Greater Books

A: Joseph Addison ... Aeschylus ... Aesop ... Anna Akhmatova ... Hans Christian Andersen ... Thomas Aquinas ... Aristotle ... Matthew Arnold ... W H Auden ... B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - anonymous and unknown

Pierre Abélard
Twelfth Century—Latin

Walter Abish
'I Am the Dust Under Your Feet'_1
originally published 1987 in Conjunctions—English

Abu Nuwas
late Eighth-early Ninth centuries—Arabic

Henry Adams
The United States in 1800_1
first-sixth chapters of The History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; complete work originally published in nine volumes, 1889-91—English
*Van Doren*

Léonie Adams
Poems: A Selection_1
1954; Section II, entitled As Apt Was Joy, contains excerpts from Those Not Elect, 1925, and High Falcon and Other Poems, 1929; Section I, Fruits of Two Seasons, previously unpublished—English

early Eighteenth Century—English

'The Vision of Mirza'_1

'Westminster Abbey'_1

Joseph Addison et al.
The Spectator_2
periodical originally published 1711-2, 1714; Bloom lists Addison and Richard Steele as authors; Baldwin only names Addison—English
*Baldwin* *Bloom*


Fifth Century B C—Greek
*Baldwin* *France* *Read*

part of The Oresteia; 458 B C—Greek
*Foundation* *O'Hear* *Educated*


ca. late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek
*Baldwin* *Invitation* *Downs* *Van Doren* *Good* *Bloom*

Fables [excerpted]_1
ca. late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek

James Agee
"Film criticism"_1
Twentieth Century—English

Shai Agnon (S F Agnon)
Twenty-one Stories_1

Conrad Aiken
Collected Poems_1
1953; expanded 1970; includes Punch: The Immortal Liar: Documents in His History [1921]; Priapus and the Pool and Other Poems [1925; originally published on its own, 1922; 1925 edition omits three parts of Priapus and includes 21 other poems, all of which are included in Collected Poems; 1949 edition of Priapus omits eight parts of the 1925 version]; John Deth: A Metaphysical Legend and Other Poems [1930]; The Coming Forth by Day of Oriris Jones [1931]; Preludes for Memnon [1931]; Landscape West of Eden [1934]; Time in the Rock: Preludes to Definition [1936]; And in the Human Heart [1940]; Brownstone Eclogues and Other Poems [1942]; The Soldier [1944]; The Kid [1947]; The Divine Pilgrim [1949; published in part as The Jig of Forslin: A Symphony, 1916; The House of Dust: A Symphony, 1920; The Pilgrimage of Festus, 1923; and The Charnel Rose; Senlin: A Biography; and Other Poems, 1925; both House of Dust and Charnel Rose revised for inclusion in Divine Pilgrim; Senlin revised for publication on its own, 1925, and again for Divine Pilgrim]; Skylight One: Fifteen Poems [1949]; A Letter From Li Po and Other Poems [1955]; Sheepfold Hill: Fifteen Poems [1958]; The Morning Song of Lord Zero: Poems Old and New [1963]; Thee [1967]; 'Blues for Ruby Matrix' [originally published 1935 in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse]; selections from Turns and Movies and Other Tales in Verse, 1916; and Nocturne of Remembered Spring and Other Poems, 1921; and other poems—English

Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Rashoman and Other Stories_1
1949; English translations by Takashi Kojima—Japanese

Rafael Alberti
The Owl's Insomnia: Poems_1
1973; English translations by Mark Strand—Spanish

Seventh Century B C—Greek

Sholem Aleichem
The Railroad Stories _1

Vicente Aleixandre
A Longing for the Light: Selected Poems_1
1979; English translations by Lewis Hyde—Spanish

Anna Akhmatova

Twentieth Century—Russian

English translations by Stanley Kunitz and Max Hayward—Russian



'White Flock'_1

Lewis Allan
'Strange Fruit'_1
originally entitled 'Bitter Fruit', published Jan. 1937 in the New York Teacher; retitled and adapted for music by the author—English

Fourth Century—Latin

Yehuda Amichai
Selected Poetry_1
English translations by Stephen Mitchell and Chana Bloch—Hebrew

English translations by Ruth Nevo—Hebrew

A R Ammons
Collected Poems, 1951-1971_1
1972; includes the entirety, or nearly all, of Ommateum, With Doxology [1955]; Expressions of Sea Level [1964]; Corsons Inlet [1965]; Northfield Poems [1966]; Uplands [1970]; Briefings: Poems Small and Easy [1971]—English

Selected Longer Poems_1
1980; includes 'Pray Without Ceasing' [part of Diversifications, 1975]; 'Summer Session 1968' [part of Uplands, 1970]; 'Essay on Poetics' [originally published Autumn 1970 in the Hudson Review]; 'Extremes and Moderations'; and 'Hibernaculum' [both originally published in Collected Poems 1951-1971, 1972]—English

Hans Christian Andersen

Nineteenth Century—Danish
*France* *Magill* *Norway* *Dirda* *Graphic*

Fables [excerpted]_1
Nineteenth Century—Danish

Eventyr, Fortalte for Børn. Ny Samling. Første Hefte_1
Fairy Tales Told for Children. New Collection. First Booklet
1838; part of the author's collected fables—Danish


Sherwood Anderson
Death in the Woods and Other Stories_1
1933; 16 stories previously published—English

originally published Mar. 1916 in Masses; part of Winesburg, Ohio, 1919—English

Eugénio de Andrade
Selected Poems_1

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Selected Poems_1

Leonid Andreyev
Twentieth Century—Russian

Chairil Anwar
Complete Poetry and Prose_1
1970; English translations by Burton Raffel; includes Deru Campur Debu [1949]; Kerikil-Kerikil Tajam dan Yang Terampas dan Yang Putus [1949]; Tiga Menguak Takdir [1950]—Malay

Guillaume Apollinaire
early Twentieth Century—French

Selected Writings of Guillaume Apollinaire_1
1971; English translations by Roger Shattuck; includes Alcools [1913]; Calligrammes: Poèmes de la Paix et de la Guerre 1913-1916 [1918]; and other poems and prose works—French

Louis Aragon
Selected Poems_1

Seventh Century B C—Greek

Selected works_2
Third Century B C—Greek
*StJohns* *Read*

On Floating Bodies [excerpted]_1
first book; Third Century B C—Greek
*Van Doren*

The Method of Mechanical Theorems [excerpted]_1
The first and second propositions; Third Century B. C.—Greek
*Van Doren*

John Arden
Plays: One_1
1994; includes The Waters of Babylon [1957]; When Is a Door Not a Door? An Industrial Episode [1958]; Live Like Pigs: Seventeen Scenes [1958]; Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance: An Un-historical Parable [1959]; (with Margaretta D’Arcy) The Happy Haven [1960]—English

Plays: Two_1
A Workhouse Donkey: A Vulgar Melo-Drama [1963]; Armstrong’s Last Goodnight: An Exercise in Diplomacy [1964]; Left-Handed Liberty: A Play About Magna Carta [1965]; The True History of Squire Jonathan and His Unfortunate Treasure [1968]; The Bagman or The Impromptu of Muswell Hill [1970, radio]—English

late Fifth Century B C—Greek
*Baldwin* *StJohns* *France* *Good* *Read*


Selected works_4
Fourth Century B C—Greek
*Baldwin* *StJohns* *Read* *SeymourSmith*

Ethika Nikomacheia [excerpted]_1
'On Happiness'; Fourth Century B C—Greek

Peri Poiêtikês [excerpted]_1
'On Tragedy'; Fourth Century B C—Greek

De Anima [excerpted]_1
Books I-II; Fourth Century B C—Greek

Matthew Arnold

Nineteenth Century—English
*Classics* *Bloom* *Van Doren*

Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Van Doren*

Essays in Criticism_1
originally published in two volumes: First Series, 1865; Second Series, 1888—English

Essays in Criticism [excerpted]_1
'The Function of Criticism at the Present Time'; 'The Literary Influence of Academies'; 'Heinrich Heine'; 'The Study of Poetry'; 'Milton'; 'Thomas Gray'; 'John Keats'; 'Wordsworth'; 'Byron'; 'Shelley'; complete work originally published in two volumes: First Series, 1865; Second Series, 1888—English

Discourses in America [excerpted]_1
'Literature and Science'—English

Mixed Essays [excerpted]_1
'A French Critic on Milton'; 'A French Critic on Goethe'; 'George Sand'; 'Democracy'; 'Equality'—English

'The Study of Poetry'_1
introduction to The English Poets—English

'One Lesson, Nature, Let Me Learn of Thee'_1

'To a Republican Friend'_1

'The Strayed Reveller'_1


'To a Gipsy Child by the Sea-Shore'_1

'The Forsaken Merman'_1

'Empedocles on Etna'_1

'The Scholar Gipsy'_1

'Stanzas From the Grande Chartreuse'_1


'Dover Beach'_2
*Classics* *Van Doren*

'Rugby Chapel'_1

Antonin Artaud
Selected Writings_1
1976; English translations by Helen Weaver; includes L’Ombilic des Limbes [originally published as part of Une Oeuvre, Un Portrait, 1925]; Van Gogh le Suicidé de la Société [1947]; Ci-gît, Précédé de la Culture Indienne [1947]; Pour en Finir Avec la Jugement de Dieu [radio play; 1948]; selections from Tric Trac du Ciel, 1923; L’Art et la Mort, 1929; Héliogabale, ou l’Anarchiste Couronné, 1934; Les Nouvelles Révélations d l’Etre, 1937; Le Théâtre et Son Double, 1938; D'un Voyage au Pays des Tarahumaras, 1947; and additional essays, correspondence, poems, and other texts originally published in periodicals or the author's Oeuvres Complètes, 1956-76—French

John Ashbery
Selected Poems_1
1985; selections from Some Trees, 1956; The Tennis Court Oath, 1962; Rivers and Mountains, 1966; The Double Dream of Spring, 1970; Three Poems, 1972; Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, 1975; Houseboat Days, 1977; As We Know, 1979; Shadow Train, 1981; A Wave, 1984—English

Louis Auchincloss
The Collected Stories of Louis Auchincloss_1
1994; selections from The Injustice Collectors, 1949 ('Maud', originally published in the Atlantic Monthly, and 'Greg's Peg'); The Romantic Egoists, 1952 ('Billy and the Gargoyles' and 'The Gemlike Flame', both originally published in New World Writing); Powers of Attorney, 1955 ('The Colonel's Foundation', retitled 'Power of Bequest', originally published in the New Yorker, 'The Mavericks', and 'The Single Reader'); Tales of Manhattan, 1964 ('The Money Juggler' and 'The Wagnerians'); Second Chance, 1970 ('The Prince and the Pauper' and 'The Prison Window'); The Partners, 1973 ('The Novelist of Manners'); The Winthrop Covenant, 1976 ('In the Beauty of the Lilies Christ Was Born Across the Sea'); Narcissa and Other Fables, 1983 ('The Fabbri Tape'); Skinny Island, 1987 ('Portrait of an Artist by Another' and 'The Reckoning'); False Gods, 1992 ('Ares'); Three Lives, 1994 ('The Stoic'); Tales of Yesteryear, 1994 ('They That Have the Power to Hurt')—English

W H Auden

Twentieth Century—English
*Dirda* *Educated*

Collected Poems_2
1976; includes For the Time Being [1944]; The Age of Anxiety [1947]; Nones [1951]; The Old Man's Road [1956]; Academic Graffiti [1971]; Epistle to a Godson [1972]; nearly all of Letters From Iceland [1937]; Journey to a War [1939]; Another Time [1940]; The Double Man [1941]; The Shield of Achilles [1955]; About the House [1965]; City Without Walls [1969]; and Thank You, Fog [1974]; selections from Poems, 1930; The Orators, 1932; On This Island, 1936; The Magic Flute, 1956; Homage to Clio, 1960; and Auden and Christopher Isherwood's The Dog Beneath the Skin, 1935, and The Ascent of F 6, 1936; features versions from Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957, 1966; and Collected Longer Poems, 1968—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

Forewords and Afterwords_1
1973; 46 essays published 1943-72 in periodicals and books—English

originally published 1932 in New Signatures; included in The Orators, 1932; revised for inclusion in W H Auden: A Selection by the Author, 1958, Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

originally untitled, published as one of five poems, Oct. 1933, in New Verse; included in On This Island, 1936; retitled for inclusion in The Collected Poetry of W H Auden, 1945; included in Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

'Spain 1937'_1
originally entitled 'Spain', published separately 1937; retitled and revised for inclusion in Another Time, 1940; included in Collected Shorter Poems, 1930-1944, 1950—English

'Letter to Lord Byron'_1
part of Auden and Louis MacNeice's Letters From Iceland, 1937; revised for inclusion in Longer Contemporary Poems, 1966; included in Collected Longer Poems, 1968, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

'In Memory of W B Yeats'_3
originally published Mar. 1939 in the New Republic; expanded for inclusion in the London Mercury, Apr. 1939, and Another Time, 1940; revised for inclusion in Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English
*Fadiman* *Dirda* *Van Doren*

'Musée des Beaux Arts'_2
originally entitled 'Palais des Beaux Arts', published Spring 1939 in New Writing; retitled for inclusion in Another Time, 1940; included in Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English
*Recommended* *Van Doren*

'September 1, 1939'_1
originally published Oct. 1939 in the New Republic; included in Another Time, 1940; revised for inclusion in Collected Shorter Poems, 1930-1944, 1950—English

'In Memory of Sigmund Freud'_2
originally published Winter 1940 in the Kenyon Review and Mar. 1940 in Horizon; included in Another Time, 1940, Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English
*Fadiman* *Dirda*

'The Sea and the Mirror'_1
published in part in the Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1944, and the Partisan Review, Sep.-Oct. 1943; in its entirety as part of For the Time Being, 1944; included in Collected Longer Poems, 1968, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

'On the Circuit'_1
originally published Jul. 1964 in the New Yorker; included in About the House, 1965, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

'The Cave of Making'_1
originally published Oct. 1964 in the Listener; included in About the House, 1965, and published separately later the same year; included in Collected Poems, 1976—English

'The Platonic Blow'_1
poem inaccurately attributed to Auden; originally untitled, published Mar. 1965 in Fuck You; retitled and published separately later the same year—English

John James Audubon
Delineations of American Scenery and Character_1
fifty-nine essays originally published in the first-third volumes of Ornithological Biography, 1831-39—English

Augustine of Hippo
Selected works_1
late Fourth-early Fifth centuries—Latin

De Civitate Dei Contra Paganos [excerpted]_1
Books I, V, VIII, XI, XIX; complete work published 426—Latin

Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Baroness d'Aulnoy (Madame d'Aulnoy) (Countess d'Aulnoy)
Seventeenth Century—French

'Le Nain Jaune'_1
'The Yellow Dwarf'
part of Contes Nouveaux ou Les Fées à la Mode, 1698—French

Isaak Babel
Twentieth Century—Russian

Collected Stories_3
1960; English translations by Walter Morrison—Russian
*Bloom* *Ward*

Ingeborg Bachmann
'In the Storm of Roses'_1

Walter Bagehot
'John Milton'_1
originally published Jul. 1859 in the National Review—Latin

James Baldwin
The Price of a Ticket: Collected Nonfiction, 1948-1985_1
1985; includes Notes of a Native Son, 1955 [essays originally published 1949-53 in varied periodicals: Zero, Partisan Review, Commentary, the New Leader, Harper's, and the Reporter]; Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son, 1961 [essays originally published 1956-61 in varied periodicals: the New York Times, Encounter, Esquire, Harper's, Partisan Review, and the New Leader; plus two edited 1960 lectures; and part of an essay previously unpublished], The Fire Next Time [1963], No Name in the Street [1972], The Devil Finds Work [1976]; 24 essays previously published; and one new essay, 'The Price of a Ticket'—English

Collected Essays_1
1998; includes Notes of a Native Son, 1955 [originally published 1949-53 in varied periodicals: Zero, Partisan Review, Commentary, the New Leader, Harper's, and the Reporter]; Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son, 1961 [originally published 1956-61 in varied periodicals: the New York Times, Encounter, Esquire, Harper's, Partisan Review, and the New Leader; plus two edited 1960 lectures; and part of an essay previously unpublished]; The Fire Next Time [1963]; No Name in the Street [1972]; The Devil Finds Work [1976]; plus a section entitled Other Essays: 36 essays previously published, 11 of which previously uncollected in book form (and including Baldwin's portion of the collaborative book with photographer Richard Avedon, entitled Nothing Personal, 1974)—English

'Notes of a Native Son'_1
originally published Nov. 1955 in Harper's—English

'Everybody's Protest Novel'_1
originally published Spring 1949 in Zero; included in Collected Essays—English

Honoré de Balzac

La Comédie Humaine_5
collective name for 91 finished and 46 unfinished works; Nineteenth Century—French
*Powys* *France* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Trinity*

Donald Barthelme
Forty Stories_1

'I Bought a Little City'_1
originally published 1974 in the New Yorker; included in Sixty Stories, 1981—English

Basho Matsuo
Selected works_1
Seventeenth Century—Japanese

Seventeenth Century—Japanese

Charles Baudelaire
Nineteenth Century—French

Yahya Kemal Bayatli
early Twentieth Century—Turkish

Pierre Beaumarchais
Eighteenth Century—French

Gustavo Adolpho Bécquer
Nineteenth Century—Spanish

Thomas Lovell Beddoes
early Nineteenth Century—English

Max Beerbohm
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

And Even Now_1
1920; essays—English

Aphra Behn
'Forgive Us Our Trespasses'_1
part of Miscellany, 1685—English

Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli
The Roman Sonnets of G G Belli_2
1960; English translations by Howard Norse—Italian
*Ward* *Bloom*

Walter Benjamin

One-Way Street and Other Writings_1

Illuminationen: Ausgewählte Schriften_1

Gottfried Benn
Selected Poems_1

Jeremy Bentham
Bentham's Theory of Fictions_1
1932; introductory essay and selection of Bentham's writings by C K Ogden—English

Werner Bergengruen
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Hector Berlioz
unspecified selections; Nineteenth Century—French

A Critical Study of Beethoven's Nine Symphonies_1
essays originally published in A Travers Chants, Études Musicales, Adorations, Boutades et Critiques—French

Bernard of Clairvaux
Selected Works_1
1987; translations by G R Evans—Latin

John Berryman
Collected Poems 1937-1971_1
1989; includes The Dispossessed [1948]; Homage to Mistress Bradstreet [1956]; Berryman's Sonnets [1967]; Love and Fame [1971]; Delusions Etc. [1972]; selections from Poems, 1942; His Thought Made Pockets and the Plane Buckt, 1958; plus nine of twenty poems originally published in Five Young American Poets, 1940; and 'Formal Elegy', originally published in Of Poetry and Power: Poems Occasioned by the Presidency and Death of John F Kennedy, 1964, and also included in Short Poems, 1967—English

Chaim Nachman Bialik
early Twentieth Century—Hebrew

Shirot Bialik: The Epic Poems_1

Ambrose Bierce
The Collected Writings of Ambrose Bierce_1

'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge'_2
originally published Jul. 1890 in the San Francisco Examiner; included in Tales of Soldiers and Civilians, 1891—English
*Recommended* *Graphic*

Walter Bigges
Drake's Great Armada_1

Elizabeth Bishop
The Complete Poems. 1927-1979_1
1983; includes North and South [1946]; Poems: North and South&151;A Cold Spring [which includes North and South and a section of new poems, Cold Spring]; Questions of Travel [1965]; plus sections entitled Translations From the Portuguese and New and Uncollected Work—English

'Faustina, or Rock Roses'_1
*Van Doren*

'The Fish'_1
included in North and South, 1946—English
*Van Doren*

originally published in the New Yorker, September 1956—English
*Van Doren*

'One Art'_1
originally published in the New Yorker, April 1976; included in Georgraphy III, 1977—English
*Van Doren*

William Blake

Selected works_1
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English
*France* *Magill*

unspecified selection; late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

The Complete Writings of William Blake With Variant Readings_1
1957; revised 1966; edited by Geoffrey Keynes; includes Poetical Sketches; All Religions Are One; There Is No Natural Religion; Tiriel; Songs of Innocence and Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul; The Book of Thel; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; The French Revolution; Visions of the Daughters of Albion; The Gates of Paradise; America a Prophecy; Europe a Prophecy; The Book of Urizen; The Song of Los; The Book of Los; The Book of Ahania; Vala, or The Four Zoas; Milton; Jerusalem; The Everlasting Gospel; On Homers Poetry; On Virgil; The Ghost of Abel; 'An Island in the Moon'; and other works—English

The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake_1
1982; edited by David V Erdman; includes Poetical Sketches; All Religions Are One; There Is No Natural Religion; Tiriel; Songs of Innocence and Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul; The Book of Thel; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; The French Revolution; Visions of the Daughters of Albion; The Gates of Paradise; America a Prophecy; Europe a Prophecy; The Book of Urizen; The Song of Los; The Book of Los; The Book of Ahania; Vala, or The Four Zoas; Milton; Jerusalem; The Everlasting Gospel; On Homers Poetry; On Virgil; The Ghost of Abel; 'An Island in the Moon'; and other works—English

Milton: A Poem in Two Books [excerpted]_1
preface; complete work written 1804-10—English

Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds' Discourses_2
written ca. 1808—English
*Classics* *Fadiman*

'Auguries of Innocence'_1
written ca. 1803; part of the Pickering Manuscript; originally published as part of Alexander Gilchrist's Life of William Blake, "Pictor Ignotus." With Selections From His Poems and Other Writings, 1863—English

Peter Blegvad
The Book of Leviathan_1
selection of Leviathan comic strips—English

Alexander Blok
early Twentieth Century—Russian

The Twelve, and Other Poems_1
1970; English translations by John Stallworthy and Peter France—Russian

written 1918—Russian
*Bloom* *Newman*

Johannes Bobrowski
Shadow Lands_1

Commentaries on the Isagoge of Porphyry [excerpted]_1
Book I—Latin

Niels Bohr
Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature [excerpted]_1

'Discussions With Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics'_1

The Four Books of Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, selections by Richard McKeon in Selections From Medieval Philosophers [excerpted]_1
Vol. II, pp. 111-148; complete work published 1930—Latin

Jorge Luis Borges

English translations of stories mostly originally published in Ficciones and El Aleph—Spanish
*Good* *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Zane*

A Personal Anthology_1

Ficciones [excerpted]_1
'La Biblioteca de Babel'; 'El Jardín de Senderos que se Bifurcan'; 'Las Ruinas Circulares'—Spanish

Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
"Funerary orations"_1
Seventeenth Century—French

James Boswell
written 1762-95—English
*Read* *Van Doren* *Bloom*

Elizabeth Bowen
Collected Stories_1

Kay Boyle
Three Short Novels_1
1958; includes The Crazy Hunter [originally published as part of The Crazy Hunter: Three Short Novels [1940]]; The Bridgegroom's Body [originally published as part of The Crazy Hunter: Three Short Novels [1940]]; Decision [originally entitled 'Passport to Doom', published 1948 in the Saturday Evening Post]—English

Fernand Braudel
The Structures of Everday Life_1
1967; first volume of Civilisation Matérielle, Économie et Capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe; complete work published 1979—French
*Van Doren*

Bertolt Brecht
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Poems, 1913-1956_1

André Breton
Poems of André Breton: A Bilingual Anthology_1
1982; English translations by Jean-Pierre Cauvin and Mary Ann Caws; includes L’Union Libre [1931]; Fata Morgana [1941]; selections from Mont de Piété, 1919; Clair de Terre, 1923; Poisson Soluble, 1924; L’Union Libre, 1931; Le Revolver à Cheveux Blancs, 1932; L’Air de l’Eau, 1934; Poèmes 1919-48, 1948; Constellations, 1959; Le La, 1961—French

Manifestoes of Surrealism_1
1969; translations by Richard Seaver and Helen R Lane—French

Robert Bridges

Harold Brodkey
Stories in an Almost Classical Mode_1
originally published 1963-88 in varied periodicals, except 'Angel', published as part of Women and Angels, 1985—English

Emily Brontë
Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Nineteenth Century—English

'Sonnet 43'_1
'How Do I Love Thee?'
part of Sonnets From the Portuguese, 1850—English

Robert Browning

Nineteenth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Good* *Bloom*

"Dramatic Monologues and Lyrics"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

'Meeting at Night'_1
part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845—English
*Van Doren*

'Porphyria's Lover'_1
part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. III, Dramatic Lyrics, 1842—English
*Van Doren*

'The Pied Piper of Hamelin'_1
part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. III, Dramatic Lyrics, 1842—English

'My Last Duchess'_2
part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. III, Dramatic Lyrics, 1842—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'Home-Thoughts, From Abroad'_1
part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845—English
*Van Doren*

'The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church'_1
part of Bells and Pomegrantes No. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845—English
*Van Doren*

'A Toccata of Galuppi's'_1
part of Men and Women, 1855—English
*Van Doren*

'The Last Ride Together'_1
part of Men and Women, 1855—English
*Van Doren*

'Andrea del Sarto'_1
part of Men and Women, 1855—English
*Van Doren*

'Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came'_1
part of Men and Women, 1855—English

