Greater Books

*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *StJohns* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Oriental* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Utne* *Campbell* *Norway* *Landmarks* *Dirda* *Great* *Guardian* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Van Doren* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Recommended* *Educated*

Robert B. Downs, Molders of the Modern Mind: 111 Books That Shaped Western Civilization [1961]; Famous Books Ancient and Medieval: Outlines of 108 Great Works That Have Shaped Modern Civilization [1964]

227 entries: 203 monographical, 24 otherwise

Unranked—arranged chronologically, except nos. 201-3, from Books That Changed the World [1978], which otherwise consists of entries already found in Molders and Famous

These two books together form a single list that covers all of literary history: the earlier begins chronologically where the later stops. However, these two books overlap with a third, Books That Changed the World (published in two significantly-different editions, 1956 and 1978) in a jumbled way. Simply put, essays from the '56 book appeared in Molders, but the latter overall has a larger number of essays. Meanwhile, Downs wrote Famous Books, since the first edition of Books That Changed the World included only post-medieval works (that is, it could be considered a first version of Molders). So, the '78 second edition of Books adds to the first: several essays from Famous, a few of the essays unique to Molders, and an essay on Rachel Carson originally published in another Downs work, Books That Changed America. In short, Books That Changed the World is almost irrelevant to this project, because nearly all of its selections are also found in Famous and Molders. The Carson essay is not in either of those, and the selections for two authors, Marx and Freud, are different in Books than they are in Molders. These Carson, Marx, and Freud selections not found in Molders are thus included in the final list here.

  1. The Book of the Dead

  2. The Book of Coming Forth by Day
    varying versions; written ca. Sixteenth-First centuries B C—Egyptian

  3. Hammurabi

  4. The Code of Hammurabi
    ca. 1770 B C—Akkadian

  5. The Bible

  6. Downs also lists John Wycliffe's 1382 English translation of the Vulgate [see below]—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

  7. Iliad

  8. ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B C—Greek

  9. Odýsseia

  10. The Odyssey
    ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B C—Greek

  11. Hesiod
    Erga kai Hēmerai
    Works and Days
    ca. Eighth-Seventh centuries B C—Greek

    • Solon

    late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek

    • Aesop

    ca. late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek

    • Tripitaka

  12. ca. Sixth-Fifth centuries B C; Sanskrit translations extant—Pali

  13. Confucius (Kǒng Zǐ) (Kǒng Fūzǐ) (K'ung Fu-tzu)

  14. Analects
    Lún Yǔ
    written and compiled by the author's pupils; ca. Fifth Century B C-Second Century—Chinese

  15. Promētheus Desmōtēs

  16. Prometheus Bound
    disputed authorship; Fifth Century B C—Greek

  17. Oresteia

  18. The House of Atreus
    458 B C—Greek

  19. Pindar

  20. Epinikia
    Victory Odes
    Fifth Century B C—Greek

  21. Antigone

  22. ca. 441 B C—Greek

  23. Oidipous epi Kolōnō

  24. Oedipus at Colonus
    401 B C—Greek

  25. Oidipous Tyrannos

  26. Oedipus Rex; Oedipus the King
    ca. 429 B C—Greek

  27. Herodotus

  28. Historiē
    Fifth Century B C—Greek

  29. Mēdeia

  30. Medea
    431 B C—Greek

  31. Hippolytos

  32. 428 B C—Greek

  33. Trōiades

  34. The Trojan Woman
    415 B C—Greek

  35. Bakchai
    The Bacchae
    405 B C—Greek

    • Hippocrates

  36. Aphorisms
    part of the Hippocratic Corpus; late Fifth-early Fourth centuries B C—Greek

  37. Thucydides

  38. History of the Peloponnesian War
    early Fifth Century B C—Greek

  39. Nephelai

  40. The Clouds
    423 B C; revised 417 B C; only revised version remains—Greek

  41. Ornithes

  42. The Birds
    414 B C—Greek

  43. Lysistrate

  44. Lysistrata
    411 B C—Greek

  45. Bátrachoi

  46. The Frogs
    405 B C—Greek

  47. Xenophon

  48. Anabasis
    early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  49. Symposium

  50. early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  51. Apologia Socratis

