1947—English

  563. In a Clearing

    • H D (Hilda Doolittle)

  564. Selected works
    unspecified selection—English

  565. Ezra Pound

  566. Cantos
    published in part in Poetry, Jun.-Aug. 1917; the Criterion, Jul. 1923; the Transatlantic Review, Jan. 1924; and in the following volumes: The Fourth Canto, 1919; A Draft of XVI Cantos, 1925; A Draft of Cantos 17-27, 1928; A Draft of XXX Cantos, 1930; Eleven New Cantos XXXI-XLI, 1934; The Fifth Decad of Cantos, 1937; Cantos LII-LXXI, 1940; The Pisan Cantos, 1948; Seventy Cantos, 1950; Section: Rock-Drill, 85-95 de los Cantares, 1955; Thrones: 96-109 de los Cantares, 1959; Drafts and Fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII, 1968; in its entirety, revised and expanded, 1987—English

  567. William Carlos Williams
    originally published in five volumes: 1946, 1948, 1949, 1951, and 1958—English

    • Marianne Moore

    unspecified selection—English

    • John Crowe Ransom

    unspecified selection; Twentieth Century—English

    • A E Housman

    unspecified selection; Twentieth Century—English

    • Wallace Stevens

  568. 'Reality Is an Activity of the Most August Imagination'

  569. Samuel Beckett
    En Attendant Godot>
    Waiting for Godot

    • Eugène Scribe

  570. Selected works
    unspecified selection; Nineteenth Century—French

    Henrik Ibsen
  571. Et Dukkehjem>

  572. A Doll's House

  573. Gengangere

  574. Ghosts

  575. George Bernard Shaw

  576. Pygmalion

  577. Oscar Wilde

  578. The Importance of Being Earnest

  579. Anton Chekhov

  580. Višhnëvyj Sad
    The Cherry Orchard

  581. John Millington Synge
    The Playboy of the Western World

    • August Strindberg

    Selected works
    unspecified selection—Swedish

    • Bertolt Brecht

  582. Selected works
    unspecified selections—German

  583. Thornton Wilder

  584. Our Town

  585. Eugene O'Neill

  586. Long Day's Journey Into Night

  587. Eugène Ionesco

  588. Rhinocéros

  589. Peter Shaffer

  590. Equus

  591. Timberlake Wertenbaker

  592. Our Country's Good

  593. David Henry Hwang

  594. M Butterfly

  595. C S Lewis

  596. The Screwtape Letters

  597. William Faulkner

  598. Go Down, Moses
    1942; published in part in varied periodicals: 'The Old People', Sep. 1940 in Harper's; 'The Bear', May 1941 in the Saturday Evening Post, and later revised for inclusion in Big Woods, 1955; 'Delta Autumn', May-Jun. 1942 in Story; and 'Go Down, Moses', Jan. 1941 in Collier's—English

  599. Simone Weil

  600. Attente de Dieu
    Waiting for God

  601. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Widerstand und Ergebung. Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft
    Letters and Papers From Prison

    Flannery O'Connor
    • 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'

    originally published 1953 in Modern Writing I; included in A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories, 1955—English

    • 'Greenleaf'

    part of Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965—English

    • 'Revelation'

  602. part of Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965—English

  603. Wise Blood

  604. published in part, Apr. 1948, as 'The Train', Sewanee Review; Feb. 1949, as 'The Heart of the Park', in the Partisan Review; Dec. 1949, as 'The Peeler', in the Partisan Review; and Apr. 1952, as 'Enoch and the Gorilla', in New World Writing; in its entirety, 1952—English

  605. The Violent Bear It Away

  606. 1960; first chapter is revised version of 'You Can't Be Any Poorer Than Dead', New World Writing, Oct. 1955—English

  607. Alexander Solzhenitsyn
    Odîn den' Ivána Denîsoviča
    A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    originally published Nov. 1962 in Nóvyj Mîr—Russian