'Rabbi Ben Ezra'_1
part of Dramatis Personae, 1864—English
*Van Doren*

part of Asolando, 1889—English
*Van Doren*

'Home-Thoughts, From the Sea'_1
*Van Doren*

'A Woman's Last Word'_1
*Van Doren*

Giordano Bruno
Selected works_1
late Sixteenth Century—Italian

ca. Sixth-Fifth centuries B C; Sanskrit translations—north Indian language

Thomas Bulfinch
The Age of Fable, or Stories of Gods and Heroes_1

Ivan Bunin
Selected Stories_1

Basil Bunting
Collected Poems_1
1968; revised 1978; includes The Spoils, 1965; First Book of Odes, 1965; Briggflatts: An Autobiography, 1966; Second Book of Odes (11 poems); Sonatas (section including The Spoils and Briggsflatts as well as 'Villon'; 'Attis: Or, Something Missing'; 'Aus dem Zweitten Reich'; 'The Well of Lycopolis'); 'Chomei at Toyama'; and Overdrafts (13 poems)—English

Michelangelo Buonarroti
"Sonnets and madrigals translated by Wordsworth, Longfellow, Emerson, Santayana, and others"_1
Seventeenth Century—Italian

Edmund Burke
Selected works_1
late Eighteenth Century—English

"Orations and political essays"_1
late Eighteenth Century—English

Francis Burney
written 1768-1840; generally published in part and accompanied by correspondence—English

Robert Burns

late Eighteenth Century—English
*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Rexroth* *Van Doren* *Good* *Bloom* *Newman*

The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns_1
1910; volume 6 of the Harvard Classics—English

Poems and Songs_1
1971; edited by James Kinsley—English

'The Cotter's Saturday Night'_1
part of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 1786—English
*Van Doren*

'To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough'_1
part of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 1786—English
*Van Doren*

'John Anderson My Jo'_1
part of James Johnson's Scots Musical Museum, 1790—English
*Van Doren*

'Tam o' Shanter'_1
published Mar. 1791 in the Edinburgh Herald and the Edinburgh Magazine; included in Francis Grose's Antiquities of Scotland, 1791;—English
*Van Doren*

'Ae Fond Kiss and Then We Sever'_1
included in letter to Agnes Maclehose dated 27 December 1791—English
*Van Doren*

'Why Should Na Poor Folk Mowe'_1
'When Princes and Prelates'
included in letter to Robert Cleghorn dated 12 December 1792; part of The Merry Muses of Caledonia, 1799—English

'My Luve Is Like a Red, Red Rose'_2
originally published in Pietro Urbani's Scots Songs, 1794—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'Green Grow the Rashes'_1
*Van Doren*

'Highland Mary'_1
*Van Doren*

'Mary Morrison'_1
*Van Doren*

'The Banks o' Doon'_1
*Van Doren*

'To a Louse, On Seeing One on a Lady's Bonnet at Church'_1
*Van Doren*

'Address to the Unco Guid, or the Rigidly Righteous'_1
*Van Doren*

'Charlie, He's My Darling'_1
*Van Doren*

'O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast'_1
*Van Doren*

'A Man's a Man for a' That'_1
*Van Doren*

Samuel Butler
late Nineteenth Century—English

'The Humour of Homer'_1
The Humour of Homer and Other Essays—English

'Quis Desiderio...?'_1
The Humour of Homer and Other Essays—English

Lord Byron

early Nineteenth Century—English
*Durant* *Van Doren* *Good* *Bloom* *Great*

Lord Byron
Letters and journals of Lord Byron_1
early Nineteenth Century—English

early Nineteenth Century—English
"Short poems"_1
early Nineteenth Century—English

"Lyric poetry"_1
early Nineteenth Century—English

'She Walks in Beauty'_2
part of Hebrew Melodies, 1815—English
*Newman* *Graphic*

'The Vision of Judgment'_1
originally published Oct. 1822 in the Liberal—English

'So We'll Go No More A-Roving'_1
part of Letters and Journals, 1830—German
*Van Doren*

John Calvin
Christianae Religionis Institutio [excerpted]_1
complete work published 1536; French translation, Institution de la Religion Chrestienne, 1541—Latin

Tommaso Campanella
Selected works_1
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—Italian

late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—Italian

Thomas Campion
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

Albert Camus
Collected Fiction_1
1961; includes L'Étranger; La Peste; La Chute; L'Exil et le Royaume [1957]—French

Girolamo Cardano
De Arcanis Aeternitatis_1
The Mysteries of Eternity
part of Opera Omnia, 1663—Latin

Giosuè Carducci
Nineteenth Century—Italian

"Rhymes and Rhythms"_1
Bloom possibly could have meant to list the 1942 collection, Lyrics and Rhythms—Italian

'Inno a Satana'_1

Thomas Carew
Seventeenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

Thomas Carlyle
Bloom's entry inscribed as "Selected Prose"; Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Bloom*

originally published Dec. 1831 in the Edinburgh Review; included in Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, 1838—English

'Memories of the Life of Scott'_1
originally published Jan. 1838 in London and Westminster Review; included in Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, 1838—English

T Carmi
At the Stone of Losses_1
1983; English translations by Grace Schulman; selections from Leyad Even Hato'im, 1981; El Erets Aḥeret, 1977; Hitnatslut Hameḥaber, 1974; Davar Aḥer, 1970—Hebrew

Lewis Carroll
The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll_2
1920; includes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1865]; Phantasmagoria and Other Poems [1869]; Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There [1871]; The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in 8 Fits [1876]; A Tangled Tale [1880-5]; Sylvie and Bruno [1889; 1893]; Three Sunsets and Other Poems [1898]; other works—English
*Ward* *Bloom*

part of Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, 1871—English

Angela Carter
'The Company of Wolves'_1
part of The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, 1979—English

Raymond Carver
Where I'm Calling From_1
1988; originally published 1971-87 in part in varied periodicals: Harper's Bazaar, Esquire, the Chicago Review, the Seneca Review, the Iowa Review, the Colorado State Review, the Carolina Quarterly, Sou'wester, the Kansas Quarterly, Quarterly West, the Missouri Review, Spectrum, Discourse, Playgirl, the Chariton Review, Antaeus, the New Yorker, the Atlantic Monthly, Granta—English

'What We Talk About When We Talk About Love'_1
originally published 1981 in Antaeus; included in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, 1981; alternate version entitled 'Beginners' published Dec. 2007 in the New Yorker and included in Beginners, 2009, and Raymond Carver: Collected Stories, 2009—English

First Century B C—Latin

"Other poems translated by Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, Walter Savage Landor, and a host of English poets"_1
First Century B C—Latin

Willa Cather
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—English

'Paul's Case'_1
originally published 1905 in McClure's—English

C P Cavafy

early Twentieth Century—Greek
*Dirda* *Van Doren*

Collected poems_1
early Twentieth Century—Greek

'Waiting for the Barbarians'_2
*Dirda* *Van Doren*

Collected Poems_1

'The God Abandons Antony'_1

*Dirda* *Smart* *Van Doren*

'A Byzantine Nobleman in Exile Composing Verses'_1

'The Melancholy of Iason Kleandros, Poet in Kommagini, 595 C E'_1

'And I Lounge and Lay on Their Beds'_1

'The Horses of Achilles'_1
*Van Doren*

'The Funderal of Sarpedon'_1
*Van Doren*

*Van Doren*

'The Funderal of Sarpedon'_1
*Van Doren*

*Van Doren*

'One of Their Gods'_1
*Van Doren*

Paul Celan
Twentieth Century—German

Poems: A Bilingual Edition_2
1980; English translations by Michael Hamburger—German
*Ward* *Bloom*

Luis Cernuda
Selected Poems of Luis Cernuda_1
1977; English translations by Reginald Gibbons—Spanish

Miguel de Cervantes
El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha [excerpted]_1
first volume; 1605; second volume published 1615—Spanish

Novelas Ejemplares [excerpted]_1
Rinconete and Cortadillo (Rinconete y Cortadillo); The Dogs' Colloquy (Coloquio de los Perros); The Little Gipsy (La Gitanilla); The Licentiate of Glass (El Licenciado Vidriera); complete work published 1613—Spanish

Aimé Césaire
The Collected Poetry_1
1983; includes revised versions of Cahier d'un Retour au Pays Natal [originally published Aug. 1939 in Volontés; revised 1976 for inclusion in Oeuvres Complètes]; Les Armes Miraculeuses [1946; revised 1970]; Soleil cou Coupé [1948; revised and coupled with Corps Perdu as Cadastre, 1961]; Corps Perdu [1950; revised and coupled with Soleil cou Coupé as Cadastre, 1961]; Ferrements [1960; originally published in Présence Africaine, 1955-9]; and Noria, published in part in varied publications, 1955-76, in its entirety as part of Oeuvres Complètes, 1976; this collection features the Oeuvres Complètes versions—French

Nicolas Chamfort
Products of the Perfected Civilization: Selected Writings of Chamfort_1
1969; English translations by W S Merwin—French

William Ellery Channing
'On the Elevation of the Laboring Classes'_1

George Chapman



René Char
Poems of René Char_1
1976; English translations by Mary Ann Caws and Jonathan Griffin; selections from Le Marteau Sans Maître, 1934; Dehors la Nuit Est Gouvernée, 1938; Placard Pour un Chemin des Écoliers, 1938; Fureur et Mystère, 1948; Les Matinaux, 1950; Recherche de la Base et du Sommet, 1955; La Parole en Archipel, 1962; Le Nu Perdu, 1972; La Nuit Talismanique, 1972—French

Geoffrey Chaucer
Selected works_2
late Fourteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Read*

Canterbury Tales [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; 1478—English

Canterbury Tales [excerpted]_1
The Prologue, The Knight's Tale, The Miller's Tale, The Prioress' Tale, Sir Thopas, The Monk's Tale, The Nun's Priest's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Prologue, The Wife of Bath's Tale, The Clerk's Tale, The Squire's Tale, The Epilogue; complete work published 1478—English

John Cheever

Twentieth Century—English

The Stories of John Cheever_2
1978; originally published in varied periodicals: the New Yorker, Esquire, the Saturday Evening Post, and Playboy; includes the anthologies: The Enormous Radio and Other Stories, 1953; The Housebreaker of Shady Hill and Other Stories, 1959; Some People, Places, and Things That Will Not Appear in My Next Novel, 1961; The Brigadier and the Golf Window, 1964; The World of Apples, 1973—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

'The Five-Forty-Eight'_1
originally published in the New Yorker; included in The Housebreaker of Shady Hill and Other Stories, 1959—English

'The Enormous Radio'_1
originally published May 1947 in the New Yorker; included in The Enormous Radio and Other Stories, 1953—English

'The Swimmer'_1
originally published Jul. 1864 in the New Yorker; included in The Brigadier and the Golf Widow, 1964—English

Anton Chekhov

late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Russian
*Classics* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Dirda* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Newman*

late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Russian
*Rexroth* *Good* *Dirda*

Major Plays_1
1964; includes Ivanov [1887]; Čajka [1896]; Dâdâ Vanâ [1897]; Tri Sestry [1901]; Višhnëvyj Sad [1904]—Russian

The Tales of Chekhov_1
1916; English translations by Constance Garnett—Russian

Selected Stories of Anton Chekhov_1

'The Kiss'—Russian

'Skripka Rotšil'da'_2
'Rothschild's Violin'
originally published Feb. 1894 in Russkie Vedomosti—Russian

*Foundation* *Newman*


'A Dreary Story'_1

'The Darling'_1


'Ward No. 6'_2
*Dirda* *Newman*

'The Lady With the Dog'_1

'The Bishop'_1

'In a Country House'_1

'Anna on the Neck'_1

'Big Volodya and Little Volodya'_1

'The Grasshopper'_1


late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Russian

Charles W Chesnutt
The Short Fiction of Charles W Chesnutt_1

G K Chesterton

The Collected Poems of G K Chesteron_1

early Twentieth Century—English

early Twentieth Century—English

The Father Brown Stories_1

"The Father Brown Mysteries"_1
early Twentieth Century—English

'The Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown'_1
part of The Club of Queer Trades, 1905—English

'The Blue Cross'_1
originally entitled 'Valentin Follows a Curious Trail', published Jun. 1910 in the Saturday Evening Post; retitled for publication Sep. 1910 in the Story-Teller; included in The Innocence of Father Brown, 1911—English

'The Hammer of God'_1
originally entitled 'The Bolt From the Blue', published Nov. 1910 in the Saturday Evening Post; included in The Innocence of Father Brown, 1911—English

'The Invisible Man'_1
originally published Jan. 1911 in the Saturday Evening Post; included in The Innocence of Father Brown, 1911—English

'The Sins of Prince Saradine'_1
originally published Apr. 1911 in the Saturday Evening Post; included in The Innocence of Father Brown, 1911—English

'The Oracle of the Dog'_1
included in The Incredulity of Father Brown, 1926—English

Agatha Christie
"The Hercule Point Mysteries"_1
Twentieth Century—English

"The Jane Maple Mysteries"_1
Twentieth Century—English

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Selected works_3
First Century B C—Latin
*Read* *Kanigel* *Trinity*

First Century B C—Latin
*Baldwin* *Downs* *Read* *Magill*

First Century B C—Latin
*Eliot* *Classics* *Downs*

Selected Works_1
1965; English translations by Michael Grant; includes Cato Major de Senectute—Latin

De Re Publica [excerpted]_1
'The Dream of Scipio'; written 54-51 B C—Latin

Second Philippic_1
First Century B C—Latin

De Finibus [excerpted]_1
Book V; written 44 B.C—Latin

De Officiis [excerpted]_1
Book I; written 44 B.C—Latin

Tusculanae Disputationes [excerpted]_1
Book I; written ca. 45 B.C—Latin

"Philosophical Essays"_1
First Century B.C—Latin

John Clare

Paul Claudel
Seventeenth Century—French

Matthias Claudius
'Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen'; 'Evening Song'; 'The Moon Is Risen'


Carl von Clausewitz
Vom Kriege [excerpted]_1
'What Is War?'; complete work published 1832—German

Arthur Hugh Clough

Jean Cocteau
The Infernal Machine and Other Plays_1
includes The Infernal Machine—French

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English
*Read* *Van Doren* *Great* *Newman* *Educated*

Poems and Prose_1
1957; edited by Kathleen Raine; includes Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream; The Pains of Sleep [1816]; selections from Biographia Literaria, 1817; and other poems, correspondence, and essays—English

The Portable Coleridge_1
1961; includes Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream; The Pains of Sleep [1816]; selections from Biographia Literaria, 1817; and other poems—English

Essays and Lectures on Shakespeare and Some Other Old Poets and Dramatists_1
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

"Writings on Shakespeare"_1
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

originally entitled 'Effusion XVII', published Nov. 1794 in the Cambridge Intelligencer; included in Poems on Various Subjects, 1796; retitled 'Genevieve' for inclusion in Poems, 1803—English—English

'The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere'_7
originally published in Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems, 1798; revised for inclusion in Sibylline Leaves, 1817—English
*Baldwin* *Read* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman* *Graphic*

part of Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream; The Pains of Sleep, 1816—English

'Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream'_4
part of Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream; The Pains of Sleep, 1816—English
*Read* *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

'On Poesy or Art'_1
edited 1818 lecture; originally published 1836 in Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge—English—English

The Collected Stories of Colette_1

William Collins

Ivy Compton-Burnett
Twentieth Century—English

Auguste Comte
The Positive Philosophy of August Comte_1
1853; abridged version of Cours de Philosophie Positive—French

"Other writings"_1
refers to the Five Classics of Confucianism, which incorporate the teachings of Confucius; Sixth-early Fifth centuries B C—Chinese

Joseph Conrad

'An Outpost of Progress'_1
originally published serially Jun.-Jul. 1897 in Cosmopolis; included in Tales of Unrest, 1898—English

originally published in Blackwood's Magazine, Sep. 1898—English
*Powys* *Fadiman* *Zene*

'The Secret Sharer'_1
originally published 1910 in Harper's; included in Twixt Land and Sea, 1912—English

James Cook
Eighteenth Century—English

Nicolaus Copernicus
written ca. 1514—Latin

Tristan Corbrière
Nineteenth Century—French

Pierre Corneille
Seventeenth Century—French

Julio Cortázar
Blow-Up and Other Stories_1
originally entitled The End of the Game and Other Stories, published 1967; includes Las Armas Secretas [1959] and selections from Besiario, 1951; and Final del Juego, 1956—Spanish

Abraham Cowley
Seventeenth Century—English

'Of Agriculture'_1

William Cowper
Eighteenth Century—English

George Crabbe
"Poetical Works"_1
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

Hart Crane
Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose_1
1966; includes White Buildings [1926]; The Bridge [1930]; plus a section entitled Uncollected Poems split into three sections: Early Poems; Late Poems: Key West: An Island Sheaf; More Late Poems; and a section entitled Selected Prose—English

Stephen Crane

late Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

late Nineteenth Century—English

'The Open Boat'_2
originally published Jun. 1897 in Scribner's; included in The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, 1898—English
*Recommended* *Newman*

'The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky'_1
originally published 1898 in McClure's; included in The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, 1898—English

'The Blue Hotel'_2
originally published serially Nov.-Dec. 1898 in Collier's Weekly; included in The Monster and Other Stories, 1899—English
*Recommended* *Newman*

Richard Crashaw
Seventeenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

Benedetto Croce
Selected works_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Italian

Philosophy, Poetry, History: An Anthology_1
1966; English translations by Cecil Sprigge; Filosofia Dello Spirito, originally published in four volumes: Estetica Come Scienza Dell' Espressione e Linguistica Generale; Logica Come Scienza del Concetto Puro; Filosofia Della Practica: Economia ed Etica; Teoria e Storia Della Storiografia, 1902-13—Italian

Juana Inés de la Cruz
late Seventeenth Century—Spanish

Cui Hu
'A Village South of the Capital'_1
part of Three Hundred Tang Poems, compiled by Sun Zhu ca. 1763

E E Cummings
Complete Poems, 1904-1962_1
1991; includes Tulips and Chimneys [1923]; & [1925]; XLI Poems [1925]; Is 5 [1926]; W (ViVa) [1931]; No Thanks [1935]; 50 Poems [1940]; 1 x 1 [1944]; Xaipe [1950]; 95 Poems [1958]; 73 Poems [1962]; Etcetera: The Unpublished Poems [1983]; plus sections entitled New Poems [originally published in Collected Poems, 1938] and Uncollected Poems—English

'in Just-_1
originally published May 1920 in the Dial; included in Tulips and Chimneys, 1923—English

Georges Cuvier
'Discours Préliminaire'_1
part of Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles de Quadrupèdes, 1812—French

Samuel Daniel
llate Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

Gabriele D'Annunzio
Selected works_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—Italian

Selected works_1
late Thirteenth-early Fourteenth centuries—Italian

part of La Divina Commedia; complete work written ca. 1308-21; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Robert and Jean Hollander's English translation—Italian
*Learning* *Foundation* *Campbell* *Smart* *Graphic* *Educated*

Rubén Darío
Selected Poems of Rubén Darío_1
1965; selections from Abrojos; Rimas; Azul, 1888; Prosas Profanas y Otros Poemas, 1896; Cantos de Vida y Esperanza; Los Cisnes y Otros Poemas; El Canto Errante; Poema del Oto&etilde;o y Otros Poemas; Canto a la Argentina y Otros Poems; and a section entitled Miscellaneous Poems—Spanish

George Darley
early Nineteenth Century—English

Charles Darwin
Selected works_1
unspecified selection—English

Life and Letters of Charles Darwin [excerpted]_1

More Letters [excerpted]_1
Vol. II, chapter VIII—English

'The Moral Sense of Man and the Lower Animals'_1
excerpts from On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man—English

Alphonse Daudet
'Contes du Lundi: Le Siège de Berlin'_1
originally published Jul. 1871 in Le Soir; title shortened to Le Siège de Berlin for inclusion in Lettres à un Absent, 1871; also included in expanded version of Contes du Lundi, 1878—French

'Contes du Lundi: L'Enfant Espion'_1
originally published Jul. 1871 in Le Soir; title shortened to 'L'Enfant Espion' for inclusion in Lettres à un Absent, 1871; also included in expanded version of Contes du Lundi, 1878—French

'Contes du Lundi: La Partie de Billard'_1
originally published Sep. 1871 in Le Soir; title shortened to 'La Partie de Billard' for inclusion in Contes du Lundi, 1873—French

'La Dernière Classe, Récit d'un Petit Alsacien'_1
originally published May 1872 in Le Soir; titled shortened to 'La Dernière Classe' for inclusion in Contes du Lundi, 1873—French

'Contes du Lundi: Le Zouave'_1
originally published Jul. 1872 in Le Soir; retitled 'Le Mauvais Zouave' for inclusion in Contes du Lundi, 1873—French

John Davidson
Ballads and Songs_1

Donald Davie
Selected Poems_1
1991; selections from Brides of Reason, 1955; A Winter Talent and Other Poems, 1957; The Forests of Lithuania, 1959; New and Selected Poems, 1961; A Sequence for Francis Parkman, 1961; Events and Wisdoms: Poems 1957-1963, 1965; Essex Poems, 1963-1967, 1969; The Shires, 1975; In the Stopping Train and Other Poems, 1977; Three for Water Music; and, The Shires, 1981; a section of new poems, The Battered Wife and Other Poems; plus sections entitled Poems of 1955-56; Poems of 1962-63; More Essex Poems; Los Angeles Poems—English

Daniel Defoe
'The Education of Women'_1

Linda Dégh
Folktales of Hungary_1

Walter De la Mare
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—English

Collected Poems_1
1979; includes Poems [1906]; The Listeners and Other Poems [1912]; Motley and Other Poems [1918]; The Veil and Other Poems [1921]; The Fleeting and Other Poems [1933]; Memory and Other Poems [1938]; The Burning-Glass and Other Poems [1945]; The Traveller [1945]; Inward Companion [1950]; Winged Chariot [1951]; O Lovely England and Other Poems [1953]; and selections from Poems 1919-1934, 1935—English

'The Listeners'_1
included in The Listeners and Other Poems, 1912—English

'Seaton's Aunt'_1

'All Hallows'_1

'The Riddle'_1
included in The Riddle and Other Stories, 1923—English


Fourth Century B C—English
*Baldwin* *Invitation*

René Descartes
Regulae ad Directionem Ingenii ut et Inquisitio Veritatis per Lumen Naturale [excerpted]_1
Nos. 1-12; complete work published in Dutch translation, 1684; original Latin, 1701—Latin

Objections and Replies_1

John Dewey
Ethics [excerpted]_1
'The Virtues'; complete work published 1908—English

Human Nature and Conduct [excerpted]_1
'Habits and Will'; complete work published 1922—English

Junot Díaz
ten stories, six of which originally published in Story, the New Yorker, Time Out New York, and the Paris Review—English

Philip K Dick
"Novels and stories"_1
Twentieth Century—English

Charles Dickens
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—English

Nineteenth Century—English

James Dickey
The Early Motion_1
1981; includes Drowning With Others [1962]; Helmets [1964]—English

The Central Motion: Poems 1968-79_1
1983; includes The Eye-Beaters, Blood, Victory, Madness, Buckhead, and Mercy [1968]; The Zodiac [1976]; The Strength of Fields [1979]; plus selections of the author's translations from Head-Deep in Strange Sounds: Free-Flight Improvisations From the unEnglish [1979]—English

Emily Dickinson
Nineteenth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Zane* *Newman* *Educated*

The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson_4
*Ward* *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Trinity*

'Because I Could Not Stop for Death'_2
part of Poems, 1890—English
*Van Doren* *Graphic*

'The Heart Asks Pleasure — First'_1
part of Poems, 1890—English
*Van Doren*

'Success Is Counted Sweetest'_1
part of Poems, 1890—English
*Van Doren*

'The Soul Selects Her Own Society'_1
part of Poems, 1890—English
*Van Doren*

'I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed'_1
part of Poems, 1890—English

'The Grass So Little Has to Do'_1
part of Poems, 1890—English

'It Was Not Death, for I Stood Up'_1
part of Poems: Second Series, 1891—English

'She Died — This Was the Way She Died'_1
part of Poems: Second Series, 1891—English

'God Gave a Loaf to Every Bird'_1
part of Poems: Second Series, 1891—English

'After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes'_1
part of Further Poems of Emily Dickinson, 1929—English
*Van Doren*

'A Prison Gets to Be a Friend'_1
part of Further Poems of Emily Dickinson, 1929—English

Nineteenth Century—English

Nineteenth Century—English

Denis Diderot
Selected Works_1
Eighteenth Century—French

'Ceci N'Est pas un Conte'_1
originally published 1773 in Correspondance Littérarire—French

Denis Diderot et al.
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers_7
published in 28 volumes, 1751-72—French
*Downs* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Dirda* *GlobeMail* *Telegraph* *Newman*

Joan Didion
Slouching Toards Bethlehem_1
essays originally published 1961-7 in the Saturday Evening Post, the New York Times, Holiday, Vogue, and the American Scholar—English

Isak Dinesen
Twentieth Century—English

'The Roads Around Pisa'_1

'The Monkey'_1

'Babette's Feast'_1

'The Deluge at Norderney'_1

John Donne
Selected works_1
early Seventeenth Century—English

early Seventeenth Century—English
*List* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Trinity* *Newman* *Educated*

"Songs and sonnets"_1
unspecified selection—English

The Songs and Sonnets of John Donne_1
1956; edited by Theodore Redpath—English

written 1615-31; edition of 154 sermons published in three volumes: LXXX Sermons, 1640; Fifty Sermons, 1649; and XXVI Sermons, 1660; six sermons published separately during the author’s life: A Sermon Upon the XV. Verse of the XX. Chapter of the Booke of Judges, 1622; A Sermon Upon the VIII. Verse of the I. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, 1622; Encænia. The Feast of Celebration. Celebrated at Lincolnes Inne, in a Sermon Thereupon Ascension Day, 1623, 1623; The First Sermon Preached to King Charles, at Saint Iames: 3°. April. 1625., 1625; A Sermon, Preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24. Febr. 1625, 1626; A Sermon of Commemoration of the Lady Dāuers, Late Wife of Sr. John Dāuers, 1627; seven others published soon after his death: Death’s Duell, or, A Consolation to the Soule, Against the Dying Life, and Living Death of the Body, 1632; and Six Sermons, 1634—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