  52. The Apology
    early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  53. Crito

  54. early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  55. Phaedo

  56. early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  57. Politeia

  58. The Republic
    early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  59. Statesman

  60. early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  61. Laws

  62. early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  63. Timaeus

  64. early Fourth Century B C—Greek

  65. First Philippic

  66. ca. 351-50 B C—Greek

  67. Second Philippic

  68. ca. 344-43 B C—Greek

  69. Third Philippic

  70. 341 B C—Greek

  71. Politik

  72. Politics
    Fourth Century B C—Greek

  73. Organon

  74. Fourth Century B C—Greek

  75. History of Animals

  76. Fourth Century B C—Greek

  77. Physics

  78. Fourth Century B C—Greek

  79. On the Heavens

  80. written 350 B C—Greek

  81. Meteorology

  82. Fourth Century B C—Greek

  83. Mechanics

  84. Fourth Century B C—Greek

  85. Ethika Nikomacheia

  86. Nicomachean Ethics
    Fourth Century B C—Greek

  87. Rhetoric

  88. Fourth Century B C—Greek

  89. Peri Poiêtikês

  90. De Poetica; Poetics
    Fourth Century B C—Greek

  91. Historia Plantarum

  92. Inquiry Into Plants
    Fourth-early Third centuries B C—Greek

  93. On the Causes of Plants

  94. Fourth-early Third centuries B C—Greek

  95. Perikeiromene

  96. ca. 314-13 B C—Greek

  97. Dyskolos

  98. ca. 317-16 B C—Greek

  99. Samia

  100. ca. 315-09 B C—Greek

  101. Epitrepontes

  102. Fourt Century B C—Greek

  103. Euclid

  104. Elements
    written ca. 300 B C—Greek

  105. Archimedes
    On the Sphere and Cylinder
    circa 225 B C—Greek

    • Titus Maccius Plautus

  106. Plays
    Third-early Second centuries B C—Latin

  107. Cato the Elder (Marcus Porcius Cato)

  108. De Agri Cultura
    written ca. 160 B C—Latin

  109. Polybius
    Second Century B C—Greek

    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    • Speeches

    First Century B C—Latin

    • Letters

    First Century B C—Latin

    • "Philosophical Essays"

  110. First Century B C—Latin

  111. De Re Publica

  112. written 54-51 B C—Latin

  113. De Legibus

  114. First Century B C—Latin

  115. Caius Julius Caesar

  116. Commentarii de Bello Gallico
    ca. 40 B C—Latin

  117. Titus Lucretius Carus

  118. De Rerum Natura
    On the Nature of Things
    First Century B C—Latin

    Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  119. The Conspiracy of Cataline

  120. First Century—Latin

  121. The Jugurthine War

  122. First Century—Latin

  123. Catullus

  124. Poems
    First Century B C—Latin

  125. Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

  126. Aeneid
    First Century B C—Latin

    Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
  127. Satirae

  128. originally published in two volumes, 35 B C and 30 B C—Latin

  129. Carmina

  130. Odes
    originally published in four volumes: first-third, 23 B C; fourth, 13 B C—Latin

  131. Epistularum

  132. originally published in two volumes, 20 and 14 B C—Latin

  133. Strabo

  134. Geographica
    7 B C—Greek

  135. Livy (Titus Livius)

  136. Ab Urbe Condita Libri
    History of Rome
    First Century B C—Latin

  137. Aulus Cornelius Celsus
    De Medicina
    First Century B C—Latin

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    • "Moral Essays"

    First Century—Latin

    • Plays

  138. First Century—Latin

  139. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

  140. De Architectura
    Ten Books on Architecture
    written ca. 15 B C—Latin

  141. Pliny the Elder

  142. Naturalis Historia
    ca. 77-9—Latin

  143. Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus)