    • Jorge Luis Borges

  608. Labyrinths
    English translations of stories mostly originally published in Ficciones and El Aleph—Spanish

    Italo Calvino
  609. Il Barone Rampante

  610. The Baron in the Trees

  611. Le Cosmicomiche

  612. Cosmicomics

  613. Le Città Invisibili

  614. Invisible Cities

    Gabriel García Márquez
  615. Cien Anõs de Soledad>

  616. One Hundred Years of Solitude

  617. El Amor en los Tiempos del Cólera
    Love in the Time of Cholera

    • Leaf Storm and Other Stories

  618. 1972—Spanish

  619. La Hojarasca
    Leaf Storm

    • No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories

  620. 1968—Spanish

  621. El Coronel No Tiene Quien le Escriba

  622. No One Writes to the Colonel

  623. Isabel Allende
    La Casa de los Espíritus
    The House of Spirits

    • Robert Hayden

  624. Collected Poems
    1985; includes A Ballad of Remembrance [1962]; Words in the Mourning Time [1970]; The Night-Blooming Cereus [1972]; Angle of Ascent [1975]; American Journal [1982]—English

  625. A Ballad of Remembrance

  626. 1962—English

  627. Words in the Mourning Time

  628. 1970—English

  629. The Night-Blooming Cereus

  630. 1972—English

  631. Angle of Ascent

  632. 1975—English

  633. American Journal

  634. 1982—English

  635. Zora Neale Hurston

  636. Their Eyes Were Watching God

  637. Toni Morrison

  638. Beloved

    Wole Soyinka
  639. A Dance of the Forest

  640. 1960—English

  641. Death and the King's Horsemen

  642. 1975—English

  643. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (James Ngugi)

  644. Petals of Blood
    1977—English; Gikuyu

    Salman Rushdie
  645. Midnight's Children

  646. 1981—English

  647. The Satanic Verses

    Octavio Paz
    • The Collected Poems 1957-1987

  648. 1987; includes Piedra de Sol [1957]; Blanco [1967]; Topoemas [1968]; Ladera Este (1962-1968) [1969]; Pasado en Claro [1975]; nearly all of Salamandra (1958-1961) [1962] and Vuelta [1976]; all but one poem from Árbol Adentro [1987]; and Paz and Charles Tomlinson's Hijos del Aire (Airborn) [1979]; for the selections through Vuelta, the versions from Poems (1935-1975) are used—Spanish

  649. Piedra de Sol

  650. 1957—Spanish

  651. Salamandra (1958-1961)

  652. 1962—Spanish

  653. Blanco

  654. 1967—Spanish

  655. Topoemas

  656. 1968—Spanish

  657. Ladera Este (1962-1968)

  658. 1969—Spanish

  659. Pasado en Claro

  660. 1975—Spanish

  661. Vuelta

  662. 1976—Spanish

  663. Árbol Adentro

  664. 1987—Spanish

    Octavio Paz; Charles Tomlinson
  665. Hijos del Aire
    1979—Spanish; English

    Adrienne Rich
    • Adrienne Rich's Poetry and Prose


    • Derek Walcott

    Collected Poems 1948-184
    1986; selections from In a Green Light: Poems 1948-1960, 1962; Selected Poems, 1964; Castaway and Other Poems, 1965; The Gulf and Other Poems, 1969; Another Life, 1973; Sea Graves, 1976; The Star-Apple Kingdom, 1979; The Fortunate Traveller, 1981; Midsummer, 1984—English

    • Seamus Heaney

  666. Selected Poems, 1966-1987
    1990; selections from Death of a Naturalist, 1966; Door Into the Dark, 1969; Wintering Out, 1972; Stations, 1975; North, 1975; Field Work, 1979; Sweeney Astray, 1983; Station Island, 1984; The Haw Lantern, 1987—English

  667. Joseph Brodsky

  668. Chast' Rechi: Stikhotvoreniia 1972-76
    A Part of Speech