Selected Sermons_1
1958; nine sermons; edited by Theodore A Gill—English

'Death's Duell, or, A Consolation to the Soule, Against the Dying Life, and Living Death of the Body'_1
1632; included in the author's collected sermons—English
*Van Doren*

part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Classics* *Fadiman*

Holy Sonnets_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Fadiman* *Trinity*

Holy Sonnets [selections]_1
no. 1, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 18 designated but Van Doren does not note which ordering of the Sonnets he refers to--note that he also lists two of the sonnets separately; all form part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren*

'Death Be Not Proud'_1
one of the Holy Sonnets; 10th in the series as part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]; 11th as part of Songs and Sonnets—English
*Van Doren*

'At the Earth's Round Imagined Corners, Blow'_1
one of the Holy Sonnets; seventh in the series as part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]; eighth in the series as part of Songs and Sonnets—English
*Van Doren*

'Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward'_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren* *Trinity*

'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning'_3
written ca. 1611-12; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended* *Trinity*

'The Good Morrow'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren*

'Song (Goe, and Catche a Falling Starre)'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren*

'The Canonization'_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren* *Trinity*

'The Undertaking'_1
originally entitled 'I Have Done One Braver Thing'; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]; retitled for the second edition of Poems, 1635—English
*Van Doren*

'Loves Alchymie'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren*

'The Flea'_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Trinity* *Graphic*

'The Extasie'_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Trinity* *Newman*

'Loves Deitie'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren*

'The Funerall'_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren* *Trinity*

'The Blossome'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren*

'A Hymne to God the Father'_2
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
*Van Doren* *Trinity*

'Hymn to God My God in My Sicknesse'_1
part of the second edition of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1635]—English
*Van Doren*

'A Valediction of Weeping'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

'Aire and Angels'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

'The Relique'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

'A Nocturnall Upon S. Lucies Day, Being the Shortest Day'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

'The Sunne Rising'_1
part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English

H D (Hilda Doolittle)
Selected works_1
unspecified selection—English

Selected Poems_1
1988; selections from Sea Garden, 1916; Hymen, 1921; Heliodora and Other Poems, 1924; Red Roses for Bronze, 1931; Trilogy, 1944-6; Helen in Egypt, 1961; Hermetic Definition, 1972; plus sections entitled Miscellaneous Poems 1914-1917; and Miscellaneous Poems, 1931-1938(?)—English

'Sea Iris'_1
part of Sea Garden, 1916—English

Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Short Novels of Dostoevsky_1
1945; includes The Gambler; Notes From Underground; Uncle's Dream; The Eternal Husband; The Double; The Friend of the Family—Russian

Ernest Dowson
Complete Poems_1

Keith Douglas
Complete Poems_1
1951; revised 1978 and 1998; certain poems originally published in the anthologies Augury: An Oxford Miscellany of Verse and Prose, 1940; and Selected Poems (also featuring the work of J C Hall and Norman Nicholson), 1943; the appendix of Alamein to Zem Zem, 1946; Collected Poems, 1951, revised 1966; and varied periodicals: the Outlook, New Verse, Bolero, Fords and Bridges, the Cherwell, Poetry (U K publication), Citadel, Personal Landscape—English

Frederick Douglass
'The Message From Mount Misery'_1
selections from edited Aug. 1857 speech, originally published as part of Two Speeches, by Frederick Douglass; One on West India Emancipation, Delivered at Canandaigua, Aug. 4th, and the Other on the Dred Scott Decision, Delivered in New York on the Occasion of the Anniversary of the American Abolition Society, May, 1857, 1857—English

Rita Dove
Selected Poems_1
1993; includes The Yellow House on the Corner [1980]; Museum [1983]; Thomas and Beulah [1986]—English

Arthur Conan Doyle
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes_1
1981; includes all of the Sherlock Holmes novels and stories—English

"Sherlock Holmes"_1
Unspecified selection—English

"Brigadier Gerard stories"_1
19 stories, all but one included in either The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard or The Adventures of Gerard—English

"Captain Sharkey stories"_1
four stories—English

The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales_1

The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard_1
eight stories originally published serially Dec. 1894-Dec. 1895 in the Strand—English

The Adventures of Gerard_1
nine stories originally published serially Jan. 1900-May 1903 in the Strand; plus an additional story—English

'Lot No. 49'_1
originally published 1892—English

'The Red-Headed League'_1
originally published Aug. 1891 in the Strand; included inThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1892—English
*Van Doren*

'The Five Orange Pips'_1
originally published Nov. 1891 in the Strand; included in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

'The Adventure of the Speckled Band'_1
originally published Feb. 1892 in the Strand; included in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

'The Crooked Man'_1
originally published Jul. 1893 in the Strand; included in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

'The Final Problem'_1
originally published Dec. 1893 in the Strand; included in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

'The Adventure of the Empty House'_1
originally published Sep. 1903 in Collier's; included in The Return of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

'The Adventure of the Devil's Foot'_1
originally published Dec. 1910 in the Strand; included in His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

'The Horror of the Heights'_1
originally published Nov. 1913 in the Strand—English

'His Last Bow'_1
originally published Sep. 1917 in the Strand; included in His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes—English
*Van Doren*

Francis Drake
Sir Francis Drake Revived_1

Michael Drayton
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Travelling in the Family_1
English translations by Elizabeth Bishop et al.—Spanish

John Dryden
Seventeenth Century—English
*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Bloom* *Newman*

Seventeenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

"Critical essays"_1
Seventeenth Century—English

'Defence of an Essay of Dramatic Poesy'_1
preface to the second edition of The Indian Emperor or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards Being a Sequel of the Indian Queen, 1667—English

'To the Pious Memory of the Accomplisht Young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew, Excellent in the Two Sister-Arts of Poësie, and Painting. An Ode'_1
part of Anne Killigrew's Poems, 1696—English

'To the Memory of Mr. John Oldham'_1
*Van Doren*

'A Song for Saint Cecelia's Day'_1
*Van Doren*

'The Secular Masque'_1
*Van Doren*

Paul Laurence Dunbar
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

William Dunbar

Marguerite Duras
Four Novels by Marguerite Duras_1
1965; includes Le Square [1955]; Moderato Cantabile [1958]; Dix Heures et Demie du Soir en Été [1960]; L'Après-Midi de M. Andesmas [1964]—French

Richard Eberhart
Collected Poems_1
1988; selections from A Bravery of Earth, 1930; Reading the Spirit, 1936; Song and Idea, 1940; Poems New and Selected, 1944; Burr Oaks, 1947; Selected Poems, 1951; Undercliff: Poems 1946-1953, 1953; Great Praises, 1957; Collected Poems 1930-1960, 1960; The Quarry: New Poems, 1964; Selected Poems 1930-1965, 1965; Shifts of Being, 1968; Fields of Grace, 1972; Ways of Light: Poems 1972-1980, 1980; Four Poems, 1980; Florida Poems, 1981; The Long Reach: New and Uncollected Works 1948-1984, 1984; plus poems originally published in The Bread Loaf Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, 1985; and 13 new poems—English

Meister Eckhart
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Dayton Edmonds
'Coyote and the Pebbles'_1
illustrations by Micah Farritor; part of Trickster: Native American Tales, 2010, edited by Matt Dembicki—English

Jonathan Edwards

Günter Eich
Pigeons and Moles: Selected Writings_1

Joseph von Eichendorff
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

George Eliot
Nineteenth Century—English

T S Eliot

Twentieth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Good* *Educated*

Collected Poems, 1909-1962_3
1936; expanded 1963; includes Prufrock and Other Observations [1917]; Poems: 1920 [1920]; 'The Waste Land'; 'The Hollow Men'; Ash Wednesday [1930]; Journey of the Magi [1927]; A Song for Simeon [1928]; Animula [1929]; Marina [1930]; Triumphal March [1931]; Sweeney Agonistes: Fragments of an Aristophanic Melodrama [1932]; Four Quartets; The Cultivation of Christmas Trees [1954]; selections from The Rock; two poems, 'Coriolan' and 'Difficulties of a Statesman', included with Triumphal March and Sweeney Agonistes in a section entitled Unfinished Poems; plus sections entitled Minor Poems, and Occasional Verses; 1936 edition, entitled Collected Poems, 1909-1935, only included 'Burnt Norton' from Four Quartets and did not include The Cultivation of Christmas Trees or the Occasional Verses section—English
*Ward* *Fadiman* *GlobeMail*

The Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950_1
1952; includes Prufrock and Other Observations [1917]; Poems: 1920 [1920]; 'The Waste Land'; 'The Hollow Men'; Ash Wednesday [1930]; Journey of the Magi [1927]; A Song for Simeon [1928]; Animula [1929]; Marina [1930]; Triumphal March [1931]; Sweeney Agonistes: Fragments of an Aristophanic Melodrama [1932]; Murder in the Cathedral [1935]; The Family Reunion [1939]; The Cocktail Party [1949]; Four Quartets; Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats [1939]; selections from The Rock; two poems, 'Coriolan' and 'Difficulties of a Statesman', included with Triumphal March and Sweeney Agonistes in a section entitled Unfinished Poems; plus a section entitled Minor Poems—English

Collected Plays_1
1962; includes Murder in the Cathedral [1935]; The Family Reunion [1939]; The Cocktail Party [1949]; The Confidential Clerk [1953]; and The Elder Statesman [1958]—English

Twentieth Century—English

'The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock'_4
originally published Jun. 1915 in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Rhapsody on a Windy Night'_1
originally published Jul. 1915 in Blast; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English
*Van Doren*

'Morning at the Window'_1
originally published Sep. 1916 in Poetry; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English
*Van Doren*

'Sweeney Among the Nightingales'_1
part of Poems: 1920, 1920—English
*Van Doren*

The Sacred Wood_1
1920; 20 essays, some of which originally published in the Times Literary Supplement, the Athenæum, Art and Letters, and the Egoist—English
*Van Doren*

'The Waste Land'_11
originally published Oct. 1922 in the Criterion—English
*Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Eyes That I Last Saw in Tears'_1
originally published Nov. 1924 in Chapbook as part of Doris's Dream Songs—English
*Van Doren*

'The Hollow Men'_4
originally published in Poems: 1909-1925, 1925—English
*Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Newman*

Selected Essays, 1917-1932_2
*Van Doren* *Bloom*

Havelock Ellis
Studies in the Psychology of Sex [excerpted]_1
Vols. I, II, III, VI; complete work published in seven volumes, 1897-1928—English

Paul Éluard
Selected Poems_1
1987; English translations by Gilbert Bowen—French

Odysseas Elytis
What I Love: Selected Poems_1

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Complete works_1
Nineteenth Century—English

Essays and English Traits_1
1910; volume 5 of the Harvard Classics; includes An Oration, Delivered Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge [1837; later retitled The American Scholar]; English Traits [1856]; and selections from Essays: First Series [1841] and Essays: Second Series [1844]—English

Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—English

Journals [excerpted]_1
unspecified selection—English

Nineteenth Century—English
*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Magill* *Good* *Newman*

part of Essays: First Series, 1841—English
*Classics* *Fadiman*

part of Essays: First Series, 1841—English
*Classics* *Fadiman* *Newman*

'The Over-Soul'_1
part of Essays: First Series, 1841—English

part of Essays: Second Series, 1844; not the same as Nature [1836]—English

Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

'The Humble-Bee'_1
part of Poems, 1847—English

'To J W'_1

'The Rhodora'_1



'Ode (To W H Channing)'_1

'Give All to Love'_1


'Concord Hymn'_1


'Plato; or, The Philosopher'_1
edited lecture; part of Representative Men, 1850—English

'Montaigne; or, The Skeptic'_2
edited lecture; part of Representative Men, 1850—English
*Classics* *Fadiman*

edited and expanded version of May 1862 eulogy for Henry David Thoreau; originally published Aug. 1862 in the Atlantic Monthly—English

Selected works_1
Fifth Century B C; only fragments of his works are extant—Greek

William Empson
Collected Poems_1
1949; includes Letter IV [1927]; Poems [1935]; The Gathering Storm [1940] plus three new poems and 'Notes'; expanded 1955 edition with the addition of one poem and one play—English

Yunus Emre
late Thirteenth-early Fourteenth centuries—Turkish

Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Twentieth Century—German

Poems for People Who Don't Read Poems_1

The Golden Sayings of Epictetus_1
1903; excerpts from The Discourses; English translations by Hastings Crossley; Second Century—Greek

three extant letters, part of Diogenes Laërtius's Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers; Third Century—Greek
*Ward* *Trinity*

Letter to Herodotus_1
part of Diogenes Laërtius's Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers; Third Century—Greek

Letter to Menoeceus_1
part of Diogenes Laërtius's Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers; Third Century—Greek

Desiderius Erasmus
Colloquia Familiaria [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; complete work published 1518-33—Latin

Salvador Espriu
La Pell de Brau: Poems_1
English translations by Burton Raffel—Catalan

José de Espronceda
'La Canción del Pirata'_1
'Pirate's Song'


late Fifth Century B C—Greek
*Baldwin* *Durant* *Rexroth* *Good* *Read*

Gavin Ewart
Selected Poems 1933-1988_1
1988; selections from Poems and Songs, 1939; Pleasures of the Flesh, 1966; The Deceptive Grin of the Gravel Porters, 1968; The Gavin Ewart Show, 1971; An Imaginary Love Affair, 1974; Be My Guest!, 1975; No Fool Like an Old Fool, 1976; The First Eleven, 1977; Or Where a Young Penguin Lies Screaming, 1977; The New Ewart, 1982; The Young People’s Guide to His Toes, 1985; The Complete Little Ones, 1986; Late Pickings, 1987; plus a section entitled New and Uncollected—English

Moses Ben Ezra
Selected Poems_1
1934; English translations by S de Solis-Cohen; written late Eleventh Century—Hebrew

Émile Faguet
Histoire de la Littérature Française_1
sections on the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth centuries; complete work published 1900—French

Faiz Ahmad Faiz
Twentieth Century—Hindustani

Élie Faure
Histoire de l'Art [excerpted]_1
Vol. I, chs. 1-8; vol. II, chs. 1-9; vol. III, chs. 4-6; vol. IV, chs. 1-8; complete work published in five volumes, 1919-21—French

William Faulkner

Collected Stories of William Faulkner_1
includes These 13, 1931, and all except 'Smoke' from Dr. Martino and Other Stories, 1958—English

'The Hill'_1
originally published Mar. 1922 in the Mississippian—English

'A Rose for Emily'_2
originally published Apr. 1930 in Forum—English
*Adler* *Recommended*

'The Bear'_1
originally entitled 'Lion', published Dec. 1935 in Harper's; revised and retitled May 1942 for inclusion in the Saturday Evening Post; included in Go Down, Moses and Other Stories, 1942—English

Alvin Feinman
1990; includes Preambles and Other Poems [1964], revised; plus new poems—English

Irving Feldman
New aned Selected Poems_1
1979; selections from Work and Days, 1961; The Pripet Marshes, 1965; Magic Papers, 1970; Lost Originals, 1972; Leaping Chair, 1976; plus 11 new poems—English

Antonio Ferreira
The Muse Reborn: The Poetry of António Ferreira_1
1988; written Sixteenth Century; English translations by T F Earle—Portuguese

Ronald Firbank
Five Novels_1
1949; includes Valmouth [1919]; The Flower Beneath The Foot: Being a Record of the Early Life of St. Laura De Nazianzi and the Times in Which She Lived [1923]; Sorrow in Sunlight [1924; published in the U S as Prancing Nigger]; Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli [1926]; The Artificial Princess [1934]—English

F Scott Fitzgerald
'A Diamond as Big as the Ritz'_1
originally published Jun. 1922 in the Smart Set; included in Tales of the Jazz Age, 1922—English

Babylon Revisited and Other Stories_1
1960; originally published in varied periodicals: the Saturday Evening Post, the Smart Set, Metropolitan, the American Mercury, the Red Book Magazine, and Esquire, 1920-37; selections from Flappers and Philosophers, 1920; Tales of the Jazz Age, 1922; All the Sad Young Men, 1926; Taps at Reveille, 1935; The Stories of F Scott Fitzgerald, 1951—English

Robert Fitzgerald
Spring Shade: Poems, 1931-1970_1
1971; includes Poems [1935]; A Wreath for the Sea [1943]; In the Rose of Time [1956]; plus sections entitled Poems, 1956-1970; and Selected Translations—English

Gustave Flaubert
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—French

'Un Cœur Simple'_3
part of Trois Contes, 1877—French
*Bloom* *Foundation* *Recommended*

Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher

J V Foix
When I Sleep, Then I See Clearly: Selected Poems of J V Foix_1
1988; English translations by David H Rosenthal—Catalan

Jean Follain
Transparence of the World: Poems_1
English translations by W S Merwin—French

E M Forster

Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—English

'The Celestial Omnibus'_1

'The Eternal Moment'_1

'My Wood'_1

'Two Cheers for Democracy'_1

Ugo Foscolo
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—Italian

Benjamin Franklin
'Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress'_1
letter dated 25 June 1745—English

'A Letter to the Royal Academy'_1
'Fart Proudly'
included in Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School, 1990—English

James George Frazer
The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion [excerpted]_1
originally entitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion, published in two volumes, 1890; expanded and retitled 1900, in three volumes; expanded 1906-15, in 12 volumes; supplemental volume added for 1937 edition; distinct abridged versions, 1922, 1959, and 1994—English

Edward Augustus Freeman
'Race and Language'_1
originally published Feb. 1877 in the Contemporary Review, Feb. 1877; revised version, in Historical Essays, Third Series [1879], includes portions of 'The Geographical Aspect of the Eastern Question', originally published Jan. 1877 in the Fortnightly Review—English

Sigmund Freud
Selected works_2
early Twentieth Century—German
*Fadiman* *Trinity*

The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud_1
1938; includes Psychopathology of Everyday Life; The Interpretation of Dreams; Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex; Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious; Totem and Taboo; The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement—English

Selected Papers on Hysteria [excerpted]_1
first-tenth chapters; first-fourth from Studien Über Hysterie, published 1895, and the first of which co-written with Josef Breuer; fifth-tenth from Sammlung Kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, published in two volumes, 1906 and 1909—German

Die Traumdeutung (The Interpretation of Dreams) [excerpted]_1
'On Dreams'; complete work published 1899—German

Robert Frost

Twentieth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Educated*

part of A Boy's Will, 1913—English
*Van Doren*

'Mending Wall'_2
part of North of Boston, 1914—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman*

'The Death of the Hired Man'_1
part of North of Boston, 1914—English
*Van Doren*

'Home Burial'_1
part of North of Boston, 1914—English
*Van Doren*

'The Black Cottage'_1
part of North of Boston, 1914—English
*Van Doren*

'After Apple-Picking'_1
part of North of Boston, 1914—English

'The Road Not Taken'_3
originally published Aug. 1915 in the Atlantic Monthly; part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman* *Recommended*

'In the Home Stretch'_1
originally published Jul. 1916 in the Century; part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English
*Van Doren*

'The Oven Bird'_1
part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English
*Van Doren*

originally published Aug. 1915 in the Atlantic Monthly; part of Mountain Interval, 1916—English
*Van Doren*

'The Witches of Coös'_1
originally published Jan. 1922 in Poetry; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English
*Van Doren*

'Fire and Ice'_1
originally published Jan. 1920 in Harper's; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English
*Van Doren*

'The Runaway'_1
originally published Jun. 1918 in the Amherst Monthly; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English
*Van Doren*

'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'_2
originally published Mar. 1923 in the New Republic; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman*

'To Earthward'_1
originally published Oct. 1923 in the Yale Review; part of New Hampshire, 1923—English
*Van Doren*

'Once by the Pacific'_1
originally published Dec. 1926 in the New Republic; part of West-Running Brook, 1928—English
*Van Doren*

'Two Tramps in Mud Time'_1
originally published Oct. 1934 in the Saturday Review of Literature; part of A Further Range, 1936—English
*Van Doren*

'The Silken Tent'_1
originally published Winter 1939 in the Virginia Quarterly Review; part of A Witness Tree, 1942—English
*Van Doren*

'The Gift Outright'_1
originally published Spring 1942 in the Virginia Quarterly Review; part of A Witness Tree, 1942—English
*Van Doren*

Complete Poems of Robert Frost_1
1949; includes A Boy's Will [1913; revised 1930]; North of Boston [1914]; Mountain Interval [1916; expanded 1930]; New Hampshire [1923]; West-Running Brook [1928; expanded 1930]; A Further Range [1936]; A Witness Tree [1942]; A Masque of Reason [1945]; Steeple Bush [1947]; and A Masque of Mercy [1947]; plus a section entitled An Afterword—English

The Poetry of Robert Frost_2
1969; includes A Boy's Will [1913; revised 1930]; North of Boston [1914]; Mountain Interval [1916; expanded 1930]; New Hampshire [1923]; West-Running Brook [1928; expanded 1930]; A Further Range [1936]; A Witness Tree [1942]; A Masque of Reason [1945]; Steeple Bush [1947]; A Masque of Mercy [1947]; In the Clearing [1962]; plus two of the three poems originally presented in the section entitled An Afterword in Collected Poems [1949], the other poem having been made part of In the Clearing—English
*Bloom* *Trinity*

Dù Fǔ (Tu Fu)
Eighth Century—Chinese
*Rexroth* *Ward* *Utne*

Roy Fuller
Collected Poems 1936-1961_1
1962; includes nearly all of The Middle of a War [1942]; A Lost Season, 1944; Epitaphs and Occasions, 1949; Counterparts, 1954; and Brutus’s Orchard, 1957selections from Poems, 1939; plus an untitled section of "recent and previously uncollected poems"; New and Collected Poems 1934-84, 1985, includes selections from Poems, the five books noted above, the Collected Poems detailed above; and selections from Buff, 1965; Off Course, 1969; Tiny Tears, 1973; From the Joke Shop, 1975; The Reign of Sparrows, 1980; plus a section entitled Recent Poems Hitherto Uncollected —English

Mohandas Gandhi
The Gandhi Reader: A Source Book of His Life and Writings_1
1956; edited by Homer A Jack—Gujarati

Federico García Lorca

early Twentieth Century—Spanish
*France* *Ward*

Collected Poems_1
1988; revised 2002; includes Poema del Cante Jondo [published in part, Apr. 1927, in Verso y Prosa and separately in 1930, in its entirety, 1931]; Suites [1983]; Canciones [1927]; Primer Romancero Gitano [1928]; Diván del Tamarit [originally published 1940 in Revista Hispánica Moderna]; Seis Poemas Galegos [1935]; Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías [1935]; selections from Libro de Poemas, 1921; the screenplay Viaje a la Luna, 1980; plus sections entitled Odes; Prose Poems and Narrations; Poems From Earth and Moon; Sonnets of Dark Love; Other Sonnets, 1923-1936; Uncollected Poems; and Juvenilia; and two fragments; 2002 edition includes Poeta en Nueva York [1942], excludes Juvenilia and the two fragments, and expands Suites—Spanish

The Selected Poems of Federico García Lorca_1
1955; includes Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías [1935]; and selections from Libro de Poemas, 1921; Poema del Cante Jondo, published in part Apr. 1927 in Verso y Prosa and separately in 1930, in its entirety, 1931; Primeras Canciones, 1936; Canciones, 1927; Primer Romancero Gitano, 1928; Poeta en Nueva York, 1942; Seis Poemas Galegos, 1935; Diván del Tamarit, originally published 1940 in Revista Hispánica Moderna—Spanish

'Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías'_1

Gabriel García Márquez
Leaf Storm and Other Stories_1

No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories_1

Jean Garrigue
Selected Poems_1
1992; selections from Thirty-Six Poems and a Few Songs, 1944; The Ego and the Centaur, 1947; The Monument Rose, 1953; A Water Walk by Villa d'Este, 1959; Country Without Maps, 1964; New and Selected Poems, 1967; Chartres and Prose Poems, 1970; Studies for an Actress and Other Poems, 1973; plus a section entitled Uncollected Poems—English

Elizabeth Gaskell
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—English

Archibald Geikie
'Geographical Evolution'_1
lecture delivered 24 Mar. 1879; included in Geographical Sketches at Home and Abroad—English

Henry George
Progress and Property: An Inquiry Into the Cause of Industrial Depressions, and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth; the Remedy [excerpted]_1
Books I-III; Book IV, chapters I and II; Books V-VII; Book VIII, chapter IV; Book X; complete work published 1879—English

Stefan George
Nineteenth Century—German

Nineteenth Century—Hindustani
*Ward* *World*

Edward Gibbon
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [excerpted]_1
Chapters 1, 2, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 31, 34, 40, 50, 58, 68, 71; complete work originally published in six volumes: first, 1776; second-third, 1781; fourth-sixth, 1788—English

Pere Gimferrer
Selected Poems_1

Allen Ginsburg
Illuminated Poems_1
1996; poems previously published plus two new poems; illustrations by Eric Drooker—English

Jean Giraudoux
Four Plays_1
includes The Madwoman of Chaillot; The Apollo of Bellac; The Enchanted; Ondine—French

Jacob Glatstein
Selected Poems_1

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust. Der Tragödie Erster Teil_4
first of two volumes of Faust; published in part, 1790; in its entirey, 1808; revised 1829; second volume, Faust. Der Tragödie Zweiter Teil, 1832—German
*Eliot* *Foundation* *Landmarks* *Deposit*

late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—German

"Poems translated by Michael Hamburger, Christopher Middleton, and others"_1
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—German