  144. Insitutio Oratoria
    ca. 95—Latin

  145. Pedanius Dioscorides

  146. De Materia Medica
    First Century—Greek

  147. Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)

  148. Epigrams

  149. Plutarch

  150. Bìoi Paràllēloi
    Parallel Lives; Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
    First Century—Greek

  151. Cornelius Tacitus

  152. Annales
    written First Century—Latin

  153. Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

  154. Satires
    late First-early Second centuries—Latin

  155. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus

  156. De Vita Caesarum
    The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
    written 121—Latin

  157. Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus)
    Geographike Hyphegesis
    Second Century—Greek

    • "Dialogues"

  158. Second Century—Greek

  159. Verae Historiae

  160. True History
    Second Century—Greek

  161. Galen

  162. De Naturalibus Facultatibus
    On the Natural Faculties
    First Century—Latin

  163. Talmud

  164. Shas
    Aramaic; Hebrew

  165. Diogenes Laërtius

  166. Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
    Third Century—Greek

    Augustine of Hippo
  167. Confessionum Libri Tredecim

  168. The Confessions of St. Augustine
    written 397-98—Latin

  169. De Civitate Dei Contra Paganos

  170. City of God

  171. Flavius Anicius Justinianus (Justinian I)

  172. Corpus Juris Civilis

  173. Quran

  174. Koran
    Seventh Century—Arabic

  175. Bede

  176. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum
    written ca. 731—Latin

  177. Kitab alf Laylah Wa-Laylah

  178. The Thousand and One Nights; The Arabian Nights
    Ninth-Fifteenth centuries—Arabic

  179. Avicenna

  180. Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb
    The Canon of Medicine

  181. Geoffrey of Monmouth

  182. Historia Regum Britanniae
    written ca. 1136—Latin

  183. John of Salisbury

  184. Policraticus, Sive de Nugis Curialium et de Vestigiis Philosophorum

  185. Stephen Langton et al.

  186. Magna Carta
    Magna Carta Libertatum

  187. Roger Bacon

  188. Opus Majus

  189. Thomas Aquinas

  190. Summa Theologiae
    Summa Theologica
    written 1265-74—Latin

  191. Marco Polo and Rustichello da Pisa

  192. Livre des Merveilles du Monde
    ca. 1300—French

  193. Dante

  194. La Divina Commedia
    The Divine Comedy
    originally entitled La Commedia; written ca. 1308-21—Italian

  195. Giovanni Boccaccio
    Il Decameron, Cognominato Prencipe Galeotto
    ca. 1351-53—Italian

    • The Bible [translation]

  196. John Wycliffe's 1382 English translation of the Vulgate [see above]—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

  197. Geoffrey Chaucer

  198. Canterbury Tales

  199. Christopher Columbus

  200. Epistola de Insulis Nuper Repertis

  201. Desiderius Erasmus

  202. Stultitiae Laus
    In Praise of Folly
    1511; later revised—Latin

  203. Thomas More

  204. Libellus Uere Aureus, nec Minus Salutaris Quam Festivus, de Optimo rei Publicae Statu Deque Nova Insula Utopia

  205. Martin Luther

  206. An den Christlichen Adel Deutscher Nation
    Address to the Christian Nobility

  207. Niccolò Machiavelli

  208. Il Principe
    The Prince

  209. John Calvin

  210. Christianae Religionis Institutio
    Institutes of the Christian Religion
    1536; French translation, Institution de la Religion Chrestienne, 1541—Latin

  211. Nicolas Copernicus

  212. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
    On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

  213. Andreas Vesalius

  214. De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem

  215. Jean Bodin

  216. Les Six Livres de la République
    1576; revised and expanded Latin translation published 1586—French

  217. Michel de Montaigne

  218. Les Essais
    originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

  219. William Gilbert

  220. De Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure
    On the Magnet

  221. William Shakespeare

  222. Hamlet

  223. Francis Bacon

  224. Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human

  225. Miguel de Cervantes

  226. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha
    Don Quixote
    originally published in two volumes, 1605 and 1615—Spanish