The Collected Works Volume 8: Verse Plays and Epic_1
1987; includes Hermann and Dorothea—German

Nikolai Gogol

The Complete Tales of Nikolai Gogol_1
1985; includes Evenings on a Farm Near Dikaka and Mirgorod; selections from Arabesques; plus a section entitled Other Tales, which includes 'The Nose'; 'The Coach'; 'The Portrait'; and 'The Overcoat'—Russian

Nineteenth Century—Russian

'Zapiski Sumasšedšego'_2
'The Diary of a Madman'

*Recommended* *Newman*

'The Nose'
originally published 1836 in Sovremennik—Russian

'The Overcoat'
*Magill* *Recommended* *Foundation*

Carlo Goldoni
Selected works_1
Eighteenth Century—Italian

Luis de Góngora
early Seventeenth Century—Spanish

Nadine Gordimer
Twentieth-early Twenty-First centuries—English

Edward Gorey
1972; includes The Unstrung Harp, 1953; The Listing Attic, 1954; The Doubtful Guest, 1957; The Object Lesson, 1958; The Bug Book, 1959; The Fatal Lozenge, 1960; The Hapless Child, 1961; The Curious Sofa: A Pornographic Tale by Ogdred Weary, 1961; The Willowdale Handcar: Or, the Return of the Black Doll, 1962; The Vinegar Works: Three Volumes of Moral Instruction, 1963 ; The Wuggly Ump, 1963; The Sinking Spell, 1964; and The Remembered Visit: A Story Taken From Life, 1965—English

Amphigorey Too_1
1975; includes The Beastly Baby, 1962; The Nursery Frieze, 1964; Three Books From Fantod Press, 1966; The Gilded Bat, 1967; The Iron Tonic: Or, A Winter Afternoon in Lonely Valley, 1969; Three Books From The Fantod Press, 1970; Three Books From The Fantod Press, 1971; The Lavender Leotard; The Disrespectful Summons; The Abandoned Sock, 1972; Leaves from a Mislaid Album, 1972; The Lost Lions, 1973; and A Limerick, 1973; plus translations of Alphonse Allais's Story for Saraand Charles Cros's The Salt Herring—English

Amphigorey Also_1
1983; includes The Utter Zoo, 1967; The Blue Aspic, 1968; The Epiplectic Bicycle, 1969; The Sopping Thursday, 1970; The Grand Passion; Les Passementeries Horribles; The Eclectic Abecedarium; L'Heure Bleue; The Broken Spoke; The Awdrey-Gore Legacy; The Glorious Nosebleed: Fifth Alphabet, 1975; The Loathsome Couple; The Green Beads, 1978; Les Urnes Utiles; The Stupid Joke; The Prune People; and The Tuning Fork—English

Amphigorey Again_1
2006; includes The Galoshes of Remorse; Signs of Spring; Seasonal Confusion; Random Walk; Category; The Other Statue; Scenes de Ballet; Verse Advice; The Deadly Blotter; Creativity; The Retrieved Locket; The Water Flowers; The Haunted Tea-Cosy: A Dispirited and Distasteful Diversion for Christmas, 1998; Christmas Wrap-Up, The Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium, 1999; The Just Dessert; The Admonitory Hippopotamus; Neglected Murderesses; Tragedies Topiares; The Raging Tide; The Unknown Vegetable; Another Random Walk; Serious Life: A Cruise; Figbash Acrobate; La Malle Saignante; and The Izzard Book; plus abridged versions of 10 Impossible Objects and The Universal Solvent—English

Maxim Gorky
Na Dne. The Lower Depths and Other Plays_1
1959; English translations by Alexander Bakshy and Paul S Nathan—Russian

Reminiscence of Chekhov_1

Juan Goytisolo
Space in Motion_1
1987; includes the essays 'Sir Richard Burton, Peregrino y Sexólogo' and 'Flaubert en Oriente', part of Crónicas Sarracinas, 1982; 'Las Cruces de Yeste', 'El Museo Dillinger', 'Vivir in Turquía', 'La Chanca 20 Años Después in El Paí Berliner Chronik' and 'El Crimen Fue en Port-Bou', originally published in El País and SITES; 'Por Qué He Escogido Vivir en Paris', originally published in Voces and SITES; 'Modesta Proposición a las Príncipes de Nuestra Bella Sociedad de Consumo', originally published in Triunfo—Spanish

Robert Graves
Collected Poems 1975_2
1975; U S edition entitled New Collected Poems; includes the entirety, or nearly all, of New Poems 1962 [1962]; Man Does, Woman Is [1964]; Love Respelt [1965]; Seventeen Poems Missing From 'Love Respelt' [1966]; Colophon to 'Love Respelt' [1967]; Poems 1965-1968 [1968]; Beyond Giving [1969]; Poems 1968-1970 [1970]; The Green-Sailed Vessel [1971]; Poems 1970-1972 [1972]; Timeless Meeting [1973]; At the Gate [1974]; selections from More Poems 1961, 1961; Food for Centraurs, 1960; Steps, 1958; 5 Pens in Hand, 1958; The Crowning Privilege, 1955; Poems 1953, 1953; Poems and Satires 1951, 1951; Poems 1938-1945, 1945; Work in Hand, 1942; earlier Collected Poems; and earlier books that had already been significantly revised for the author's first Collected Poems, 1938; plus 20 new poems; Ward lists the 1965 edition—English
*Ward* *Bloom*

Thomas Gray
Eighteenth Century—English
*Lubbock* *Bloom*

Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm

Nineteenth Century—German
*Bloom* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Graphic*

Selected stories_1
Nineteenth Century—German

'Das Tapfere Schneiderlein'_1
'The Valiant Little Tailor'
part of Kinder- und Hausmärchen—German

'Hänsel und Gretel'_1
'Hansel and Gretel'
part of Kinder- und Hausmärchen—German

'Little Snow White'
part of Kinder- und Hausmärchen—German

'Sechse Kommen Durch die Ganze Welt'_1
'How Six Made Good in the World'
part of Kinder- und Hausmärchen—German

Allen Grossman
The Ether Dome and Other Poems: New and Selected 1979-1991_1
1991; selections from The Woman on the Bridge Over the Chicago River, 1979; Of the Great House, 1982; The Bright Nails Scattered on the Ground, 1986; plus a section of new poems entitled Pastorals of Our Other Hours in the Millennium—English

Jorge Guillén
Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet_1
1979; English translations by Reginald Gibbons and Anthony L Geist—Spanish

Nicolás Guillén
Selected Poems_1

Lars Gustafsson
Selected Poems_1
late Twentieth-early Twenty-First centuries—Swedish

Fourteenth Century—Persian
*Ward* *World*

Judah Halevi
Selected Poems_1
1928; English translations by N Salamn—Arabic

Edward Everett Hale
'The Man Without a Country'_1

Donald Hall
Old and New Poems_1
1990; selections from Exiles and Marriages, 1955; The Dark Houses, 1958; A Roof of Tiger Lilies, 1963; The Alligator Bride, 1969; The Yellow Poem, 1971; The Town of Hill, 1975; Kicking the Leaves, 1978; The Toy Bone, 1979; The Happy Man, 1986; plus a section entitled 1987-1990 and four poems previously published in periodicals or anthologies—English

Moshe-Leib Halpern
Selected Poems_1

Dashiell Hammett
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—English

'The Whosis Kid'_1
originally published Mar. 1925 in Black Mask Magazine—English

Alexander Hamilton; John Jay; James Madison

The Federalist Papers_12
originally published 1787-1788 in the Independent Journal, the New-York Packet, and the Daily Advertiser—English
*StJohns* *Hundred* *Downs* *Read* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Good* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Kanigel* *Trinity* *Great*

Thomas Hardy
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English
*Van Doren*

Collected Poems_1
1919; expanded 1923, 1928, and 1930; incl. Wessex Poems and Other Verses [1898]; Poems of the Past and Present [1901]; Time’s Laughingstock and Other Verses [1909]; Satires of Circumstance: Lyrics and Reveries With Miscellaneous Pieces [1914]; Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses [1917]; Late Lyrics and Earlier With Many Other Verses [1922]; Human Shows, Far Phantasies, Songs, and Trifles [1925]; Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres [1928]—English

part of Wessex Poems and Other Verses, 1898—English
*Van Doren*

Kevin Hart
Peniel and Other Poems_1

Bret Harte

'The Luck of Roaring Camp'_2
originally published Aug. 1868 in Overland Monthly—English
*Eliot* *Recommended*

'The Outcasts of Poker Flat'_2
originally published Jan. 1869 in Overland Monthly—English
*Eliot* *Recommended*

'The Idyl of Red Gulch'_1
originally published Dec. 1869 in Overland Monthly—English

Gerhart Hauptmann
Five Plays_1
1961; English translations by Theodore H Lustig—German

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nineteenth Century—English
*Fadiman* *Newman*

Twice-Told Tales_1

'Young Goodman Brown'_2
originally anonymously published 1835 in the New-England Magazine; included in Mosses From an Old Manse, 1846—English
*Fadiman* *Newman*

'The Minister's Black Veil'_1
originally anonymously published 1836 in the Token and Atlantic Souvenir; included in Twice-Told Tales, 1837—English

'The Birth-Mark'_1
originally published Mar. 1843 in the Pioneer; included in Mosses From an Old Manse, 1846—English—English

'Rappaccini's Daughter'_2
included in Mosses From an Old Manse, 1846—English
*Eliot* *Fadiman*


Notebooks [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections—English

Robert Hayden
Collected Poems_1
1985; includes A Ballad of Remembrance [1962]; Words in the Mourning Time [1970]; The Night-Blooming Cereus [1972]; Angle of Ascent [1975]; American Journal [1982]—English
*Bloom* *Trinity*

William Hazlitt
"Essays and criticism"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

'Of Persons One Would Wish to Have Seen'_1
originally published 1836 in Literary Remains of the Late William Hazlitt; also included in Winterslow: Essays and Characters Written There, 1839—English

Seamus Heaney
Selected Poems, 1966-1987_1
1990; selections from Death of a Naturalist, 1966; Door Into the Dark, 1969; Wintering Out, 1972; Stations, 1975; North, 1975; Field Work, 1979; Sweeney Astray, 1983; Station Island, 1984; The Haw Lantern, 1987—English
*Bloom* *Trinity*

Anne Hébert
Selected Poems_1
1987; selections from Le Tombeau des Rois, 1953; and Poèmes, 1960 [which included Tombeau and a section of new poems entitled Le Mystère de la Parole] plus a section entitled Uncollected Poems—French

Anthony Hecht
Collected Earlier Poems_1
1990; includes The Hard Hours [1967]; Millions of Strange Shadows [1977]; The Venetian Vespers [1979]; selections from A Summoning of Stones, 1954—English

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Selected works_1
Ward recommends either Selections, 1979, edited by J Lowenberg; or The Philosophy of Hegel: Hegel's Basic Writings, 1965, edited by C J Friedrich—German

Heinrich Heine
Nineteenth Century—German

Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

The Complete Poems of Heinrich Heine_1
1982; English translations by Hal Draper; includes Tragedies With a Lyrical Intermezzo; New Poems; Atta Troll; and Romanzero—German

"Prose works_1
Nineteenth Century—German

Hermann von Helmholtz
'On the Conservation of Force'_1

'Ice and Glaciers'_1

Ernest Hemingway

Twentieth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Zane* *Newman*

'A Matter of Colour'_1
originally published Apr. 1916 in Tabula—English

'Living on $1,000 a Year in Paris'_1
originally entitled 'A Canadian with $1,000 a Year Can Live Very Comfortably and Enjoyably in Paris', published Feb. 1922 in the Toronto Star—English

'Big, Two-Hearted River'_2
originally published May 1925 in This Quarter; included in the expanded edition of In Our Time, 1925—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'Mr. and Mrs. Elliot'_1
included in the expanded second edition of In Our Time, 1925—English

'Hills Like White Elephants'_1
originally published Aug. 1927 in Transition; included in Men Without Women, 1927—English

'A Clean, Well-Lighted Place'_3
originally published 1933 in Scribner's; included in Winner Take Nothing, 1933—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman*

'The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber'_2
originally published Sep. 1936 in Cosmopolitan; included in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, 1938—English
*Adler* *Newman*

'Old Man at the Bridge'_1
included in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, 1938—English
*Van Doren*

'The Snows of Kilimanjaro'_2
originally published Aug. 1936 in Esquire; included in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, 1938—English
*Fadiman* *Van Doren*

'The Undefeated'_1
included in Men Without Women, 1927—English

'My Old Man'_1
included in In Our Time, 1925—English

'The Killers'_1
originally published Mar. 1927 in Scribner's; included in Men Without Women, 1927—English

'Fifty Grand'_1
originally published Jul. 1927 in the Atlantic Monthly; included in Men Without Women, 1927—English

The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway_2
1987; includes the stories in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, 1938 (that anthology includes In Our Time [1924]); plus sections entitled Short Stories Published in Books or Magazines Subsequent to 'The First Forty-nine'; and Previously Unpublished Fiction—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

O Henry
'The Gift of the Magi'_1
originally entitled 'Gifts of the Magi', published December 1905 in the New York Sunday World; included in The Four Million, 1906—English

Selected works_3
ca. late Sixth-early Fifth centuries B C; only fragments of his works are extant—Greek
*France* *Bloom* *Dirda*

George Herbert
early Seventeenth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

Zbigniew Herbert
Selected Poems_1

Miguel Hernández; Blas de Otero
Selected Poems_1
1972; edited by Timothy Baland and Hardie St. Martin; English translations of poems by both authors—Spanish

Historiē [excerpted]_1
'The Persian Wars'; Fifth Century B C—Greek

Historiē [excerpted]_1
'An Account of Egypt'; Fifth Century B C—Greek

Robert Herrick

Seventeenth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Bloom* *Newman*

'Her Legs'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English

'To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time'_2
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'To Meddowes'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'The Argument of His Book'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'Upon Master Ben. Johnson. Epigram'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'To Live Merrily, and to Trust Good Verses'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'To Daffadils'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'Upon Julia's Clothes'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'Delight in Disorder'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'The Mad Maids Song'_1
part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq., 1648—English
*Van Doren*

'His Letanie, to the Holy Spirit'_1
part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English
*Van Doren*

'A Thanksgiving to God, for His House'_1
part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English
*Van Doren*

'To Death'_1
part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English
*Van Doren*

'Another Grace for a Child'_1
part of His Noble Numbers: Or, His Pious Pieces, Wherein (Amongst Other Things) He Sings the Birth of His Christ: and Sighes for His Saviors Suffering on the Crosse, 1647—English
*Van Doren*

ca. Eighth-Seventh centuries B C—Greek

"Homeric Hymns"
hymns to Demeter, Apollo, Hermes, Apphrodite not commonly attributed to Hesiod—Greek_1
*Van Doren*

Nazim Hikmet
Twentieth Century—Turkish

Hildegard of Bingen
'O Nobilissima Viriditas'_1
part of Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum; Twelfth Century—Latin

Geoffrey Hill
Collected Poems_1
1985; includes For the Unfallen, 1959; King Log, 1968; Mercian Hymns, 1971; Tenebrae, 1978; The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy, 1983; and three new poems constituting the section Hymns to Our Lady of Chartres, 1984—English

Daryl Hine
Selected Poems_1

part of the Hippocratic Corpus; late Fifth-early Fourth centuries B C—Greek

Hippocratic Corpus [excerpted]_1
The Oath of Hippocrates; The Law of Hippocrates; late Fifth-early Fourth centuries B.C—Greek

Hippocratic Corpus [excerpted]_1
On Airs, Waters, and Places; late Fifth-early Fourth centuries B.C—Greek

Hippocratic Corpus [excerpted]_1
unspecified selection; late Fifth-early Fourth centuries B.C—Greek

Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil [excerpted]_1
'Of Man'; complete published 1651—English

Harald Høffding
Den Nyere Filosofis Historie [excerpted]_1
A History of Modern Philosophy
sections on Bruno, Machiavelli, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Spinoza, and Leibnitz; complete work published in two volumes, 1894 and 1895—English


E T A Hoffmann

early Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Dirda*

Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—German

'Der Goldne Topf. Ein Märchen aus der Neuen Zeit_1
'The Golden Pot'
originally published 1814 as part of Fantasiestücke in Callots Manier—German

'Der Sandmann'_1
'The Sandman'
included in Die Nachtstücke (Night Pieces), 1817—German

'Das Fräulein von Scuderi. Erzählung aus dem Zeitalter Ludwig des Vierzehnten'_1
'Mademoiselle de Scudéri'
originally published 1819 in Taschenbuch für das Jahr 1820. Der Liebe und Freundschaft Gewidmet; included in Die Serapionsbrüder, 1819—German

'Die Bergwerke zu Falun'_1
'The Mines of Falun'
included in Die Serapionsbrüder, 1819—German

Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Poems and Verse Plays_1
English translations by Michael Hamburger et al.—German

Selected Prose_1
English translations by Mary Huttinger, Tania Stern, and James Stern—German

Selected Plays and Libretti_1
English translations by Michael Hamburger et al.—German

Friedrich Hölderlin
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—German

Hymns and Fragments_1
1984; English translations by Richard Sieburth—German

Poems and Fragments_1
1961; English translations by Michael Hamburger; later editions entitled Selected Poems—German
*Ward* *Bloom*

'Broud und Wein'_1
'Bread and Wine'—German


'Celebration of Peace'—German

John Hollander
Selected Poetry_1
1993; includes Powers of Thirteen [1983]; selections from A Crackling of Thorns, 1958; Movie-Going and Other Poems, 1962; The Night Mirror, 1971; Town and Country Matters, 1972; Tales Told of the Fathers, 1975; In Place, 1978; Spectral Emanations, 1978; Blue Wine, 1979; Harp Lake, 1988—English

Oliver Wendell Holmes
'The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever'_1
originally published 1843 in the New England Quarterly Journal of Medicine; included in Medical Essays, 1855—English

Miroslav Holub
The Fly_1
1987; English translations by George Theiner, Ian Milner, Jarmila Milner, and Ewald Osers; selections from Denní Služba, 1958; Achilles a Želva, 1960; Slabikář, 1961; Jdi a Otevři Dvere, 1962; Tak Zvané Srdce, 1963; Zcela Nesoustavná Zoologie, 1963; Kam Teče Krev, 1963; Ačkoli, 1969; Beton, 1970—Czech

Iliad [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B C—Greek

Odýsseia (The Odyssey) [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B C—Greek

Thomas Hood

Richard Hooker
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity [excerpted]_1
Preface; Books I-IV——English

A D Hope
Collected Poems_1

Gerard Manley Hopkins
Nineteenth Century—English
*Ward* *Bloom* *Educated*

Nineteenth Century—English

The Poetical Works of Hopkins_1
1989; edited by Norman Mackenzie—English

Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
Selected works_1
First Century B C—Latin

First Century B C—Latin
*Lubbock* *Invitation*

A E Housman
Selected works_1
unspecified selection; Twentieth Century—English

Collected Poems_1
1939; includes A Shropshire Lad [1896]; Last Poems [1922]; More Poems [1936]; 18 poems originally published as part of Laurence Houman's My Brother: A E Housman, 1937; three translations originally published as part of Odes From the Greek Dramatists, 1890; and five new poems—English

Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

Huang Sheng
Hua'an Cixuan_1
poetry anthology; Thirteenth Century—Chinese

Ricarda Huch
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Langston Hughes

Twentieth Century—English

'The Negro Dreams of Rivers'_2
originally published 1921 in Crisis; included in The Weary Blues, 1926—English
*Fadiman* *Graphic*

Selected Poems_1
1959; selections from The Weary Blues, 1926; Fine Clothes to the Jew, 1927; Shakespeare in Harlem, 1942; Fields of Wonder, 1947; One-Way Ticket, 1949; Montage of a Dream Deferred, 1951; plus other poems—English

The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes_1
1994; includes The Weary Blues [1926]; Fine Clothes to a Jew [1927]; Dear Lovely Death [1931]; The Negro Mother and Other Dramatic Recitations [1931]; The Dream Keeper and Other Poems [1932]; A New Song [1938]; Shakespeare in Harlem [1942]; Freedom's Plow [1943]; Jim Crow's Last Stand [1943]; Fields of Wonder [1947]; One Way Ticket [1949]; Montage of a Dream Deferrred [1951]; Ask Your Mama: 12 Moods for Jazz [1961]; The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times [1967]; plus the four poems included in Scottsboro Limited, 1932, and poems previously uncollected in book form or published in The Langston Hughes Reader, 1958; Selected Poems, 1959; and other books—English

Ted Hughes
Collected Poems_1
2003; includes The Hawk in the Rain [1957]; Lupercal [1960]; Recklings [1966]; Crow [published as: Four Crow Poems, 1970; A Few Crows, 1970; Crow: From the Life and Songs of the Crow [1970--expanded 1971]; Crow Wakes, 1971; and as Hughes' part of Poems: Ruth Fainlight, Ted Hughes, Alan Silitoe, 1971--the Collected Poems version of Crow is counted as a monographic work, though in fact it has not been published on its own in such expanded form; in other words, the three shorter original monographic publications are not included in the master list]; Prometheus on His Crag [1973; revised for inclusion in Moortown, 1979]; Cave Birds [1975; expanded and revised 1978; revised for inclusion in Three Books, 1993]; Season Songs [1976; published in part, 1968, as Five Autumn Songs for Children's Voices; and as part of Spring Summer Autumn Winter, 1973; revised 1985]; Orts [1978; portions included as part of 'Earth-Numb' section of Moortown, 1979]; Moortown Elegies [1978; included in Moortown, 1979; expanded and retitled Moortown Diary, 1989]; Adam and the Sacred Nine [1979; revised for inclusion in Moortown, 1979]; Remains of Elmet [1979; revised for inclusion in Three Books, 1993; revised and entitled Elmet, 1994]; A Primer of Birds [1981; includes one poem from Crow Wakes, 1971]; River [1983; revised for inclusion in Three Books, 1993]; Flowers and Insects [1986]; Wolfwatching [1989; includes two poems from A Primer of Birds]; Capriccio [1990]; Rain-Charm for the Duchy [1992]; Birthday Letters [1998; published in part, 1995, in New Selected Poems 1957-1994]; Howls and Whispers [1998]; plus Tales From Ovid: Twenty-Four Passages From the Metamorphoses, 1997—published in part in After Ovid: New Metamorphoses, 1994; selections from Wodwo, 1967; and Gaudete, 1977; 'Earth-Numb', originally published in the collection Moortown [1979]; plus sections entitled Early Poems and Juvenilia (1946-57); Uncollected (1957-59); Uncollected (1960-1967); Uncollected (1967-70); Uncollected (1971-73); Uncollected (1974-75); Uncollected (1976-77); Uncollected (1977-78); Uncollected (1979); Uncollected (1980-81); Uncollected (1981-83); Uncollected (1983-86); Uncollected (1987-89); Uncollected (1992-97); Uncollected (1997-98)]—English

Tales From Ovid: Twenty-Four Passages From the Metamorphoses_1
published in part in After Ovid: New Metamorphoses, 1994; in its entirety, 1997; English translations of selections from Ovid's Metamorphoses—English
*Smart* *Telegraph*

Victor Hugo
The Distance, the Shadows: Selected Poems_1
1981; English translations by Harry Guest—French

Les Feuilles d'Automne [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections—French

Les Chants du Crépuscule [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections—French

Les Châtiments [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections—French

Alexander von Humboldt
early Nineteenth Century—German

David Hume

Eighteenth Century—English

The History of England [excerpted]_1
fifth volume; complete work originally published in six volumes: fifth, 1754; sixth, 1756; third-fourth, 1759; first-second, 1761—English

A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects [excerpted]_1
'Of Personal Identity'; complete work originally published in three volumes: first-second, 1739; third, 1740—English

Essays, Moral and Political [excerpted]_1
'Of Justice and Injustice'; complete work originally published in two volumes, 1741 and 1742—English

'Of the Original Contract'_1
part of Three Essays, Moral and Political, 1748; that book included in revised edition of Essays, Moral and Political published the same year—English

'Of the Standard of Taste'_1

Leigh Hunt
'Jenny Kiss'd Me'
originally published Nov. 1838 in the Monthly Chronicle—English

'Deaths of Little Children'_1
originally published in the Indicator—English

'On the Realities of Imagination'_1

Aldous Huxley
Collected Essays_1
1958; selections from On the Margin, 1923; Along the Road, 1925; Jesting Pilate, 1926; Do What You Will, 1929; Music at Night, 1931; Beyond the Mexique Bay, 1934; The Olive Tree, 1937; Ends and Means, 1937; Grey Eminence, 1941; Science, Liberty and Peace, 1946; Themes and Variations, 1950; The Doors of Perception, 1954; Heaven and Hell, 1956; Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, 1956—English

Thomas Henry Huxley
'Science and Culture'_1
edited lecture, 1 Oct. 1880; included in Science and Culture: Collected Essays, 1881—English

Henrik Ibsen
Fadiman recommends several overlapping collections; late Nineteenth Century—Norwegian
*Powys* *StJohns* *Read* *Good* *Fadiman*

Washington Irving
'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'_4
part of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., published serially Jun. 1819-Jul. 1820, expanded 1848—English
*Eliot* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

'Rip Van Winkle'_4
part of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., published serially Jun. 1819-Jul. 1820, expanded 1848—English
*Eliot* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

Nineteenth Century—English

Edmond Jabès
Selected Poems_1
English translations by Keith Waldrop—French

Philippe Jaccottet
Selected Poems_1
English translations by Derek Mahon—French

Max Jacob
Selected Poems_1

Shirley Jackson
'The Lottery'_1
originally published Jun. 1948 in the New Yorker—English