    Johannes Kepler
  227. Astronomia Nova

  228. 1609—Latin

  229. Harmonices Mundi

  230. The Harmony of the World

  231. Hugo Grotius

  232. De Jure Belli ac Pacis
    On the Law of War and Peace

  233. William Harvey

  234. Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus
    On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals

  235. Galileo

  236. Dialogo Sopra i due Massimi Sistemi del Mondo
    Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

  237. René Descartes

  238. Discours de la Méthode Pour Bien Conduire sa Raison, et Chercher la Vérité dans les Sciences
    Discourse on the Method

  239. John Milton

  240. Areopagitica; A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, to the Parliament of England

  241. Thomas Hobbes

  242. Leviathan or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil

  243. Robert Boyle

  244. The Sceptical Chymist: or Chymico-Physical Doubts and Paradoxes

  245. Robert Hooke

  246. Micrographica: Or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses With Observations and Inquiries Thereupon

  247. John Bunyan

  248. The Pilgrim's Progress From This World to That Which Is to Come

  249. Isaac Newton

  250. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
    The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
    1687; revised 1713 and 1726—Latin

  251. John Locke

  252. Two Treatises of Government: In the Former, the False Principles, and Foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and His Followers, Are Detected and Overthrown. The Latter Is an Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government
    originally anonymously published 1689—English

  253. Pierre Bayle

  254. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique
    1697; expanded 1702—French

  255. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek

  256. Letters to the Royal Society
    written 1673-1723; French translations published in part in Philosophical Transactions and Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris—Dutch

  257. Daniel Defoe

  258. The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner
    originally anonymously published 1719—English

  259. Giambattista Vico

  260. Principi di Scienza Nuova d'Intorno Alla Comune Natura Delle Nazioni
    The New Science
    1725; revised 1730 and 1744—Italian

  261. Jonathan Swift

  262. Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and Then a Captain of Several Ships
    Gulliver's Travels
    1726; revised 1735—English

  263. Carlos Linneaus

  264. Systema Naturae
    1735; revised through twelfth edition, 1766-8—Latin

  265. Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
    De l'Esprit des Lois
    The Spirit of Laws
    originally anonymously published 1748—French

    • Denis Diderot et al.

  266. Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers
    published in 28 volumes, 1751-72—French

  267. Samuel Johnson

  268. A Dictionary of the English Language

  269. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  270. Du Contrat Social ou Principes du Droit Politique
    The Social Contract

  271. Voltaire

  272. Dictionnaire Philosophique

  273. Cesare Beccaria

  274. Dei Delitti e Delle Pene
    On Crimes and Punishments

  275. William Blackstone

  276. Commentaries on the Laws of England
    originally published in four volumes, 1765-69—English

  277. Thomas Jefferson

  278. A Summary View of the Rights of British America

  279. Adam Smith

  280. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
    1776; revised through third edition, 1784—English

  281. Thomas Paine

  282. Common Sense; Addresed to the Inhabitants of America

  283. Edward Gibbon
    The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
    originally published in six volumes: first, 1776; second-third, 1781; fourth-sixth, 1788—English

    • Alexander Hamilton; John Jay; James Madison

  284. The Federalist Papers
    originally published 1787-1788 in the Independent Journal, the New-York Packet, and the Daily Advertiser—English

  285. James Hutton

  286. Theory of the Earth
    edited 1785 lectures; originally entitled Theory of the Earth; or an Investigation of the Laws Observable in the Composition, Dissolution, and Restoration of Land Upon the Globe, published 1788 in Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; first book version, entitled Theory of the Earth; With Proofs and Illustrations, published 1795—English