C L R James
The Future in the Present_2

Henry James

"Short novels and tales"_1
unspecified selection—English

American Novels and Stories_1
1947; edited by F O Matthiessen; includes The Ivory Tower; The Europeans; Washington Square; The Bostonians—English

What Maisie Knew [excerpted]_1
'The Pupil'; complete work originally published serially 1897 in the Chap-Book and, revised, in the New Review—English

Complete correspondence_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

Complete essays_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

The Art of the Novel_1
1934; collection of prefaces originally written for the 1909 New York Edition of the author's fiction—English

Italian Hours_1
1909; two new essays and 20 additional essays, two of which previously uncollected in book form, originally published 1873-1902 in periodicals or other books; many of the essays revised for inclusion in this book—English

The Soft Side_1
1900; 12 stories published in periodicals, previously uncollected in book form—English

The Better Sort_1
1903; includes The Beast in the Jungle and 10 other stories—English

M R James

"Ghost stories"_1
early Twentieth Century—English

'Canon Alberic's Scrap-Book'_1
originally published 1894 in the National Review; included in Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, 1904—English

'The Mezzotint'_1
included in Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, 1904—English

'The Treasure of Abbot Thomas'_1
included in Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, 1904—English

'Count Magnus'_1
included in Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, 1904—English

'Casting the Runes'_1
included in More Ghost Stories, 1911—English

'Mr. Humphreys and His Inheritance'_1
included in More Ghost Stories, 1911—English

'The Diary of Mr. Poynter'_1
included in A Thin Ghost and Others, 1919—English

'A Warning to the Curious'_1
included in A Warning to the Curious and Other Ghost Stories, 1925—English

William James

The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to Pragmatism [excerpted]_1
1909; Fadiman refers to "four essays" but does not specify further—English

The Principles of Psychology [excerpted]_1
chapters 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 21, 26, 26; complete work published 1890—English

Essays in Radical Empiricism_1
1912; essays originally published 1904-05—English

Selected Papers on Philosophy_1

edited by Henry James—English

Randall Jarrell
The Complete Poems_1
1969; includes Blood for a Stranger [1942]; Little Friend, Little Friend [1945]; Losses [1948]; The Seven-League Crutches [1951]; The Woman at the Washington Zoo [1960]; The Lost World [1965]; selections from 'The Rage for the Lost Penny', Jarrell's portion of Five Young American Poets, 1940; plus sections entitled New Poems, Uncollected Poems (1934-1965), and Unpublished Poems (1935-1965)—English

Alfred Jarry
Selected Works of Alfred Jarry_1
1965; includes Ubu Cocu, ou l'Archeopteryz [written 1897; published 1943]; Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll, Pataphyscien [1911]; selections from Les Jours et les Nuits, Roman d'un Déserteur, 1897; Messaline, 1901; Almanach Illustré du Père Ubu, 1901; and other essays and poems—French

Robinson Jeffers
Selected Poems_1
1987; selections from Selected Poetry, 1938; Be Angry at the Sun, 1941; Medea, 1946; The Double Axe, 1948; Hungerfield, 1954; The Beginning and the End, 1963—English

Elizabeth Jennings
Selected Poems_1
1979; selections from The Animals’ Arrival, 1969; Relationships, 1972; Lucidities, 1970; and Collected Poems, 1967—English

late Fourth-early Fifth centuries—Latin

Sarah Orne Jewett
"Other stories"_1
unspecified selection—English

Lionel Johnson

Samuel Johnson

Selected works_1
Eighteenth Century—English

Eighteenth Century—English

Essays from the Rambler and the Idler_4
unspecified essays originally published in the Rambler, 1750-2; the Idler, 1758-60; Cowan and Guinness ("Trinity") and the Utne Reader also specify essays from the Adventurer, 1753-4—English
*Trinity* *Utne* *Dirda* *Newman*

'Life of Addison, 1672-1719'_1

Preface to his edition of Shakespeare_1
Eighteenth Century—English

Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson's Dictionary: Selections From the 1755 Work That Defined the English Language_1
2002; edited by Jack Lynch—English

Ben Jonson

late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English
*Ward* *Bloom*

late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

Explorata, Timber or Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter [excerpted]_1
'On Shakespeare'; 'On Bacon'; complete work published 1641—English

late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

James Prescott Joule
Scientific Papers_1
1884; two volumes—English

Pierre-Jean Jouve
Selected Poems_1

James Joyce
Collected Poems_1

part of Dubliners, 1914—English

'The Dead'_1
part of Dubliners, 1914—English

Attila Jozsef
Perched on Nothing's Branch_1
1986; revised 1999; English translations by Peter Hargitai; selections from A Szépseg Koldusa, 1922; Nemén Kiáltok, 1925; Dönstd a Tőkét!, 1931; Külvárosi Éj, 1932; Medvetánc, 1934; Nagyon Fáj, 1936; features versions from the author's Összes Verseí, 1951—Hungarian

San Juan de la Cruz (Saint John of the Cross)
The Poems of St. John of the Cross_1
English translations by John Frederick Nims; 1959; revised 1968 and 1979—Spanish

'Llama de Amor Viva'_1

Ferenc Juhasz
Selected Poems_1

Carl Jung
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

Carl Jung; Joseph L Henderson; Marie-Louise von Franz; Aniela Jaffé Jolande Jacobi
Man and His Symbols_2
*Great* *Deposit*

Donald Justice
Selected Poems_1
1979; selections from The Summer Anniversaries, 1960; Night Light, 1967; Departures, 1973; plus a section entitled Uncollected Poems—English

Flavius Anicius Justinianus (Justinian I)
The Institutes_1
one of four parts of Corpus Juris Civilis; 529-34—Latin

Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
Selected works_1
late First-early Second centuries—Latin

Fifteenth Century—Hindustani

Franz Kafka

early Twentieth Century—German
*Zane* *Newman*

Selected Short Stories_1
1952; includes In der Strafkolonie [1919]; Die Verwandlung [1915]; 'Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer'; 'Ein Landzart'; 'Eine Alltägliche Verwirrung'; 'Der Unterstaatsanwalt'; 'Ein Altes Blatt'; ' Ein Brudermord'; 'Ein Bericht für Eine Akademie'; 'Der Jäger Gracchus'; 'Ein Hungerkünstler'; 'Forschungen Eines Hundes'; 'Der Bau'; 'Josefine, die Sängerin Oder Das Volk der Mäuse'—German

The Collected Stories of Franz Kafka_2
1971; includes Die Verwandlung [1915]; In der Strafkolonie [1919]; the entirety of the anthologies Betrachtung (Contemplation), 1912; Eine Landarzt. Kleine Erzählungen (A Country Doctor), 1919; Ein Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist), 1924; Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer (The Great Wall of China), 1931; and other stories previously published—German
*Bloom* *GlobeMail*

Beschreibung Eines Kampfes_1
Description of a Struggle and Other Stories

Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande_1
Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Stories

'Der Kreisel'_1
'The Top'
part of Beschreibung Eines Kampfes, 1936—German

'Gibs Auf!'_1
'Give It Up!'
part of Beschreibung Eines Kampfes, 1936—German

The Blue Octavio Notebook_1


"Parables, Fragments, Aphorisms"_1
unspecified selection—German

Kakinomoto no Hitomaro
late Seventh-early Eighth centuries—Japanese

Immanuel Kant

Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre_3
The Doctrine of Right; The Science of Right
first volume of Die Metaphysik der Sitten (The Metaphysics of Morals), 1797—German

*Read* *Van Doren* *Adler*

Kritik der Praktischen Vernunft [excerpted]_1
'Conscience'; complete work published 1788—German

Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten [excerpted]_1
'First Principles of Morals'; complete work published 1785; revised 1786—German

'Idee zu Einer Allgemeinen Geschichte in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht'_1
'Idea for a Universal History With a Cosmopolitan Purpose'


"Preface and Introduction to the Metaphysical Elements of Ethics With a Note on Conscience"_1

"General Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals"_1

John Keats

early Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Durant* *Hundred* *Good* *Bloom* *Great* *Educated*

Poetical Works_1
1939; revised 1958; edited by H W Garrod; includes Endymion; Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems; and other poems—English

"Story poems"_1
early Nineteenth Century—English

'O Solitude'_3
originally published May 1816 in the Examiner—English

'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'_3
originally published May 1820 in the Indictaor—English
*Van Doren* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Ode on a Grecian Urn'_5
originally anonymously published Jan. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Recommended* *Trinity* *Telegraph* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'Ode to a Nightingale'_5
originally published Jul. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Recommended* *Trinity* *Telegraph* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'Ode on Indolence'_3
originally published in The Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of John Keats, 1848—English
*Telegraph* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'Ode on Melancholy'_4
part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Telegraph* *Trinity* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'Ode to Psyche'_4
part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Telegraph* *Trinity* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'To Autumn'_4
part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Telegraph* *Trinity* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'The Eve of St. Agnes'_4
part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Magill* *Recommended* *Van Doren* *Newman*

part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English

part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
*Recommended* *Newman*

'The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream'_3
originally published 1857 in the Bibliographical and Historical Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society—English
*Ward* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'Bright Star'_1
originally published 1738 in the Plymouth and Devonport Weekly Journal—English

early Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

Weldon Kees
The Collected Poems of Weldon Kees_1
1960; revised 1975; includes The Last Man [1943]; The Fall of the Magicians [1947]; Poems, 1947-1954 [1954]; plus a section entitled Uncollected Poems—English

Gottfried Keller

John Harvey Kellogg
New Dietetics: A Guide to Scientific Feeding in Health and Disease [excerpted]_1
pp. 1-531, 975-1011; complete work published 1927—English

Johannes Kepler
Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae [excerpted]_1
Books IV and V; complete work published in three volumes, 1617, 1620, and 1621—Latin

Harmonices Mundi [excerpted]_1
Book V; complete work published 1619—Latin

Velimir Khlebnikov
The King of Time_1

Khushal Khan Khatak (Khushal Baba)
Seventeenth Century—Pashto

Sǿren Kierkegaard
Enten - Eller [excerpted]_1
'Diary of a Seducer'; this section written under the pseudonym, Johannes; complete work originally published under the pseudonym, Victor Eremita, 1843—Danish

Frygt og Baeven [excerpted]_1
'The Knight of Faith'; complete work originally published under the pseudonym, Johannes de Silentio, 1843—Danish

Galway Kinnell
Selected Poems_1
1982; selections from What a Kingdom It Was, 1960; Flower Herding on Mount Monadnock, 1964; Body Rags, 1968; First Poems 1946-1954, 1970; The Book of Nightmares, 1973; Mortal Acts, Mortal Words, 1980—English

Rudyard Kipling

late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

Collected Stories_1
1994; mostly originally published in periodicals; selections from the anthologies: Plain Tales From the Hills, 1888; In Black and White, 1888; Under the Deodars, 1888; The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Eerie Tales, 1888; Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories, 1888; Life's Handicap, 1891; Many Inventions, 1893; The Day's Work, 1898; Stalky and Co., 1899; Traffics and Discoveries, 1904; Puck of Pock's Hill, 1906; A Diversity of Creatures, 1917; Actions and Reactions, 1909; Debits and Credits, 1926; Limits and Renewals, 1932; plus one story only included in the Sussex edition of the author's complete works—English

Soldiers Three and Other Stories_1
1899; includes Soldiers Three: A Collection of Stories Setting Forth Certain Passages in the Lives and Adventures of Privates Terence Mulvaney, Stanley Ortheris and John Learoyd [1888]; The Story of the Gadsbys: A Tale Without a Plot [1888]; and In Black and White [1888]—English

'The Phantom 'Rickshaw'_1
part of The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Eerie Tales, 1888—English

'The Man Who Would Be King'_1
part of The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Eerie Tales, 1888—English

'The Cat That Walked by Itself'_1
part of Just-So Stories, 1902—English
*Van Doren*

'Without Benefit of Clergy'_1

'The Miracle of Purun Bhagat'_1

'Mary Postgate'_1

'Dayspring Mishandled'_1

'The Village That Voted the Earth Was Flat'_1


'The Finest Story in the World'_1

late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

Complete Verse_1
includes all, or nearly all, of Departmental Ditties and Other Verses [1886]; Barrack-Room Ballads and Other Verses [1892]; The Seven Seas [1896]; The Five Nations [1903]; plus poems from other books or uncollected in book form—English

'Gunga Din'_1
part of Barrack-Room Ballads and Other Verses, 1892—English

'The White Man's Burden'_1
originally published 1899 in McClure's—English

part of Rewards and Fairies, 1910—English
*Newman* *Graphic*

Heinrich von Kleist
early Nineteenth Century—German
*Ward* *Bloom*

Five Plays_1
1988; English translations by Martin Greenberg—German

Friedrich Maximilian Klinger
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Robert Koch
'Die Aetiologie der Tuberculose'_1
'The Etiology of Tuberculosis'
originally published Apr. 1882 in Berliner Klinischen Wochenschrift; edited Mar. 1882 lecture—German

Yosef Komunyakaa
'Facing It'_1

Selected works_2
early Ninth Century—Japanese

Kukai and His Major Works_2
1972; English translations by Yoshito S Hakeda—Japanese

Alexander Kuprin
Granatovy Braslet_1
The Garnet Brothers
includes Poedinok [1905]; 'Moloch'; and other works—Russian


Jules Laforgue
late Nineteenth Century—French

Selected Writings_1
1956; English translations by William Jay Smith—French

Jhumpa Lahiri
Interpreter of Maladies_1
1999; nine stories originally published in varied periodicals—English

Charles Lamb

'On the Tragedies of Shakespeare'_1
originally published 1811 in the Reflector—English

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
'The Professor and the Siren'_1

Tommaso Landolfi
Gogol's Wife and Other Stories_1

Walter Savage Landor
Nineteenth Century—English

Sidney Lanier

Ring Lardner
The Collected Short Stories of Ring Lardner_1
originally entitled Round Up: The Stories of Ring W Lardner, published 1929—English

Twentieth Century—English
*Van Doren*

'Alibi Ike'_1
originally published 1915 in the Saturday Evening Post—English
*Van Doren*

Philip Larkin
Collected Poems_2
1988; includes The North Ship [1945; expanded 1966 by one poem]; XX Poems [1951]; The Less Deceived [1955]; The Whitsun Weddings [1964]; High Windows [1974]; plus new poems—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

Comte de Lautreamont
Nineteenth Century—French

D H Lawrence

The Complete Short Stories of D H Lawrence_1
1955; includes the entirety of the anthologies: The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, 1914; England, My England and Other Stories, 1922; The Ladybird, 1923; St. Mawr, 1925; The Man Who Rode Away and Other Stories, 1928; The Lovely Lady, 1933; and nearly all of A Modern Lover, 1934—English

The Complete Poems of D H Lawrence_1
originally entitled Collected Poems, published 1928; expanded and retitled Complete Poems, 1957; expanded and retitled 1964 with four additional poems, a section entitled Uncollected Poems, and three appendixes: Foreword to Collected Poems; Juvenilia; and Variants and Early Drafts; includes Love Poems and Others [1913]; Amores [1916]; Look! We Have Come Through! [1917]; New Poems [1918]; Bay [1919]; Tortoises [1921]; Birds, Beasts and Flowers [1923]; Pansies [1929]; Last Poems [1932]—English1

'The Odour of Chrysanthemums'_1
originally published Jul. 1911 in the English Review; included in The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, 1914—English

'The Prussian Officer'_2
included in The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, 1914—English
*Adler* *Recommended*

'The Mowers'_1
originally published in Some Imagist Poets, 1915—English

'The Rocking-Horse Winner'_2
originally published Jul. 1926 in Harper's Bazaar; included in The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories, 1928—English
*Recommended* *Newman*

Edward Lear
'The Jumblies'_1
part of Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany, and Alphabets, 1870—English

Tanith Lee
Red as Blood, or Tales From the Sisters Grimmer_1
1983; versions of stories by the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, and Alexander Afanasyev—English

Sheridan Le Fanu
"Ghost stories"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

'Green Tea'_1
part of In a Glass Darkly, 1872—English

'Mr. Justice Harbottle'_1
part of In a Glass Darkly, 1872—English

'The Dead Sexton'_1

Gertrud von Le Fort
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Mani Leib
Selected Poems_1

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Selected works_1
late Seventeenth-early Eighteenth centuries—French

Correspondence [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections—French

H Leivick
Selected Poems_1

Vladimir Lenin
Selected Works_1

Giacomo Leopardi

early Nineteenth Century—Italian
*Classics* *Bloom* *Trinity* *Norway*

Essays, Dialogues and Thoughts_1
1905; English translations by James Thomson; edited by Bertram Dobell—Italian

Operette Morali: Essays and Dialogues_1
1982; English translations by Giovanni Cecchetti—Italian

The Moral Essays_1
English translations by Howard Norse—Italian

Nikolay Leskov
Nineteenth Century—Russian
*Ward* *Bloom*

Primo Levi
Collected Poems_1
1988; includes L'Osteria di Brema [1975] and Ad Ora Certa [1984]; English translations by Ruth Feldman and Brian Swann—Italian

Philip Levine
Selected Poems_1
1984; includes Pili's Wall [1971]; selections from On the Edge, 1963; Not This Pig, 1968; Red Dust, 1971; They Feed the Lion, 1972; 1933, 1974; The Names of the Lost, 1976; Ashes, 1979; Seven Years From Somewhere, 1979; One for the Rose, 1981—English

Claude Lévi-Strauss
Anthropologie Structurale_1
1958; essays previously published—French

Anthropologie Structurale [excerpted]_1
1958; essays previously published—French

Abraham Lincoln
Nineteenth Century—English
*Durant* *Invitation*

Nineteenth Century—English

Abraham Lincoln; Stephen Douglas
Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois_1
1860; edited Aug.-Oct. 1858 debates—English

Li Bai (Li Po)
Eighth Century—Chinese

'Drinking Alone Beneath the Moon'_1
part of Three Hundred Tang Poems, compiled by Sun Zhu ca. 1763—Chinese

Joseph Lister (Lord Lister)
'On the Antiseptic Principle in the Practice of Surgery'_2
edited lecture, 9 Aug. 1867; published Sep. 1867 in Lancet—English
*Eliot* *Downs*

Livy (Titus Livius)
Ab Urbe Condita Libri [excerpted]_1
History of Rome
Books 1, 2, 5, 21-2; First Century B.C—Latin


John Locke

Second Treatise [second part of Two Treatises of Government: In the Former, the False Principles, and Foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and His Followers, Are Detected and Overthrown. The Latter Is an Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government]_8
complete work originally anonymously published 1689—English
*Read* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Great* *Reynolds* *Educated*

Christopher Logue
War Music_1
English version of the Iliad; originally published in five volumes: War Music, 1981; Kings, 1991; The Husbands, 1995; All Day Permanent Red, 2003; and Cold Calls, 2005; portions also published as sound recordings—English

George Long
'M Aurelius Antoninus'_1

'The Philosophy of Antoninus'_1

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Educated*

Selected Poems_1

H P Lovecraft

'Supernatural Horror in Literature'_1
originally 1927 in the Recluse; included in Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, 1963—English

'The Colour Out of Space'_1
originally published Sep. 1927 in Amazing Stories; included in The Dunwich Horror and Others, 1963—English

'The Call of Cthulhu'_1
originally published Feb. 1928 in Weird Tales; included in The Dunwich Horror and Others, 1963—English

'The Dunwich Horror'_1
originally published Apr. 1929 in Weird Tales; included in The Dunwich Horror and Others, 1963—English

'The Thing on the Doorstep'_1
originally published Jan. 1937 in Weird Tales; included in The Dunwich Horror and Others, 1963—English

Richard Lovelace
Seventeenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

James Russell Lowell
Nineteenth Century—English

'The President's Policy'_1
originally anonymously published Jan. 1864 in the North American Review; included in Political Essays, 1888—English

Robert Lowell
Twentieth Century—English


Selected works_2
Second Century—Greek
*Read* *Trinity*

Second Century—Greek

Second Century—Greek

Second Century—Greek

Luis de León
The Unknown Light: The Poems of Fray Luis de Léon_1
1979; English translations by Willis Barnstone—Spanish

Lǔ Xùn

Collected stories_1
Fadiman suggests three overlapping anthologies; early Twentieth Century—Chinese

Selected Works_1
four volumes—Chinese

'Kuángrén Rìjì'_2
'A Madman's Diary'
*Fadiman* *Norway*

'The True Story of Ah Q'_1

Charles Lyell
Principles of Geology: Being an Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes Now in Operation [excerpted]_1
first volume; complete work originally published in three volumes: 1830, 1832, and 1833—English

Principles of Geology [excerpted]_1
'Prejudices Which Have Retarded the Progress of Geology'; 'Uniformity in the Series of Past Changes in the Animate and Inanimate World'—English

Ondra Lysohorsky
Selected Poems_1
1971; edited by Ewald Osers—Lachian

Thomas Macaulay (Lord Macaulay)
Nineteenth Century—English
*Lubbock* *Baldwin*

originally published 1827 in the Edinburgh Review—English

Hugh MacDiarmid
Complete Poems_1

Antonio Machado
Selected Poems_1
1982; English translations by Alan S Trueblood—Spanish

Halford John Mackinder
'The Geographical Pivot of History'_1
originally published Apr. 1904 in the Geographical Society—English

Archibald MacLeish
Twentieth Century&msdash;English
*Van Doren*

'You, Andrew Marvell'_1
Twentieth Century; included in New Found Land, 1930&msdash;English
*Van Doren*

'Ars Poetica'_1
originally published in Poetry, June 1926&msdash;English
*Van Doren*

Louis MacNeice
The Collected Poems of Louis MacNeice_1
1967; includes the entirety, or neary all, of Out of the Picture, 1937; The Earth Compels, 1938; Letters From Iceland, 1937; Autumn Journal, 1939; Plant and Phantom, 1941; Springboard, 1944; Holes in the Sky, 1948; Ten Burnt Offerings, 1952; Autumn Sequel, 1954; Visitations, 1957; Solstices, 1961; The Burning Perch, 1963; selections from Blind Fireworks, 1929—English

Jay Macpherson_1
Poems Twice Told

Dalalatul al-Hairin [excerpted]_1
'On Evil'; written Twelfth Century; Hebrew version published 1204—Arabic

Bernard Malamud
The Stories of Bernard Malamud_1
1983; originally published 1950-73 in the Partisan Review and other periodicals—English

Stéphane Mallarmé
late Nineteenth Century—French

Selected Poetry and Prose_1

'L'Après-midi d'un Faune'_1

Thomas Malory
Le Morte d'Arthur [excerpted]_1
'The Holy Grail'; complete work published 1485; revised through sixth edition, 1634—English

David Malouf
An Imaginary Life_1

Osip Mandelstam
early Twentieth Century—Russian

Selected Poems_1
English translations by Clarence Brown and W S Merwin—Russian

Thomas Mann
Stories of Three Decades_1
1936; includes Tristan; Tonio Kröger; Death in Venice; A Man and His Dog; Disorder and Early Sorrow; Mario and the Magician; Felix Krull; 16 stories; and the play, Fiorenza—German

Katherine Mansfield
The Short Stories_1

Máo Zédōng
Selected Works_1

Subcomandante Marcos
Shadows of Tender Fury: The Letters and Communiqués of Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation_1

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
'Manifesto Iniziale del Futurismo'_1
'Futurist Manifesto'
originally published Feb. 1909 in Gazzetta dell’Emilia—Italian

Giambattista Marino
Selected works_1
early Seventeenth Century—Italian

Pierre de Marivaux
Eighteenth Century—French

Seven Comdies_1
1968; English translations by Oscar Mandel and Adrienne S Mandel—French

Christopher Marlowe

late Sixteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Dirda*

late Sixteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Dirda*

'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'_1
published in part in The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599; in its entirety in English Helicon, 1600—English

Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)
Selected works_1
First Century—Latin

Andrew Marvell

Seventeenth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Bloom* *Newman*

'The Garden'_1
*Van Doren*

'An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return From Ireland'_1
written 1650—English
*Van Doren*

'To His Coy Mistress'_3
written ca. early 1650's—English
*Van Doren* *Newman* *Graphic*

Karl Marx
Das Kapital, Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie [excerpted]_1
'Alienated Labour'; complete work originally published in three volumes: 1867, 1885, and 1894—German

Das Kapital, Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie [excerpted]_1
Introduction; Vol. I, chapter I, sections 1-3, chapters IV-VII, chapter XIII; Vol. II, chapter XVII, chapters XXIV and XXV; appendices; complete work originally published in three volumes: 1867, 1885, and 1894—German

W Somerset Maugham
Collected Short Stories_1
1977; mostly originally published in periodicals; includes the entirety of the anthologies: Six Stories Written in the First Person Singular, 1931; Ah King, 1933; Cosmopolitans: Very Short Stories, 1936; The Mixture as Before, 1940; Creatures of Circumstance, 1947; nearly all of The Trembling of a Leaf, 1921; and The Casuarina Tree, 1926; selections from Ashenden: or The British Agent, 1928; 'Princess September' from Princess September and the Nightingale, 1939; plus 'The Taipan', 'The Consul', 'Mabel', 'Masterson', and 'A Marriage of Convenience'—English

part of Trembling of a Leaf, 1921—English

Guy de Maupassant

Nineteenth Century—French
*Hundred* *Zulli* *Bloom*

Complete Short Stories_1

'La Maison Tellier'_1
part of Le Maison Tellier, 1881—French

'Histoire d'une Fille de Ferme'_1
originally published Mar. 1881 in La Revue Politique et Littéraire; included in Le Maison Tellier, 1881—French

'Deux Amis'_1
originally published Feb. 1883 in Gil Blas—French

'L'Aventure de Walter Schnaffs'_1
originally published Apr. 1883 in Le Gaulois—French

originally published Dec. 1886 in Gil Blas; included in Le Horla, 1887—French

Vladimir Mayakovsky
The Bedbug and Selected Poetry_1
English translations by Max Hayward and George Reavey—Russian

1964; English translations by Herbert Marshall—Russian

Giuseppe Mazzini
'Byron and Goethe'_1
originally published 1839 in Monthly Chronicle—Italian

William Holmes McGuffey
"Eclectic Readers"_1
four educational books published 1836-7 providing reading lessons and excerpts of varied works for primary-level students—English

Herman Melville

Nineteenth Century—English

Collected Poems_1

'Bartleby, the Scrivener'_2
originally published serially Nov.-Dec. 1853 in Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art; included in Piazza Tales, 1856—English
*Recommended* *Fadiman*

'Benito Cereno_1
originally published serially 1855 in Putnam's Monthly; revised for inclusion in The Piazza Tales, 1856—English

Gregor Mendel
'Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden'_4
'Experiments on Plant Hybrids'
originally published 1866 in Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins Brünn; edited 1865 lecture—German

*StJohns* *Downs* *SeymourSmith* *Educated*

George Meredith
Nineteenth Century—English

'On the Idea of Comedy and of the Uses of the Comic Spirit'_1
originally published Apr. 1877 in the New Quarterly Magazine—English

Prosper Mérimée

Nineteenth Century—French
*France* *Dirda*

'Mateo Falcone'_1
>originally published May 1829 in Revue de Paris; included in Mosaïque, 1833—French

'La Double Méprise'_1

'The Spanish Witches'_1


'La Vénus d'Ille'_1

James Merrill
From the First Nine: Poems 1946-1976_1
1982; selections from The Black Swan, 1946; First Poems, 1951; The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace, 1959; Water Street, 1962; Nights and Days, 1966; The Fire Screen, 1969; Braving the Elements, 1972; The Yellow Pages, 1974; Divine Comedies, 1976—English

W S Merwin
Selected Poems_1
1988; selections from A Mask for Janus, 1952; The Dancing Bears, 1954; Green With Beasts, 1956; The Drunk in the Furnace, 1960; The Moving Target, 1963; The Lice, 1967; The Carrier of Ladders, 1970; Writings to an Unfinished Accompaniment, 1973; The Compass Flower, 1977; Opening the Hand, 1983—English

Pietro Metastasio
Selected works_1
Eighteenth Century—Italian

Henri Michax
Selected Writings_1
English translations by Richard Ellmann—French

John Stuart Mill
Principles of Political Economy [excerpted]_1
Book II, chapter 16; Book IV, chapters 6 and 7; Book V, chapter 11; complete work published 1848; revised through seventh edition, 1871—English

A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive [excerpted]_1
Book VI; complete work published 1843—English

Czeslaw Milosz
Selected Poems_1

John Milton

Selected works_2
Seventeenth Century—English
*Powys* *Read*

Seventeenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Van Doren* *Newman*

"Minor poems"_5
Lubbock uses the term, "Shorter poems"; Seventeenth Century—English
*Lubbock* *Classics* *Read* *Adler* *Bloom*

"Lyric poetry"_1
Seventeenth Century—English

Seventeenth Century—English
*Durant* *Classics* *Fadiman*

The Complete Poems of John Milton_1
1910; volume 4 of the Harvard Classics; includes Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained; Samson Agonistes; Seventeenth Century—English

Paradise Lost [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; complete work 1667; revised 1674—English

Defensio Secunda pro Populo Anglicano [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections—English

A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634: On Michelmas Night, Before the Right Honorable, John Earl of Bridgewater, Viscount Brackly, Lord President of Wales, and One of His Maiesties Most Honorable Privie Councill_4
originally anonymously published 1637; included in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English
*Lubbock* *Classics* *Ward* *Bloom*

originally published in Justa Edouardo King Naufrago, 1638; revised for inclusion in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English
*Lubbock* *Durant* *Classics* *Van Doren* *Ward* *Bloom* *Fadiman*

originally published in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English
*Durant* *Van Doren* *Ward*

'Il Penseroso'_3
originally published in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English
*Durant* *Van Doren* *Ward*

'On the Morning of Christ's Nativity'_2
originally published in Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, 1645—English
*Classics* *Fadiman*

'Samson Agonistes'_4
part of Paradise Regained, a Poem, in IV Books, to Which Is Added Samson Agonistes, 1671; *Recommended* lists both Paradise Regained and this poem separately—English
*Read* *Ward* *Adler* *Recommended*

'Sonnet 15'_1
originally published as part of Letters of State, 1694—English

'Sonnet 16'_1
originally published as part of Letters of State, 1694—English

'Sonnet 17'_1
originally published as part of The Life and Death of Sir Henry Vane, Kt. Or, A Short Narrative of the Main Passages of His Earthly Pilgrimage; Together With a True Account of His Purely Christian, Peaceable, Spiritual, Gos-pel-principles, Doctrine, Life, and Way of Worshipping God, for Which He Suffered Contradiction and Reproach From All Sorts of Sinners, and at Last, a Violent Death, June 14, 1662—English

'Sonnet 22'_1
originally published as part of Letters of State, 1694—English

'Sonnet 19'_2
'On His Blindness'
written ca. 1652—English
*Ward* *Newman*

'On Shakespear'_1
originally entitled 'An Epitaph on the Admirable Dramaticke Poet, W. Shakespeare', published as part of Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 1632—English

Gabriela Mistral
'La Bailarina'_1
'The Dancer'
part of Lagar, 1954; English translation included in Madwomen: The Locas Mujeres Poems of Gabriela Mistral, 2008—Spanish

Joseph Mitchell
Up in the Old Hotel and Other Stories_1
1992; includes McSorley's Wonderful Saloon, 1943—expanded for this edition; Old Mr. Flood, 1948; The Bottom of the Harbor, 1960; and Joe Gould's Secret, 1965; originally published in the New Yorker—English


Seventeenth Century—French
*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *StJohns* *France* *Fadiman*

Seventeenth Century—French
*Read* *Good*

John Montague
Selected Poems_1
1982; selections from Poisoned Lands, 1961; A Chosen Light, 1967; Tides, 1970; The Rough Field, 1972; A Slow Dance, 1975; The Great Cloak, 1978; The Dead Kingdom, 1984—English

Michel de Montaigne
Les Essais [excerpted]_1
'To the Reader'; Book I: 'That the Intention Is the Judge of Our Actions'; 'Of Idleness'; 'That the Taste of Good and Evil Depends, for a Good Part, Upon the Opinion That We Have of Them'; 'To Philosophize Is to Learn to Die'; 'Of Custom'; 'Of the Power of the Imagination'; 'Of the Education of Boys'; 'Of Friendship'; 'Of Cannibals'; 'Of Solitude'; 'Of the Inequality That Is Amongst Us'; 'Of Democritus and Heraclitus'; 'Of Vain Subtleties'; Book II: 'Of the Inconsistency of Our Actions'; 'Of Books'; 'Apology for Raimond Sebonde'; Book III: 'On Some Lines of Virgil'; 'Of Experience'; complete work originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

Les Essais [excerpted]_1
'Apology for Raymond Sebond'; 'That Intention Is Judge of Our Actions'; 'Of Idleness'; 'Of Liars'; 'That the Taste of Good and Evil Depends in Large Part on the Opinion We Have of Them'; 'That to Philosophize Is to Learn to Die'; 'Of the Power of the Imagination'; 'Of Custom, and Not Easily Changing an Accepted Law'; 'Of the Education of Children'; 'Of Friendship'; 'Of Moderation'; 'Of Cannibals'; 'Of Solitude'; 'Of the Inequality That Is Between Us'; 'Of Ancient Customs'; 'Of Democritus and Heraclitus'; 'Of Vain Subtleties'; 'Of Age'; 'Of the Inconsistency of Our Actions'; 'Of Drunkenness'; 'Of Practice'; 'Of the Affection of Fathers for Their Children'; 'Of Books'; 'Of Presumption'; 'Of a Monstrous Child'; 'Of the Resemblance of Children to Fathers'; 'Of the Useful and the Honorable'; 'Of Three Kinds of Association'; 'On Some Verses of Virgil'; 'Of the Art of Discussion'; 'Of Vanity'; 'Of Experience'; complete work originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

Les Essais [excerpted]_1
'Of Experience', Book III, Chapter 13; complete work originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

Eugenio Montale
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—Italian

The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays of Eugenio Montale_1

Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
De l'Esprit des Lois [excerpted]_1
'Principles of Government'; complete work originally anonymously published 1748—French

De l'Esprit des Lois [excerpted]_1
The Spirt of Laws
Preface; Author's Note; Books I-IV; Books VIII-IX; Book X, chapters 6-8; Book XI, chapter 6; Books XIV; Book XV, chapter 5; Book XIX, chapters 1-10; Book XXV; Book XXX, chapters 23-28; complete work originally anonymously published 1748—French


Lettres Persanes [excerpted]_1
Introduction; Letters 1-14, 23-26, 28-34, 36-51, 44-61, 68-73, 112-118, 122, 131, 136, 141; complete work published 1721—French

Lorrie Moore
Birds of America_1
stories originally published in varied periodicals: the New Yorker, Elle, the New York Times, the Paris Review—English

Marianne Moore
Selected works_1
unspecified selection—English

The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore_1
1967; expanded 1981; includes What Are Years [1941]; Nevertheless [1946]; Like a Bulwark [1956]; O To Be a Dragon [1959]; Tell Me, Tell Me [1966]; plus sections entitled Collected Later [originally published as a section entitled Hitherto Uncollected, in Collected Poems, 1951] and Hitherto Uncollected; and a selection of translations of Jean de la Fontaine's Fables; 1981 version includes additional poems in the Hitherto Uncollected section—English

included in Observations, 1924—English
*Van Doren*

included in Observations, 1924—English
*Van Doren*

Alberto Moravia
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—Italian

Eduard Mörike
Selected Poems_1
1972; English translations by Christopher Middleton; this book also features translations of poems by Friedrich Hölderlin—German

William Morris

"Early romances"_1

Howard Moss
New Selected Poems_1
1985; selections from The Wound and the Weather, 1946; The Toy Fair, 1954; A Swimmer in the Air, 1957; A Winter Come, a Summer Gone, 1960; Finding Them Lost, 1965; Second Nature, 1968; New Poems, 1971; Buried City, 1975; A Swim Off the Rocks, 1976; Notes From the Castle, 1980; Rules of Sleep, 1984—English

Thylias Moss_1
Small Congregations: New and Selected Poems
1993; selections from Hosiery Seams on a Bowlegged Woman, 1983; Pyramid in Blue, 1990; At Redbones, 1990; Rainbow Remnants in Rock Bottom Ghetto Sky, 1991; plus 26 new poems—English

Edwin Muir
Collected Poems_1
1960; revised 1965; includes Variations on a Time Theme [1934]; The Labyrinth [1949]; nearly all of Journeys and Places [1937]; The Narrow Place [1943]; The Voyage and Other Poems [1946]; One Foot in Eden [1956]; selections from First Poems, 1925; plus a section entitled Poems Not Previously Collected—English

Paul Muldoon
Selected Poems 1968-1986_1
1987; selections from New Weather, 1973; Mules, 1977; Why Brownlee Left, 1980; Quoff, 1983; Meeting the British, 1987—English

Alice Munro
late Twentieth Century—English

Les A Murray
Collected Poems_1
1991; U S version entitled Rabbiter's Bounty: Collected Poems—English

Alfred de Musset

Comédies et Proverbes_1
titled used for varying collections of Musset's plays; Nineteenth Century—French

1967; edited by A J Arberry; written Tenth Century——Arabic

Vladimir Nabokov
'Signs and Symbols'_1
originally entitled 'Symbols and Signs', published May 1958 in the New Yorker; retitled for inclusion in Nabokov's Dozen, 1948—English

Nagai Kafu
Kafu the Scribbler: The Life and Writings_1
1965; biography and English translations by Edward Seidensticker—Japanese

Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems_1
English translations by Ben Belitt—Spanish

Gérard de Nerval
Nineteenth Century—French

Les Filles du Feu_1
1854; stories, essays, and other works previously published—French

Les Chimères_1
twelve poems originally published in periodicals and earlier books by the author; published together in Les Filles du Feu, 1854—French
*France* *Bloom*

John Henry Newman
Essays Critical and Historical_1

Isaac Newton
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica [excerpted]_1
The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Rules; General Scholium; complete work published 1687; revised 1713 and 1726—Latin


Friedrich Nietzsche
Selected works_1
late Nineteenth Century—German

Thoughts Out of Season [excerpted]_1
'The Use and Abuse of History'; 'Schopenhauer as Educator'—German

Der Wille zur Mach [excerpted]_1
Part II; complete work published 1901; revised 1906—German

Suryakant Tripathi Nirala
A Season on the Earth: Selected Poems_1
1977; English translations by David Rubin—Hindustani

'Chatrapati Sivaji ka Patra'_1

"Poems and philosophical fragments"_1
late Eighteenth Century—German

late Eighteenth Century—German

'Die Christenheit oder Europa. Ein Fragment'_1
'Christendom or Europe'
edited lecture, originally entitled 'Europa', presented Nov. 1799; published in part, 1802, in Athenaeum; in its entirety, 1826, in Schriften—German


Edna O'Brien
A Fanatic Heart: Selected Stories of Edna O'Brien_1
includes Returning, 1987; selections from The Love Object, 1968; A Scandalous Woman, 1974; A Rose in the Heart, 1978; plus a section entitled Quartet (Uncollected Stories, 1979-1981); originally published in varied periodicals, including Redbook, the Atlantic, and the New Yorker—English

Flannery O'Connor

Twentieth Century—English

The Complete Stories_3
1971; includes A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories, 1955; Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965; plus 12 stories previously published in periodicals or anthologies—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman* *Harvard*

Everything That Rises Must Converge_1
1965; nine stories, mostly previously published in periodicals—English

'The Heart of the Park'_1
originally published Feb. 1949 in Partisan Review; became part of Wise Blood, 1952; included in The Complete Stories, 1971—English

'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'_2
originally published 1953 in Modern Writing I; included in A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories, 1955—English
*Recommended* *Trinity*

part of Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965—English

part of Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965—English

Frank O'Hara
The Selected Poems of Frank O'Hara_1
1974; Selected Poems published in 1994 includes selections from Meditations in an Emergency, 1957; Lunch Poems, 1964; Collected Poems, 1971; Poems Retrieved, 1977; Early Writing, 1977; Selected Plays, 1978—English

John O'Hara
Collected Stories_2
1984; selections from The Doctor's Son and Other Stories, 1935; Files on Parade, 1939; Pipe Night, 1945; Hellbox, 1947; Sermons and Soda Water, 1960; Assembly, 1961; The Cape Cod Lighter, 1962; The Hat on the Bed, 1963; The Horse Knows the Way, 1964; Waiting for Winter, 1966; And Other Stories, 1968—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

Charles Olson
The Collected Poems of Charles Olson_1
1987; includes Y & X [1948]; In Cold Hell, in Thicket [1953; includes one poem originally published in Y & X]; The Distances [1960; includes nine poems originally published in In Cold Hell, in Thicket]; O'Ryan [1960; expanded 1965]; West [1966]; plus poems originally published in Archaeologist of Morning, 1970; poems previously published in periodicals or anthologies; and new poems—English

Eugene O'Neill
Twentieth Century—English

Joe Orton
The Complete Plays_1
1976; includes Ruffian and the Stair [1964, radio; revised 1967]; Entertaining Mr. Sloane [1964]; Loot [1966]; The Good and Faithful Servant [1967, television]; The Erpingham Camp [1966, as part of the television series The Seven Deadly Sins; revised 1967]; Funeral Games [1968, television]; What the Butler Saw [1969]—English

George Orwell

Twentieth Century—English

Collected Essays_2
*List* *Bloom*

'Such, Such Were the Joys'_1

'Shooting an Elephant'_1

Selected works_1
late First Century B C-early First Century—Latin

Wilfred Owen
'Dulce et Decorum Est'_1
part of Poems, 1920—English

Cynthia Ozick
'Envy, or Yiddish in America'_1

Dan Pagis
Variable Directions: The Selected Poetry of Dan Pagis_1
1989; selection of English translations larger than, but similar to, that of Points of Departure, 1981—Hebrew

Dorothy Parker
Here Lies: The Collected Stories_1
1939; originally published in the New Yorker and other periodicals; includes the entirety of the anthologies Laments for the Living, 1930, and After Such Pleasures..., 1933—English

Blaise Pascal

Seventeenth Century—French

"Minor works"_1
Seventeenth Century—French

"Scientific treatises"_1
Seventeenth Century—French

The Physical Treatises of Pascal_1

Thoughts, Letters and Minor Works_1
part of the Harvard Classics—French

"Preface to the Treatise on the Vacuum"_1

'De l'Esprit Géométrique'_1

"Correspondence With Fermat on the Theory of Probabilities"_1

Giovanni Pascoli
Nineteenth Century—Italian

Pier Paolo Pasolini
*Bloom* *Utne*

Boris Pasternak
Selected Poems_1
English translations by Jon Stallworthy and Peter France—Russian

Louis Pasteur
'Mémoire sur la Fermentation Appelée Lactique'_1
'Treatise on the Fermentation Known as Lactic'
published in part in Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1857; in its entirety, 1858, in Annales de Chimie et de Physique—French


'The Germ Theory and Its Application to Medicine and Surgery'_1
edited lecture, 29 Apr.1878; published in Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences—French

'On the Extension of the Germ Theory to the Etiology of Certain Common Diseases'_1
edited lecture, 3 May 1880; published in Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences—French

Walter Pater
Appreciations, With an Essay on Style_1
1889; revised 1890; essays previously published—French

Coventry Patmore

Cesare Pavese
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—Italian

Octavio Paz
The Collected Poems 1957-1987_2
1987; includes Piedra de Sol [1957]; Blanco [1967]; Topoemas [1968]; Ladera Este (1962-1968) [1969]; Pasado en Claro [1975]; nearly all of Salamandra (1958-1961) [1962] and Vuelta [1976]; all but one poem from Árbol Adentro [1987]; and Paz and Charles Tomlinson's Hijos del Aire (Airborn) [1979]; for the selections through Vuelta, the versions from Poems (1935-1975) are used—Spanish
*Bloom* *Trinity*


Thomas Love Peacock
Nineteenth Century—English

George Peele
'Hot Sun, Cool Fire'_1
excerpt from The Love of King David and Fair Bethsabe, 1599—English

Harvey Pekar
New American Splendor Anthology_1

S J Perelman
The Most of S J Perelman_1

'Cloudland Revisited'_1
series of essays—English

'Strictly From Hunger'_1

I L Peretz
Selected Stories_1

Charles Perrault
Seventeenth Century—French

The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault_1
1977; translations by Angela Carter—French

Saint-John Perse
Exile and Other Poems_1
English translations by Dennis Devlin—French

Fernando Pessoa
Selected works_1
unspecified selection—Portuguese

Selected Poems_1
1971; English translations by Peter Rickard—Portuguese

Poems of Fernando Pessoa_1
1986; English translations by Edwin Honig and Susan M Brown—Portuguese

Always Astonished: Selected Prose_1
1988; English translations by Edwin Honig—Portuguese

Sándor Petőfi
1973; English translations by Anton N Nyerges—Hungarian

Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca)
Fourteenth Century—Latin

Petrarch's Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics_1
1976; translations by Robert M Durling; Fourteenth Century—Latin

Selections From the Canzoniere and Other Works_1
1985; English translations by Mark Musa; Fourteenth Century—Latin

Francis Petty
Sir Francis Drake's Famous Voyage Round the World_1

Philo of Alexandria
"Allegorical Expositions of the Holy Laws"_1
First Century—Greek

Fifth Century B C—Greek

Luigi Pirandello
Twentieth Century—Italian

Naked Masks_1
1952; includes Liola: Commedia Campestre in Tre Atti [1916; Sicilian and Italian versions published the same year]; Così è, se Vi Pare! [1917]; Enrico IV [1922]; Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore [1921]; Ciascuno a Suo Modo [1924]—Italian


Complete works_1
early Fourth Centur B C—Greek

Selected works_1
early Fourth Centur B C—Greek

early Fourth Century B C—Greek
*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *StJohns* *Hundred* *France* *Read* *Magill* *Bloom* *Kanigel* *World*

Politeia [excerpted]_1
The Republic
sections 327-32, 336-77, 384-85, 392-426, 433-35, 481-3, 512-20, 572-95; early Fourth Century B C—Greek


Titus Maccius Plautus
Third-early Second centuries B C—Latin
*Downs* *Trinity*

Pliny the Younger
Epistulae [excerpted]_1
First Century—Latin

Enneads [excerpted]_1
Fifth Ennead, Books 1 and 8; Fourth Ennead, Book 8; Sixth Ennead, Book 4; Third Ennead, Books 8 and 5; First Ennead, Book 6; Third Century—Greek

Bìoi Paràllēloi [excerpted]_1
'Alexander' and 'Marcus Cato'; First Century—Greek

Bìoi Paràllēloi [excerpted]_1
'Themistocles'; 'Pericles'; 'Aristides'; 'Alcibiades'; 'Coriolanus'; 'Demosthenes'; 'Cicero'; 'Caesar'; 'Antony'; First Century—Greek

Bìoi Paràllēloi [excerpted]_1
'Pericles'; 'Alcibiades'; Alexander'; 'Agis and Cleomences', 'Cato the Elder'; 'The Gracchi'; 'Coriolanus'; 'Caesar'; First Century—Greek

Po Chu-I
early Ninth Century—Chinese

Edgar Allan Poe

Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Zulli* *Durant* *Newman*

Newman specifies "Gothic stories" and "Auguste Dupin stories"; Nineteenth Century—English
*Durant* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Good* *Learning* *Newman*

Complete stories_1
No particular edition specified; nearly all collections include The Narrative of Gordon Pym; Nineteenth Century—English

Poetry and Tales_1

Essays and Reviews_1

"Short stories and other works"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

Complete Stories and Poems_1

Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque_1
stories previously published; originally published in two volumes, 1850—English

'The Poetic Principle'_1
originally published Aug. 1850 in the Home Journal and Oct. 1850 in the Union Magazine of Literature and Art—English

originally published Sep. 1838 in the American Museum; revised for inclusion in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1840; Phantasy Pieces, 1842; Tales by Edgar Allan Poe, 1845; the New York World, Feb. 1845; and the Broadway Journal, Sep. 1845—English
*Magill* *Recommended*

'William Wilson'_2
originally published 1839 in the The Gift: A Christmas and New Year's Present and Oct. 1839 in Burton's Gentleman's Magazine—English
*Ward* *Fadiman*

'The Fall of the House of Usher'_5
originally published Sep. 1839 in Burton's Gentleman's Magazine; revised for inclusion in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1840—English
*Eliot* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'_5
originally published Apr. 1841 in Graham's Magazine; revised for inclusion in The Prose Romances of Edgar A Poe, 1843—English
*Ward* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Telegraph* *Newman*

originally published 1842 in The Gift: A Christmas and New Year's Present; revised for inclusion in the Broadway Journal, May 1845—English

'The Masque of the Red Death'_2
originally entitled 'The Mask of the Red Death', published May 1842 in Graham's Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine; retitled and revised for publication in the Broadway Journal, Jul. 1845—English
*Recommended* *Graphic*

'The Pit and the Pendulum'_3
originally published 1842 in The Gift: A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1843; revised for inclusion in the Broadway Journal, May 1845—English
*Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

'The Tell-Tale Heart'_3
originally published Jan. 1843 in the Pioneer; revised for inclusion in the Broadway Journal, Aug. 1845—English
*Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

'The Black Cat'_1
originally published Aug. 1843 in the United States Saturday Post; included in Tales, 1845—English

'The Premature Burial'_1
originally published Jul. 1844 in the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper—English

'The Raven'_2
originally published Jan. 1845 in the Evening Mirror and Feb. 1845, under the pseudonym, Quarles, in the American Review; included in The Raven and Other Poems, 1845—English
*Newman* *Graphic*

'The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether'_1
originally published Nov. 1845 in Graham's—English

'The Facts in the Case of M Valdemar'_1
originally published Dec. 1845 in the Broadway Journal and in American Review: A Whig Journal—English

'The Oblong Box'_1
originally published Aug. 1844 in the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper and Sep. 1844 in Godey's Magazine and Lady's Book—English

'The Cask of Amontillado'_2
originally published Nov. 1846 in Godey's Lady Book—English
*Ward* *Recommended*

'The Purloined Letter'_3
originally published 1844 in the The Gift for 1845; included in Tales, 1845—English
*Eliot* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

'The Gold-Bug'_1
originally published serially Jun. 1843 in the Dollar Newspaper; included in Tales, 1845—English

'Annabel Lee'_1
originally published Oct. 1849 in the New York Daily Tribune, Nov. 1849 in the Southern Literary Messenger, and Jan. 1850 in Sartain's Union Magazine—English

'The Bells'_1
originally published Oct. 1849 in the New York Tribune and Nov. 1849 in Sartain's Union Magazine—English

Henri Poincaré
The Foundations of Science_1
1913; includes Science and Hypothesis; The Value of Science; Science and Method—French

Francis Ponge
Things: Selected Writings_1
English translations by Cid Corman—French

Vasko Popa
Selected Poems_1

Alexander Pope

Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Bloom* *Dirda*

'Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady'_1
included in the The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, 1717—English