  287. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

  288. Traité Élémentaire de Chimie, Présenté dans un Ordre Nouveau et d'Après les Découvertes Modernes

  289. Jeremy Bentham

  290. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

  291. Edmund Burke

  292. Reflections on the Revolution in France

  293. Benjamin Franklin

  294. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
    French translation published 1791 as Mémoires de la Vie Privée de Benjamin Franklin; first-third parts of the original English published 1818 as volume one of Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin; original English published in its entirety, 1868—English

  295. Mary Wollstonecraft

  296. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

  297. William Godwin

  298. An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness

  299. Marquis de Condorcet (Nicolas de Condorcet)

  300. Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain qui fut Publié Après Sa Mort

  301. Immanuel Kant

  302. Zum Ewigen Frieden. Ein Philosophischer Entwurf
    Perpetual Peace
    1795; expanded 1796—German

  303. Edward Jenner

  304. An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae

  305. Thomas Robert Malthus

  306. An Essay on the Principle of Population
    originally anonymously published 1798; revised 1803 and published under the author's name—English

  307. Pierre-Simon Laplace

  308. Mécanique Céleste
    originally published in five volumes, 1799-1825—French

  309. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

  310. Wie Gertrud Ihre Kinder Lehrt
    How Gertrude Teaches Her Children

  311. Johann Gottlieb Fichte

  312. Reden an Die Dutsche Nation

  313. John Dalton

  314. A New System of Chemical Philosophy

  315. Robert Owen

  316. A New View Of Society: Or, Essays on the Formation of Human Character, and the Application of the Principle to Practice
    1813; retitled A New View Of Society: Or, Essays on the Formation of Human Character Prepatory to the Development of a Plan for Gradually Ameliorating the Condition of Mankind, 1816—English

  317. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

  318. Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts
    Elements of the Philosophy of Right

  319. Noah Webster

  320. An American Dictionary of the English Language
    originally entitled A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, published 1806; retitled, revised, and expanded 1828; revised and expanded 1841; later editions considered distinct works—English

  321. Charles Lyell

  322. Principles of Geology: Being an Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes Now in Operation
    originally published in three volumes: 1830, 1832, and 1833—English

  323. Auguste Comte

  324. Cours de Philosophie Positive
    originally published in six volumes, 1832, 1835, 1838-42—French

  325. Carl von Clausewitz

  326. Vom Kriege
    On War

  327. Alexis de Tocqueville
    De la Démocratie en Amérique
    Democracy in America
    originally published in two volumes, 1835 and 1840—French

    • William Holmes McGuffey

  328. "Eclectic Readers"
    four educational books published 1836-7 providing reading lessons and excerpts of varied literary works for primary-level students—English

  329. Michael Faraday

  330. Experimental Researches in Electricity
    originally published in two volumes, 1839 and 1844—English

  331. Louis Agassiz

  332. Études sur les Glaciers

  333. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

  334. Qu'est-ce Que la Popriété? Ou Recherche sur le Principe du Droit et du Gouvernment

  335. Thomas Carlyle

  336. Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History

    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  337. Essays: First Series

  338. 1841—English

  339. Essays: Second Series

  340. 1844—English

  341. Alexander von Humboldt

  342. Kosmos. Entwurf Einer Physischen Weltbeschreibung
    originally published in five volumes, 1845-62—German

  343. Hermann von Helmholtz

  344. Über die Erhaltung der Kraft

  345. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
    Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
    The Communist Manifesto

    • Henry David Thoreau

  346. 'Civil Disobedience'
    originally published 1849 in Aesthetic Papers—English

  347. Harriet Beecher Stowe

  348. Uncle Tom's Cabin

  349. Charles Dickens
    Hard Times - For These Times
    originally published serially Apr.-Aug. 1854 in Household Words—English

    • Louis Pasteur

  350. 'Mémoire sur la Fermentation Appelée Lactique'
    'Treatise on the Fermentation Known as Lactic'
    published in part 1857 in Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences; in its entirety, 1858, in Annales de Chimie et de Physique—French