'Eloisa to Abelard'_1
included in the The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, 1717—English

'Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot'_2
*Dirda* *Van Doren*

'Life of Plotinus'_1

Antonio Porta
Kisses From Another Dream: Poems_1
English translations by Anthony Molino—Italian

Katherine Anne Porter
The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter_1
1965; includes Flowering Judas and Other Stories; Pale Horse, Pale Rider [1939]; The Leaning Tower and Other Stories—English

Flowering Judas and Other Stories_1

Ezra Pound

Twentieth Century—English

Twentieth Century—English
*Dirda* *Van Doren* *Educated*

"Short poems_1
Twentieth Century—English

"Literary essays"_1
Twentieth Century—English

Personae: Collected Poems_1
1926; includes A Lume Spento [1908]; Personae of Ezra Pound [1909]; Canzoni of Ezra Pound [1911]; The Ripostes of Ezra Pound [1912]; Cathy, 1915; Lustra of Ezra Pound [1916; revised U S version, 1917]; Quia Pauper Amavi [1918]; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley [1920]; and other poems—English

Homage to Sextus Propertius_1
1934; translations; published in part in Poetry, 1919—English

Literary Essays of Ezra Pound_1
1954; selections from Pavannes and Divisions, 1918; Instigations, 1920; Make It New, 1934; Polite Essays, 1937; some of the essays originally published in varied periodicals: the New York Herald, the Egoist, the English Journal, Poetry, the Criterion, the Quarterly Review, the Future, the Little Review, the New Freewoman, and Dial—English

1915; translations—English
*Dirda* *Newman*

'The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter'_1
*Van Doren*

'In a Station of the Metro'_1
*Van Doren*

F T Prince
Collected Poems, 1935-1992_1
1993; includes Poems [1938]; Soldiers Bathing and Other Poems [1954]; The Doors of Stone (Poems 1938-62) [1963]; Memoirs in Oxford [1970]; Drypoints in Hasidim [1975]; Afterword on Rupert Brooke [1976]; 'A Last Attachment'; Later On [1983]; 'Not a Paris Review Interview'; Walks in Rome [1987]; and a section entitled Senilia—English

V S Pritchett
Complete Collected Stories_1
1990; includes You Make Your Own Life, 1938; It May Never Happen, 1945; When My Girl Comes Home, 1961; The Key to My Heart, 1963; Blind Love, 1969; The Camberwell Beauty, 1974; On the Edge of the Cliff, 1980; A Careless Widow, 1989; six stories from More Collected Stories, 1983; one story from Collected Stories, 1982; two stories from Collected Stories, 1956—English

Marcel Proust
Du Côté de Chez Swann_4
Swann's Way
1913; first of seven volumes of À la Recherche du Temps Perdu; complete work originally published in seven volumes, two of which originally published as two books each, 1913-27—French

*Invitation* *Adler* *Landmarks* *Great*

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
Complete works_1
late Fifth-early Sixth centuries—Greek

Philip Pullman
Northern Lights_2
1995; U S title, The Golden Compass; first of three volumes of His Dark Materials—English
*Deposit* *Recommended*

Grimm Tales: For Young and Old_1
2012; U S version entitled, Fairy Tales From the Brothers Grimm; new versions of the German-language original stories—English

Alexander Pushkin

Nineteenth Century—Russian

The Complete Prose Tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin_1
1966; includes The Captain's Daughter and The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin—Russian

The Captain's Daughter and Other Stories_1
1933; English translations by Natalie Duddington—Russian

Collected Narrative and Lyric Poetry_1
1984; includes Ruslan i Lûdmila—Russian

'Skazka o Zolotom Petuške'_1
'The Tale of the Golden Cockerel'
originally published in Biblioteka dlya Chteniya, 1835—Russian


'The Queen of Spades'_1
originally published Mar. 1834 in Biblioteka dlya Chteniya—Russian

Alexander Pushkin; Mikhail Lermontov
Narrative Poems by Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov_1
1983; English translations by Charles Johnston—Russian

Thomas Pynchon
'The Voice of the Hamster'_1
originally published serially Nov. 1952-Feb. 1953 in the Oyster Bay High School Purple and Gold—English

Salvatore Quasimodo
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—Italian

The Selected Writings of Salvatore Quasimodo_1

Francisco de Quevedo
'Sermón Estoico de Censura Moral'_1

Thomas de Quincey
"Selected prose"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

'Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow'_1
originally published Jun. 1845 in Blackwood's; part of Suspiria de Profundis—English

Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus)
Insitutio Oratoria [excerpted]_1
Book 10; ca. 95—Latin

François Rabelais
La Vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel [excerpted]_1
first volume: Les Horribles et Épouvantables Faits et Prouesses du Très Renommé Pantagruel Roi des Dipsodes, Fils du Grand Géant Gargantua, 1532; second volume: La Vie Très Horrifique du Grand Gargantua, Père de Pantagruel, 1534; complete work published in five volumes, 1532-64—French

Jean Racine
Seventeenth Century—French
*France* *Read*

Walter Raleigh
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English

'The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd'_1
written 1596—English

John Crowe Ransom
Selected works_1
unspecified selection; Twentieth Century—English

Selected Poems_1
1945; poems revised, and the selection of poems altered, for 1963 and 1969 editions; includes selections from Poems About God, 1919; Chills and Fever, 1924; Grace After Meat, 1924; Two Gentlemen in Bonds, 1927; and poems previously published in periodicals or anthologies; Poems and Essays, 1955, includes the entirety of the 1945 edition of Selected Poems with some poems added and some revised plus a selection of essays—English

Dalia Ravikovitch
A Dress of Fire_1
1976; English translations by Chana Bloch; poems previously published—Hebrew

Ernest Renan
'La Poèsie des Races Celtiques'_1
included in Essais de Morale et de Critique, 1859—French

Pierre Reverdy
Selected Poems_1
1991; English translations by John Ashbery, Mary Ann Caws, and Patricia Terry; selections from Poèmes en Prose, 1915; Le Cadran Quadrillé, 1915; Les Adroises du Toit, 1918; Étoiles Peintes, 1921; Cravates de Chanure, 1922; Grande Nature, 1925; La Balle au Bond, 1928; Flaques de Verre, 1929; Sources du Vent, 1929; Pierres Blanches, 1930; Ferraille, 1937; La Liberté des Mers, originally published 1960 as part of the author's complete works—French

Carles Ribá
Selected Poems_1

Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich's Poetry and Prose_1

Rainer Maria Rilke
early Twentiet Century—German

Selected Poetry_1
English translations by Stephen Mitchell; includes The Duino Elegies—German

Arthur Rimbaud

late Nineteenth Century—French
*France* *Rexroth* *Ward*

"Early poems"_1
early Nineteenth Century—French

Complete Works_1
1975; English translations by Paul Schmidt; inclues Une Saison en Enfer [1873]; Les Illuminations [1886]; 'Le Bateau Ivre'; and other poems—French

Lettres du Voyant_1
two letters written May 1871—French

'Le Bateau Ivre'_3
'The Drunken Boat'
written 1871—French
*Trinity* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Le Coeur Volé'_1
'The Stolen Heart'
written May-Jun. 1871 along with two alternate versions: 'Le Coeur Supplicié' and 'Coeur de Pitre—'French

Yannis Ritsos
Exile and Return_1

Edwin Arlington Robinson
Selected Poems_1
1965; selections from The Torrent and the Night Before, 1896; The Children of the Night, 1897 [an expanded revised version of The Torrent, two poems omitted]; Captain Craig, 1902; The Town Down the River, 1910; The Man Against the Sky, 1916; The Three Taverns, 1920; Avon's Harvest, 1921; Dionysus in Doubt, 1925; Nicodemus, 1932; features revised versions from Collected Poems, 1921 [expanded 1927, 1929, and 1937]—English

Theodore Roethke
The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke_1
includes Open House [1941]; The Lost Son and Other Poems [1948]; The Far Field [1964]; selections from Praise to the End!, 1951; The Waking, 1953; Words for the Wind, 1958; I Am! Says the Lamb, 1961; plus a section entitled Previously Uncollected Poems—English

Pierre de Ronsard
Sixteenth Century—French

Sixteenth Century—French

Isaac Rosenberg
The Collected Poems of Isaac Rosenberg_1
1949; originally published 1937 as part of The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg; published separately 1947; revised 1962; includes Night and Day [1912]; Youth [1915]; Moses [1916]; sections entitled Trench Poems, 1916-1918; The Unicorn; Earlier Poems Unpublished by Rosenberg, 1914-1915; Earlier Poems, 1913; Earlier Poems, 1912; Earlier Poems, Before 1912; Fragments; this collection is distinct from Poems, 1922—English

Christina Rossetti
Nineteenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Educated*

Dante Gabriel Rossetti


William Roughead
The Evil That Men Do_1

Classic Crimes: A Selection from the Works of William Roughead_1

Tales of the Criminous: A Selection from the Works of William Roughead_1

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Selected works_1
unspecified selection—French

Émile, ou de l'Éducation [excerpted]_1
'Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar'; complete work published 1762—French

Émile, ou de l'Éducation [excerpted]_1
Books I-II and IV; complete work published 1762—French

'Economie Politique'_2
1755; part of the fifth volume of Diderot's Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers—French
*Read* *Adler*

Muriel Rukeyser
A Muriel Rukeyser Reader_1
1994; edited by Jan Heller Levi—English

Thirteenth Century—Persian
*Oriental* *Graphic*

Umberto Saba
Twentieth Century—Italian

The Stories and Recollections of Umberto Saba_1

Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
Portraits of the Eighteenth Century_1
1905; English translations of excerpts from Causeries du Lundi, Portraits de Femmes, and Portraits Littèraires—French

included in Causeries du Lundi—French

'What Is a Classic?'_1
1850; included in Causeries du Lundi—French

Edna St. Vincent Millay
'The Penitent'_1

'The Singing-Woman From the Wood's Edge'_1

The Short Stories of Saki (H. H. Munro)_1
1983; includes Reginald [1904; stories originally published in the Westminster Gazette]; Reginald in Russia [1910; 'The Baker’s Dozen' originally published in the Journal of the Leinster Regiment, the remainder in the Westminster Gazette]; The Chronicles of Clovis [1911; 'The Background' originally published in Leinsters' Magazine, 'The Stampeding of Lady Bastable' in the Daily Mail, 'Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger', 'The Chaplet', 'The Peace Offering', 'Filboid Studge', and a shorter version of 'Ministers of Grace' in the Bystander, 'The Music on the Hill', 'The Story of St. Vespaluus', 'The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope', 'The Remoulding of Groby Lington', and 'The Way to the Dairy' previously unpublished, the remainder originally published in the Westminster Gazette]; Beasts and Super-Beasts [1914; 'The Open Window', 'The Schartz-Metterklume Method', and 'Clovis on Parental Responsibilties' originally published in the Westminster Gazette, 'The Elk' in the Bystander, the remainder in the Morning Post]; The Toys of Peace [1919; some stories originally published in the Morning Post, the Westminster Gazette, and the Bystander]; and The Square Egg and Other Sketches [1924; some stories originally published in the Morning Post, the Westminster Gazette, and the Bystander]—English

part of Reginald, 1904—English

'The Open Window'_1
originally published in the Westminster Gazette; part of Beasts and Super-Beasts, 1914—English

J D Salinger

Nine Stories_4
originally published 1948-53 in varied periodicals: the New Yorker, Harper's, and the Information World Review—English
*Van Doren* *Bloom* *Zane* *Harvard*

'A Perfect Day for Bananafish'_1
originally published Jan. 1948 in the New Yorker; included in Nine Stories, 1953—English

'For Esmé—In Love and Squalor'_1
originally published Apr. 1950 in the New Yorker; included in Nine Stories, 1953—English

'Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters'_1
originally published Nov. 1955 in the New Yorker; included in Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction [1961]—English

Carl Sandburg
Twentieth Century—English


late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek
*Rexroth* *Bloom* *Dirda* *World* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Hymn to Aphrodite'_3
lone complete poem among the fragments of the author's work; late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek
*Magill* *Recommended* *Great*

William Saroyan
'The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze'_1
originally published 1934 in Story—English

Jean-Paul Sartre
'Le Mur'_1
'The Wall'
part of Le Mur, 1939—French

F W J von Schelling
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century; unspecified selections—German

Friedrich Schlegel


Friedrich Schiller
Essays, Aesthetical and Philosophical_1
includes Über die Äthetische Erziehung des Menschen in Einer Reihe von Briefen—German

Selections From the Correspondence Between Schiller and Goethe_1
1898; edited by J G Robertson—German

'Über Naive und Sentimentalische Dichtung'_1
originally published serially in Die Horen: Über Naive, Nov. 1795; Die sentimentalischen Dichter, Dec. 1795; and Beschluß der Abhandlung Über Naive und sentimentalische Dichter, Jan. 1796—German

'An die Freude'_1
'Ode to Joy'
written 1785; revised 1808—German


Arthur Schnitzler


Arnold Schopenhauer

Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—German

Nineteenth Century—German

Studies in Pessimism_1
selections from Parerga and Paralipomena, 1851—German

Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung [excerpted]_1
'The Indestructibility of Our Inner Nature'; complete work originally published in two volumes, 1819 and 1844—German

'The Sufferings of the World'_1

'The Vanity of Existence'_1





James Schuyler
Collected Poems_1
1993; includes Freely Espousing [1969]; The Crystal Lithium [1972]; Hymn to Life [1974]; The Morning of the Poem [1980]; A Few Days [1985]; selections from The Home Book: Prose and Poems, 1951-1970, 1977; plus a section entitled Last Poems—English

Delmore Schwartz
Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge_1
1959; first section, The Dream of Knowledge, originally published as In Dreams Begin Responsibilites [1938]; revised and expanded for this book; second section, Summer Knowledge, published in part in Vaudeville for a Princess, Mutiny, and Genesis Book One, and in the New Yorker and Art News—English

Leonardo Sciascia
Il Mare Color del Vino_1
The Wine-Dark Sea

Walter Scott
Nineteenth Century—English

Nineteenth Century—English

Eugène Scribe
Selected works_1
unspecified selection; Nineteenth Century—French

Madeleine de Scudéry
Selected works_1
Seventeenth Century—French

David Sedaris
'SantaLand Diaries'_1
radio essay; originally presnted Dec. 1992; included in Barrel Fever, 1994—English

Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules_1
2005; edited by David Sedaris—English

George Seferis
Collected Poems_1

Jaroslav Seifert
Selected Poetry_1

Jorge de Sena
Selected Poems_1

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Selected works_2
First Century—Latin
*Trinity* *Newman*

First Century—Latin

First Century—Latin

"Moral Essays"_1
First Century—Latin

Correspondence [excerpted]_1
Letters 1-28, 47, 77, 107-8—Latin

Léopold Senghor
Selected Poems_2
1966; selections from Chants d'Ombre, 1945; Hosties Noires, 1948; Chants Pour Naett, 1949; Éthiopiques, 1956; Nocturnes, 1961 [which includes Chants Pour Naëtt, retitled Chants Pour Signare, and a selection of new poems]—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

Ramón Gómez de la Serna
Greguerís. Selección, 1910-1960_1
Twentieth Century—Spanish

Heinrich Seuse
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné (Madame de Sévigné)
Seventeenth Century—French
*France* *Newman*

William Shakespeare

Complete works_5
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English
*StJohns* *Zulli* *List* *Fadiman* *Guardian*

Selected works_4
late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English
*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Powys* *Read*

late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English
*Durant* *France* *Good* *Bloom*

late Sixteenth-early Seventeenth centuries—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies_3
The First Folio
1623; includes 36 of the author's plays—English
*SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *World*

Sonnets [excerpted]_1
nos. 18, 29, 30, 33, 55, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 73, 94, 106, 107, 116, 129, 130, 144, 146; complete work published 1609—English

Sonnets [excerpted]_1
nos. 18, 20; complete work published 1609—English

The Passionate Pilgrim_1
1599 anthology attributed to Shakespeare, though only five of the 20 poems are considered authentic—English

George Bernard Shaw

late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

"Selected plays and prefaces"_2
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English
*Fadiman* *Read*

Major Critical Essays_1
1930; includes The Quintessene of Isbenism [1892]; The Perfect Wagnerite [1898]; Sanity of Art: An Exposure of the Current Nonsense About Artists Being Degenerate [1908]—English

'On Going to Church'_1
originally published Jan. 1896 in the Savoy—English

George Bernard Shaw; Sidney Webb; William Clarke; Sydney Olivier; Graham Wallas; Annie Besant; Hubert Bland
Fabian Essays in Socialism_1

Irwin Shaw
'The Eighty-Yard Run'_1

Mary Shelley
'The Mortal Immortal'_1
originally published Dec. 1833 in the Keepsake for 1834—English

Percy Bysshe Shelley

early Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Durant* *Good* *Bloom* *Great* *Van Doren* *Newman*

'A Defence of Poetry'_2
written 1821; originally published 1840 in Essays, Letters From Abroad, Translations and Fragments—English
*Eliot* *Bloom* *Van Doren*

'Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni'_1
part of Percy and Mary Shelley's History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland; with Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva and of the Glaciers of Chamouni, 1817—English

originally published Jan. 1818 in the Examiner; included in Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; With Other Poems, 1818—English
*Recommended* *Van Doren* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Ode to the West Wind'_2
part of Prometheus Unbound, 1820—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'To a Skylark'_2
part of Prometheus Unbound, 1820—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

Sam Shepard
Seven Plays_1
1981; includes La Turista [1967]; The Tooth of Crime [1972]; Curse of the Starving Class [1976]; Buried Child [1979]; True West [1981]; Savage/ Love [1981]; Tongues [1981; with Joseph Chaikin]—English

Angelos Sikelianos
Selected Poems_1

Charles Simic
Selected Poems 1963-1983_1
1990; selections from Dismantling the Silence, 1971; Return to a Place Lit by a Glass of Milk, 1974; Charon's Cosmology, 1977; Classic Ballroom Dances, 1980; White, 1980; Austerities, 1982; Weather Forecast for Utopia and Vicinity: Poems 1967-1982, 1983—English

Georg Simmel
Philosophie des Geldes [excerpted] _1
'Individual Freedom'; complete work, 1900—German

Isaac Bashevis Singer
Collected Stories_1

Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories_1

Isaac Bashevis Singer
A Crown of Feather and Other Stories_1

The Séance_1

'Yentl, the Yeshiva Boy'_1

John Skelton

Adam Smith
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [excerpted]_1
unspecified selection; complete work, 1776; revised through third edition, 1784—English

Stevie Smith
The Collected Poems of Stevie Smith_1
1975; includes A Good Time Was Had by All [1937]; Tender Only to One [1938]; Mother, What Is Man? [1942]; Harold’s Leap [1950]; Not Waving but Drowning [1957]; Scorpion and Other Poems [1972]; selections from Selected Poems [1962] and The Frog Prince, and Other Poems [1966] in a section entitled Poems; revised versions of previously-published poems included in Selected Poems and The Frog Prince used for this book—English

Sydney Smith
'Fallacies of Anti-Reformers'_1

Gary Snyder
No Nature: New and Selected Poems_1
1992; selections from Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems, 1959; Myths and Texts, 1960; Mountains and Rivers Without End, 1965; The Back Country, 1967; Regarding Wave, 1969; Turtle Island, 1974; Axe Handles, 1983; Left Out in the Rain, 1988—English

late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek

Fifth Century B C—Greek
*Baldwin* *France* *Read*

Robert Southey
Nineteenth Century—English

Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queene [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; complete work originally published in two volumes, 1590 and 1596—English

"The minor poems"_1
Sixteenth Century—English

Gaspara Stampa
"Sonnets and madrigals"_1
Sixteenth Century—Italian

Freya Stark
Journey's Echo: Selected Travel Writings_1

Richard Steele
'Of the Club'_1
'The Spectator Club'
originally published Mar. 1711 in the Spectator—English

Wallace Stevens

The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens_3
1954; includes Harmonium [1923; revised 1931]; Ideas of Order [1936]; The Man With the Blue Guitar [1937]; Parts of a World [1942]; Transport to Summer [1947]; The Auroras of Autumn [1950]; plus a section entitled The Rock—English
*Ward* *Bloom* *Fadiman*

Opus Posthumous_2
*Ward* *Bloom*

The Palm at the End of the Mind_1

'The Emperor of Ice-Cream'_1
included in Harmonium, 1923—English

'Anecdote of the Jar'_1
originally published in Poetry, Oct. 1919; included in Harmonium, 1923—English

'The Idea of Order at Key West'_1
included in Ideas of Order, 1934—English
*Van Doren*

'The Poems of Our Climate'_1
included in Parts of a World, 1942—English
*Van Doren*

originally published 1944 in the Kenyon Review; published separately 1945; included in Transport to Summer, 1947—English
*Van Doren*

'Reality Is an Activity of the Most August Imagination'_1

Robert Louis Stevenson
Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson_1

'Truth of Intercourse'_1
originally published May 1879 in Cornhill Magazine; included in Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers, 1881 as the fourth of four essays collectively entitled 'Virginibus Puerisque'—English

'Samuel Pepys'_1
originally published Jul. 1881 in Cornhill Magazine; included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882—English

New Arabian Nights_1
1882; first volume entitled 'Later-Day Arabian Nights', originally published Jun.-Oct. 1878 in London Magazine; second volume features stories originally published in varied periodicals—English

Trumbull Stickney
The Poems of Trumbull Stickney_1

Adalbert Stifter

Theodor Storm
late Eighteenth Century—German

Mark Strand
Selected Poems_1
1980; selections from Sleeping With One Eye Open, 1964; Reasons for Moving, 1968; Darker, 1970; The Story of Our Lives, 1973; The Late Hour, 1978; New Poems, 1980—English

August Strindberg
Selected works_1
unspecified selection—Swedish

Dissertations and Discussions [excerpted]_1
'Thornton on Labor and Its Chains'; 'Writings of Alfred de Vigny'—English

John Suckling
Seventeenth Century—English

'A Soldier'_1

Jonathan Swift


"Shorter prose works"_1

A Tale of a Tub [excerpted]_1
'Digression on Critics'; 'Digression on Manners'; complete work published 1704; revised through fifth edition, 1710—English

Journal to Stella [excerpted]_1
Letters I-III, VIII-X, XVI-XX, LXV; complete work published 1766—English

Journal to Stella [excerpted]_1
'On the Death of Esther Johnson'—English

'Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation'_1

'A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding'_1

'An Essay on Modern Education'_1
originally published as the ninth issue of the Intelligencer; included in Swift and Pope's Miscellanies—English

'Of the Education of Ladies'_1
originally published in the author's collected works, 1765—English

'Phyllis; or, The Progress of Love'_1

'Strephon and Chloe'1

'Furniture of a Woman's Mind'_1

'A Grub-Street Elegy on the Supposed Death of Partridge, the Almanac-Maker'_1

'The Problem, That My World Berkeley Stinks When He Is in Love'_1


Algernon Charles Swinburne
Nineteenth Century—English

Nineteenth Century—English

John Milington Synge
Collected Plays_1
1952; includes In the Shadows of the Glen [1903]; Riders to the Sea [1904]; The Tinker's Wedding [1909]; The Well of the Saints [1905]; The Playboy of the Western World [1907]; Deirdre of the Sorrows [1910]—English

Cornelius Tacitus
De Origine et Situ Germanorum [excerpted]_1
unspecified selection; written ca. 98—Latin

Rabindranath Tagore

Collected Poems and Plays_1
1936; includes Gitanjali; The Crescent Moon; Chitrangada; Fruit-Gathering; The Gardener; The Fugitive; Sacrifice, and Other Plays; and others—Bengali

The Crescent Moon_2
English translations of selections mostly from Sisu, 1903—Bengali
*Ward* *Oriental*

The Gardener_2
English translations of selections from Kshanika, 1900; Kalpana, 1900; Sonar Tari, 1894; and others—Bengali
*Ward* *Oriental*

1916; English translations of selections from Gitimalya, Gitali, Balaka, and others—Bengali
*Ward* *Oriental*

The Fugitive_2
1921; English translations of selections from Manasi, 1890; Sonar Tari, 1894; Giti-Malya, 1914; Kahini, 1900; and others; also includes Viday-Abhisap [1894]—Bengali
*Ward* *Oriental*

T'ao Ch'ien
The Poetry of T'ao Ch'ien_1
1970; English translations by J R Hightower—Chinese

Allen Tate
Collected Poems, 1919-1976_1

Johannes Tauler
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Jeremy Taylor
Selected Works_1

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Nineteenth Century—English
*Baldwin* *Durant* *Bloom* *Educated*

"Early poems"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

'The Lotos-Eaters'_1
part of Poems, 1833—English

'The Charge of the Light Brigade'_1
originally published Dec. 1854 in the Examiner; included in Maud and Other Poems, 1855—English

Terence (Publius Terentius Afer)
Second Century—Latin

Teresa of Ávila
Selected works_1
Sixteenth Century—Spanish

William Makepeace Thackeray
Nineteenth Century—English

'An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank'_1
originally published Jun. 1840 in Westminster Review—English

'Jonathan Swift'_1

Vidyapati Thakur
Love Songs_1
1963; English translations by Deben Bhattacharya—Sanskrit

Thomas Aquinas

Summa Theologiae [excerpted]_1
Summa Theologica
first part; selections from second and third parts—Latin


Summa Theologiae [excerpted]_1
Summa Theologica
Treatise on God; Treatise on Man; written 1265-74—Latin


Summa Contra Gentiles [excerpted]_1
Book I, chapters 1-8, 10-14, 28, 37, 40-1; Book II, chapters 46-56, 59, 70, 76, 79-81; Book III, chapters 1, 25-37, 39, 40, 51, 60-3; written ca. 1270—Latin