  351. Charles Darwin
    On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

    • Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas

  352. Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois
    1860; edited Aug.-Oct. 1858 debates—English

  353. John Stuart Mill

  354. On Liberty

  355. Victor Hugo
    Les Misérables

    • Gregor Mendel

  356. 'Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden'
    'Experiments on Plant Hybrids'
    originally published 1866 in Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins Brünn; edited 1865 lecture—German

  357. Jules Verne
    De la Terre à la Lune
    From the Earth to the Moon

    • Joseph Lister (Lord Lister)

  358. 'On the Antiseptic Principle in the Practice of Surgery'
    edited lecture, 9 Aug. 1867; published Sep. 1867 in LancetEnglish

  359. Horatio Alger

  360. Ragged Dick; or, Street Life in New York With the Boot Blacks

  361. Walt Whitman

  362. Democratic Vistas

  363. Josiah Willard Gibbs

  364. On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances
    originally published serially 1875-8 in Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences—English

  365. Henry George

  366. Progress and Property: An Inquiry Into the Cause of Industrial Depressions, and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth; the Remedy

  367. Henrik Ibsen
    Et Dukkehjem
    A Doll's House

    • Robert Koch

    'Die Aetiologie der Tuberculose'

  368. 'The Etiology of Tuberculosis'
    originally published Apr. 1882 in Berliner Klinischen Wochenschrift; edited Mar. 1882 lecture—German

  369. Herbert Spencer

  370. The Man Versus the State

  371. Friedrich Nietzsche

  372. Jenseits von Gut und Böse: Vorspiel Einer Philosophie der Zukunft
    Beyond Good and Evil

  373. Edward Bellamy
    Looking Backward, 2000-1887

    • Sidney Webb; William Clarke; Sydney Olivier; George Bernard Shaw; Graham Wallas; Annie Besant; Hubert Bland

  374. Fabian Essays in Socialism

  375. Alfred Thayer Mahan

  376. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783

  377. James George Frazer
    The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
    originally entitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion, published in two volumes, 1890; expanded and retitled 1900, in three volumes; expanded 1906-15, in 12 volumes; supplemental volume added for 1937 edition; distinct abridged versions, 1922, 1959, and 1994—English

    • Frederick Jackson Turner

  378. 'The Significance of the Frontier in American History'
    originally published 1893 in the Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the Annual Report of the American Historical Association; edited lecture—English

  379. Havelock Ellis

  380. Studies in the Psychology of Sex
    originally published in seven volumes, 1897-1928—English

  381. Thorstein Veblen

  382. The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions

  383. John Dewey
    School and Society: Being Three Lectures by John Dewey, Supplemented by a Statement of the University Elementary School

    • Halford John Mackinder

  384. 'The Geographical Pivot of History'
    originally published Apr. 1904 in the Geographical Society—English

  385. Frederick Winslow Taylor

  386. The Principles of Scientific Management

  387. Woodrow Wilson

  388. The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
    1913; 1912 speeches edited by William Bayard Hale—English

  389. Albert Einstein

  390. Über die Spezielle und die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, Gemeinverständlich
    Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition
    1917; revised through fourteenth edition, 1922—German

  391. Vladimir Lenin

  392. Gosudarstvo i Revolûciâ
    The State and Revolution

  393. John Maynard Keynes

  394. The Economic Consequences of the Peace

  395. Adolf Hitler

  396. Mein Kampf
    originally published in two volumes, 1925 and 1926—German

  397. Ivan Pavlov

  398. Conditioned Reflexes: An Investigation of the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex

  399. Sigmund Freud

  400. Das Unbehagen in der Kultur
    Civilization and Its Discontents

  401. Karl Marx

  402. Das Kapital, Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
    originally published in three volumes: 1867, 1885, and 1894—German

  403. Sigmund Freud

  404. Die Traumdeutung
    The Interpretation of Dreams

  405. Rachel Carson

  406. Silent Spring
    originally published Jun. 1962 in the New Yorker—English