'Pange Lingua Gloriosi Corporis Mysterium'_1
Thirteenth Century—Latin

'Adoro te Devote'_1
Thirteenth Century—Latin

'Verbum Supernum Prodiens'_1
Thirteenth Century—Latin

Dylan Thomas
Collected Poems 1934-1952_1
1952; includes 18 Poems [1934]; Twenty-five Poems [1936]; The Map of Love [1939]; Deaths and Entrances [1946] (excluding 'Paper and Stick', adding 'Once Below a Time'); In Country Sleep and Other Poems [1952]—English

The Poems_1
1971; includes 18 Poems [1934]; Twenty-five Poems [1936]; The Map of Love [1939]; Deaths and Entrances [1946]; In Country Sleep and Other Poems [1952]; selections from Miscellany: Poems Stories Broadcasts [1963]; Miscellany Two [1966]; and additional poems previously unpublished or uncollected in book form—English

Edward Thomas
The Collected Poems of Edward Thomas_1
1978; includes Six Poems, 1916; Poems, 1917 [both published under the pseudonym, Edward Eastaway]; Last Poems, 1918; this collection is distinct from the Collected Poems originally published in 1920—English

R S Thomas
The Poems of R S Thomas_1
1985; selections from Song at the Year’s Turning: Poems, 1942-1954; Poetry for Supper, 1958; Tares, 1961; The Bread of Truth, 1963; Pietà, 1966; Not That He Brought Flowers, 1968; H’M, 1972; Young and Old, 1972; What Is a Welshman, 1974; Laboratories of the Spirit, 1975; The Way of It, 1977; Frequencies, 1978; Between Here and Now, 1981; and a section entitled New Poems—English

Francis Thompson

James Thomson
'The City of Dreadful Night'_1
originally published 1874 in the National Reformer, under the pseudonym Bysshe Vanolis; included in The City of Dreadful Night and Other Poems, 1880, published under the name, James Thomson ("B.V.")—English

William Thomson
'The Wave Theory of Light'_1

'The Tides'_1

Henry David Thoreau

Nineteenth Century—English
*Magill* *Bloom*

Nineteenth Century—English

Familiar Letters of Thoreau_1

Excursions [excerpted]_1
'Walking'; complete work published 1863—English

'The Service'; 'Paradise (to be) Regained'; 'Herald of Freedom'; 'Wendell Phillips'; 'Thomas Carlyle and His Works'; 'Civil Disobedience'; 'Slavery in Massachusetts'; 'John Brown'; 'Life Without Principle'—English

'Civil Disobedience'_7
originally published 1849 in Aesthetic Papers—English
*Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith*

James Thurber
'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'_2
originally published Mar. 1939 in the New Yorker; included in My World - And Welcome to It, 1942—English
*Smart* *Van Doren*

Writings and Drawings_1
1996; includes The Seal in the Bedroom and Other Predicaments [1932]; My Life and Hard Times [1933]; The Last Flower: A Parable in Pictures [1939]; and The 13 Clocks [1950]; selections from Is Sex Necessary?, 1929; The Owl in the Attic and Other Perplexities, 1931; Let Your Mind Alone! and Other More or Less Inspirational Pieces, 1937; My World - And Welcome to It, 1942; The Thurber Carnival, 1945; The Beast in Me and Other Animals: A New Collection of Pieces and Drawings About Human Beings and Less Alarming Creatures, 1948; The Thurber Album: A New Collection of Pieces About People, 1952; Thurber Country: A New Collection of Pieces About Males and Females, Mainly of Our Own Species, 1953; Thurber's Dogs: A Collection of the Master's Dogs, Written and Drawn, Real and Imaginary, Living and Long Ago, 1955; Further Fables of Our Time, 1956; Alarms and Diversions, 1957; and The Years With Ross, 1959; nearly all of Fables of Our Time and Famous Poems Illustrated, 1940; and seven essays previously uncollected in book form; edited by Garrison Keillor—English

First Century B C—Latin

Ludwig Tieck
Selected works_1
Nineteenth Century—German

Alexis de Tocqueville
De la Démocratie en Amérique (Democracy in America) [excerpted]_1
'The Power of the Majority'; complete work originally published in two volumes, 1835 and 1840—French

Leo Tolstoy
Short Novels: Stories of Love, Seducation, and Peasant Life_1
1965; includes The Kreutzer Sonata; Hadji Murat; The Forged Coupon; Ivan Illyich; The Cossacks; Family Happiness; and eight short stories—Russian

Twenty-Three Tales_2
1906; sections Tales for Children, 1872 (three stories); Popular Stories (four stories); A Fairy Tale: The Story of Iván the Fool, 1885; Stories Written to Pictures, 1885 (three stories); Folk-Tales Retold, all 1886 except last, 1891 (seven stories); Adaptations From the French (two stories); Stories Given to Aid the Persecuted Jews, 1903 (three stories)—Russian
*Read* *Van Doren*

Thomas Traherne

Georg Trakl
Selected Poems_1

Tomas Tranströmer
Selected Poems_1
late Twentieth-early Twenty-First centuries—Swedish

William Trevor
The Collected Stories_1
1991; selections from The Day We Got Drunk on Cake and Other Stories, 1967; The Ballroom of Romance and Other Stories, 1972; Angels at the Ritz and Other Stories, 1975; Lovers of Their Time and Other Stories, 1978; Beyond the Pale and Other Stories, 1981; The News From Ireland and Other Stories, 1986; Family Sins and Other Stories, 1990; two stories, 'Going Home' and 'Attracta', originally performed as radio plays—English

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetayeva
Selected Poems_2
English translations by Elaine Feinstein—Russian
*Ward* *Bloom*

Frederick Goddard Tuckerman
'The Cricket'_1

"Other poems"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

Ivan Turgenev
Nineteenth Century—Russian

Frederick Jackson Turner
'The Significance of the Frontier in American History'_1
originally published 1893 in the Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the Annual Report of the American Historical Association; edited lecture—English

Mark Twain

The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain_1
originally entitled The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain Now Collected for the First Time, published 1957—English

The Devil's Race-Track: Mark Twain's Great Dark Writings: The Best From 'Which Was the Dream?' and 'Fables of Man'_1
1980; edited by John S Tuckey—English

'The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County'_3
originally entitled 'Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog', published Nov. 1865 in the Saturday Press; retitled and revised for inclusion in the Californian, Dec. 1865—English
*Eliot* *Classics* *Recommended*

Tristan Tzara
Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries_1
1977; English translations by Barbara Wright; essays and lectures originally published in varied periodicals: Dada; Littérature; 391; La Vie des Lettres; Sic; Merz; and books; one selection previously unpublished—French

Evelyn Underhill
The Evelyn Underhill Reader_1

Giuseppe Ungaretti
Selected works_1
Twentieth Century—Italian

Selected Poems_1
1971; English translations by Patrick Creagh—Italian

The Buried Harbour_1
1990; English translations by Kevin Hart—Italian

Paul Valéry
early Twentieth Century—French

four volumes of essays previously published—French

Selected Writings of Paul Valéry_1

'La Cimetière Marin'_1
'The Cemetery by the Sea'
originally published 1922 in Charmes; ou Poès;mes—French


César Vallejo
Selected Poems_1
1981; selections from Los Heraldos Negros, 1918; Trilce, 1922; España, Aparta de Mí Este Cáliz, 1939; Poemas Humanas, 1939—Spanish

Mark Van Doren
Twentieth Century—English
*Van Doren*

100 Poems_1
*Van Doren*

'The Animals'_1
*Van Doren*

'Former Barn Lot'_1
*Van Doren*

'My Great Friends'_1
*Van Doren*

'So Fair a World It Was'_1
*Van Doren*

'O World'_1
*Van Doren*

Vincent Van Gogh
Complete Letters_1

Henry Vaughan
Seventeenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

'The Morning-Watch'_1
part of Silex Scintillans: or Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, 1650—English

Lope de Vega
Moorish and Pastoral Ballads_1
selection of poems part of Desire's Experience Transformed: A Representative Anthology of Lope de Vega's Lyric Poetry; English translations by Carl W Cobb—Spanish

Giovanni Verga
The She-Wolf and Other Stories_1
English translations by Giovanni Cecchetti—Italian

Paul Verlaine
late Nineteenth Century—French
*France* *Trinity* *Newman*

Selected Poems_1
1948; English translations by C F MacIntyre—French

Jules Verne
Selected works_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—French

'Une Fantaisie du Docteur Ox'_1
'Dr. Ox's Experiment'
1872; included in Le Docteur Ox, 1974—French

Jules Verne; Michael Verne
'L'ÉÉternel Adam'_1

Jones Very
Essays and Poems_1

Gore Vidal
United States: Essays 1952-1992_1
essays previously published—English

Alfred de Vigny
Nineteenth Century—French

François Villon

Fifteenth Century—French
*StJohns* *List* *Ward* *Newman*

Fifteenth Century—French

The Poems of François Villon_1
1965; revised 1977; English translations by Galway Kinnell; includes Le Grand Testament—French

'Ballade de Conclusion'_1
'The Last Ballad'
part of Le Grand Testament Villon et le Petit. Son Codicille. Le Jargon et Ses Ballades, 1489—French

Leonardo da Vinci

late Fifteenth-early Sixteenth centuries—Italian
*Invitation* *StJohns* *Hundred* *Read* *Ward* *Bloom*

Selected works_2
First Century—Latin
*Lubbock* *Read*

Aeneid [excerpted]_1
unspecified selections; First Century B C—Latin


Selected works_2
Eighteenth Century—French
*Durant* *Fadiman*

Eighteenth Century—French

Eighteenth Century—French

Select Letters_1
1963; edited by Theodore Besterman—French

part of the eighth volume of Diderot's Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, 1765—French


Bhagavad Gita_8
part of the Mahabharata; ca. Ninth Century B C-Fourth Century—Sanskrit
*Eliot* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Oriental* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Great* *Zane*

Thomas Wade

Derek Walcott
Collected Poems 1948-1984_3
1986; selections from In a Green Light: Poems 1948-1960, 1962; Selected Poems, 1964; Castaway and Other Poems, 1965; The Gulf and Other Poems, 1969; Another Life, 1973; Sea Graves, 1976; The Star-Apple Kingdom, 1979; The Fortunate Traveller, 1981; Midsummer, 1984—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman* *Trinity*

Robert Walser
Selected Stories_1
"translated by Christopher Middleton, et al."—German

Walther von der Vogelweide
Selected works_1
unspecified selections—German

Izaak Walton
'The Life of Dr. John Donne'_2
part of Walton's Lives—English
*Eliot* *Classics*

'The Life of Mr. George Herbert'_1
part of Walton's Lives—English

Wáng Yángmíng (Bo'an)
Instructions for Practical Living, and Other Neo-Confucian Writings_1
1963; English translations by Wing-tsit Chan—Chinese

Wang Han
'Frontier Song'_1
part of Three Hundred Tang Poems, compiled by Sun Zhu ca. 1763

Robert Penn Warren
Selected Poems, 1923-1975_1
1976; includes Audubon: A Vision [1969]; and selections from Selected Poems, 1923-1943, 1944; Promises: Poems 1954-1956, 1957; You, Emperors, and Other Poems 1957-1960, 1960; Incarnations: Poems 1966-1968, 1968; Or Else: Poem/ Poems 1968-1974, 1974; plus a section of poems previously published, entitled Tale of Time: Poems 1960-1966; and a section of new poems entitled Can I See Arcturus From Where I Stand? Poems 1975—English

Isaac Watts

Max Weber
Essays in Sociology [excerpted]_1

Daniel Webster
Nineteenth Century—English

H G Wells

Selected works_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

"The science fiction novels"_1
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English

'Pollock and the Porroh Man'_1

'The Sea Raiders'_1
originaly published Dec. 1896 in the Weekly Sun Literary Supplement—English

'The Plattner Story'_1
originally published Apr. 1896 in the New Review—English

'The Crystal Egg'_1
originally published May 1897 in the New Review—English

'The New Accelerator'_1
originally published Dec. 1901 in the Strand—English

'The Truth About Pyecraft'_1
originally published Apr. 1903 in the Strand; included in Twelve Stories and a Dream, 1903—English

'The Country of the Blind'_1
originally published Apr. 1904 in the Strand—English

Eudora Welty
Twentieth Century—English

The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty_3
1980; includes A Curtain of Green and Other Stories, 1941; The Wide Net and Other Stories, 1943; The Golden Apples, 1949; The Bride of the Innisfallen and Other Stories, 1955; plus two 'Uncollected Stories': 'Where Is the Voice Coming From?', 1963, and 'The Demonstrators', 1966, both originally published in the New Yorker—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman* *Dirda*

Charles Wesley

Charles Wesley: A Reader_1

Edith Wharton
Collected Short Stories_1
1968; Volume I includes 'Mrs. Manstey's View' [originally published Jul. 1891 in Scribner's]; 'The Fulness of Life' [originally published Dec. 1893 in Scribner's]; 'That Good May Come' [originally published May 1894 in Scribner's]; 'The Lamp of Psyche' [originally published Oct. 1895 in Scribner's]; 'The Valley of Childish Things, and Other Emblems' [originally published Jul. 1896 in Century Magazine]; 'April Showers' [originally published Jan. 1900 in Youth's Companion]; 'Friends' [originally published Aug. 1900 in Youth's Companion]; 'The Line of Least Resistance' [originally published Oct. 1900 in Lippincott's]; 'The Letter' [originally published Apr. 1904 in Harper's]; 'The House of the Dead Hand' [originally published Aug. 1904 in the Atlantic Monthly]; 'The Introducers' [originally published Dec. 1905 in Ainslee's]; 'Les Metteurs en Scène' [originally published Oct. 1908 in Revue des Deux Mondes]; 'Writing a War Story' [originally published Sep. 1919 in Woman's Home Companion]; The Greater Inclination [1899; six stories, two of which originally published in Scribner's, 1898 and 1899]; Crucial Instances, 1901 [originally published 1900-1 in varied periodicals: Scribner's, Harper's, and Hearst's International Cosmopolitan; except 'The Confessional', previously unpublished]; The Descent of Man and Other Stories, 1904 [originally published 1902-6 in varied periodicals: Scribner's, Harper's, Hearst's International Cosmopolitan, and Collier's]; The Hermit and the Wild Woman, 1908 [originally published 1904-8 in varied periodicals: Scribner's, Booklover's, and Collier's]; Volume II includes Tales of Men and Ghosts, 1910 [originally published Jun. 1909-Oct. 1910 in Scribner's and Century]; Here and Beyond, 1926 [originally published Jan. 1919 in Scribner's and 1925-6 in varied periodicals: Pictorial Review and the Red Book Magazine; except 'Velvet Ear Pads', previously unpublished]; Certain People, 1930 [originally published Jan. 1919 and 1926-8 in Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post]; Human Nature, 1933 [originally published 1932-3 in varied periodicals: Scribner's, Woman's Home Companion, the Saturday Evening Post, and Nash's Pall Mall Magazine]; The World Over, 1936 [five stories originally published in varied periodicals: the Saturday Evening Post, Hearst's International-Cosmopolitan, Liberty, Story-Teller, and Redbook; and 'Duration', previously unpublished]; all of Xingu and Other Stories, 1916 [originally published 1908-16 in varied periodicals: Scribner's, Century, and the Atlantic Monthly] except 'Bunner Sisters'; and the Preface and 'All Souls' from Ghosts, 1937—English

John Wheelwright
Collected Poems of John Wheelwright_1
1972; includes Rock and Shell [1933]; Mirrors of Venus [1938]; Political Self-Portrait [1940]; Dusk to Dusk, a fourth book of poetry prepared for publication at the time of the author's death but left unpublished until this collection; plus a section entitled Additional Poems, which consists of three poems originally published Dec. 1940 in Diogenes; one poem originally published 1940 in Fantasy; five poems originally published 1923 in Eight More Harvard Poets—his other five poems from that anthology having been incorporated into later works—and other poems—English

George Whitefield

Alfred North Whitehead
The Aims of Education and Other Essays_1

Walt Whitman

Nineteenth Century—English

"Prose works"_1
Nineteenth Century—English

The Complete Poems_1
1975; includes Leaves of Grass; 'A Backward Glance O'er Travelled Roads'; and other works—English

Leaves of Grass [excerpted]_1
'Song of Myself'; 'I Sing the Body Electric'; 'Song of the Open Road'; 'Crossing Brooklyn Ferry'; 'Song of the Answerer'; 'Song of the Broad-Axe'; 'Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking'; 'As I Ebbed With the Ocean of Life'; 'When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer'; 'By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame'; 'As Toilsome I Wandered Virginia's Woods'; 'The Wound-Dresser'; 'When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd'; 'There Was a Child Went Forth'; 'Proud Music of the Storm'; 'Passage to India'; 'Prayer of Columbus'; 'A Noiseless Patient Spider'; 'Years of the Modern'; and preface to the first edition; complete work originally published 1855; expanded and revised through ninth edition, 1892—English

'Song of Myself'_1
part of Leaves of Grass; complete work originally published 1855; expanded and revised through ninth edition, 1892—English

'A Backward Glance O'er Travelled Roads'_2
preface to November Boughs, 1888—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

John Greenleaf Whittier
The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier_1

Richard Wilbur
*Van Doren*

Van Doren notes translations of Molière—English
*Van Doren*

'Love Calls Us to the Things of This World'_1
included in Things of This World, 1957—English
*Van Doren*

'Trolling for Blues'_1
originally published October/November 1987 in Poetry—English
*Van Doren*

New and Collected Poems_1
1987; includes The Beautiful Changes and Other Poems [1947]; Ceremony and Other Poems [1950]; Things of This World [1956]; Advice to a Prophet and Other Poems [1961]; Walking to Sleep [1969]; The Mind-Reader [1976]; plus a section entitled New Poems—English

Oscar Wilde


'The Critic as Artist'_1
originally entitled 'The True Function and Value of Criticism: With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing: A Dialogue', published Jul. and Sep. 1890 in the Nineteenth Century; included in Intentions [1891]—English

Thornton Wilder
Three Plays_1
1957; includes Our Town [1938]; The Skin of Our Teeth [1942]; and Matchmaker [1955]—English

William Carlos Williams

Twentieth Century—English
*Van Doren* *Educated*

Collected Poems_2
1986; Volume I 1909-1939 includes The Tempers [1913]; Al Que Quierre! [1917]; Sour Grapes [1921]; Spring and All [1923]; 'The Descent of Winter' [originally published Autumn 1928 in Exile]; An Early Martyr and Other Poems [1935]; Adam and Eve and the City [1936]; selections from Poems, 1909; Volume II 1939-1962 includes The Wedge [1944]; The Clouds [1948]; The Pink Church [1949]; The Desert Music [1954]; Journey to Love [1955]; and Pictures From Brueghel [1962]; both volumes include poems previously published in periodicals or anthologies—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

'The Red Wheelbarrow'_1
originally entitled 'XXII', published as part of Spring and All, 1923—English

'This Is Just to Say'_1
originally published in Collected Poems, 1921-1931, 1934—English

John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
Seventeenth Century—English
*Bloom* *Newman*

'A Satyr on Charles II'_1
written 1673-74—English

John Woolman
The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman_1

William Wordsworth

late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English
*Baldwin* *Read* *Van Doren* *Good* *Bloom* *Great* *Newman* *Educated*

"Selected shorter poems"_1
late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

late Eighteenth-early Nineteenth centuries—English

Poems of Wordsworth_1
1879; edited by Matthew Arnold—English

"Lucy poems"_2
five poems, four of which ('Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known', 'She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways', 'Three Years She Grew in Sun and Shower', 'A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal') were originally published in the second edition of Lyrical Ballads, 1800, the other ('I Travelled Among Unknown Men') originally published in Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Read* *Newman*

'Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, July 13, 1798'_3
originally published in Lyrical Ballads, 1798—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems [excerpted]_1
preface; complete work published 1798; expanded 1800 and 1802; preface not included in 1798 edition—English

'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'_1
originally published as part of Poems in Two Volumes, 1807; revised for inclusion in Poems by William Wordsworth, 1815—English

'Ode: Intimations of Immortality From Recollections of Early Childhood'_4
originally entitled 'Ode', published in Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807; retitled and revised for inclusion in Poems, 1815; revised for inclusion in The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth, 1820—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

'Michael, a Pastoral'_1
originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English

'Resolution and Independence'_1
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English

'Ode to Duty'_2
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman*

'The Simplon Pass'_1
originally published as part of Poems, 1845; part of 1850 edition of The Prelude—English
*Van Doren*

'Influence of Natural Objects in Calling Forth and Strengthening the Imagination in Boyhood and Early Youth'_1
originally entitled 'Growth of Genius From the Influences of Natural Objects on the Imagination, in Boyhood and Early Youth', published Dec. 1809 in The Friend; retitled for inclusion in Poems, 1815; part of The Prelude, 1850
*Van Doren*

'She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways'_1
one of the "Lucy poems"; originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English
*Van Doren*

'I Traveled Among Unknown Men'_1
originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English
*Van Doren*

'A Slumber Did My Spirit Steal'_1
one of the "Lucy poems"; originally published in the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads—English
*Van Doren*

'My Heart Leaps Up'_1
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren*

'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge: September 3, 1802'_1
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren*

'It Is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free'_2
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman*

'London, 1802'_1
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren*

'The Solitary Reaper'_1
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren*

'The World Is Too Much With Us'_1
part of Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807—English
*Van Doren*

'To Sleep'_1
*Van Doren*

'Personal Talk'_1
*Van Doren*

William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems_7
1798; expanded 1800 and 1802—English
*Classics* *Read* *Van Doren* *Trinity* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

Charles Wright
The World of the Ten Thousand Things: Poems 1980-1990_1
1990; includes The Southern Cross [1981]; The Other Side of the River [1984]; Zone Journals [1988]; Xionia [1990]—English

James Wright
Above the River: The Complete Poems_1
1990; includes all but five poems of The Green Wall [1957]; the entirety of Saint Judas [1959]; The Branch Will Not Break [1963]; Shall We Gather at the River [1968]; Two Citizens [1973]; To a Blossoming Pear Tree [1977]; This Journey [1982]; plus two poems originally published in Collected Poems, 1971, and sections entitled Selected Prose [consisting of selections from Moments in the Indian Summer, 1976; and The Summers of Annie and James Wright, 1981], New Poems (from Collected Poems, 1971); and Some Translations (from Collected Poems, 1971, and New Translations)—English

Jay Wright
Selected Poems of Jay Wright_1
1987; selections from Death as History, 1967; The Homecoming Singer, 1971; Soothsayers and Omens, 1976; Dimensions of History, 1976; The Double Invention of Koma, 1980; Explications/ Interpretations, 1984—English

Judith Wright
Selected Poems_1

Thomas Wyatt
Selected works_1
Sixteenth Century—English

Sixteenth Century—English

William Butler Yeats
late Nineteenth-early Twentieth centuries—English
*Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Newman* *Educated*

The Collected Poems of W B Yeats_5
1933; expanded 1950; revised 1956; includes The Wind Among the Reeds [1899]; The Shadowy Waters [originally published May 1900 in the North American Review; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905; theatrical version published separately 1906; both versions included here]; Michael Robartes and the Dancer [1920]; The Tower [1928]; The Winding Stair [1929]; Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems [1932]; New Poems [1938]; selections from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, 1889; The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; In the Seven Woods: Being Poems Chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age, 1904; The Green Helmet and Other Poems, 1910; Responsibilities, 1914; The Wild Swans at Coole, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, 1917, expanded 1919; A Full Moon in March, 1935; and Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939—English
*Ward* *Bloom* *Trinity* *GlobeMail* *Telegraph*

1983; includes The Wind Among the Reeds [1899]; The Shadowy Waters [originally published May 1900 in the North American Review; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905; theatrical version published separately 1906; both versions included here]; Michael Robartes and the Dancer [1920]; The Tower [1928]; The Winding Stair [1929]; Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems [1932]; New Poems [1938]; selections from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, 1889; The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; In the Seven Woods: Being Poems Chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age, 1904; The Green Helmet and Other Poems, 1910; Responsibilities, 1914; The Wild Swans at Coole, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, 1917, expanded 1919; A Full Moon in March, 1935; and Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939—English

Collected Plays2
1934; expanded 1953; includes The Countess Cathleen [originally entitled The Countess Kathleen, part of The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; retitled and revised 1911]; The Land of Heart's Desire [1894]; Cathleen Ni Houlihan [originally performed 1902; published in part May 1902 in the United Irishman and Oct. 1902 in Samhain; in its entirety as part of The Hour-Glass, Cathleen Ni Houlihan, The Pot of Broth, 1904; revised 1906]; The Pot of Broth [originally published as part of The Hour-Glass, Cathleen Ni Houlihan, The Pot of Broth, 1904; revised 1905]; The King's Threshold [1903; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905, 1906; revised 1911]; The Shadowy Waters [originally published May 1900 in the North American Review; included in The Shadowy Waters, 1900; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905; theatrical version published separately 1906; both versions included in the author's collected poems]; Deirdre [published as part of 'The Entrance of Deirdre' in Poems, 1899-1905, 1906; published separately 1907; revised 1911]; At the Hawk's Well [part of The Wild Swans at Coole, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, 1917; included in Four Plays for Dancers, 1921]; The Green Helmet [1908; included in The Green Helmet and Other Poems, 1910; revised 1911]; On Baile's Strand [part of In the Seven Woods: Being Poems Chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age, 1903; revised for inclusion in Poems, 1899-1905, 1906; revised 1907]; The Only Jealousy of Emer [part of Two Plays for Dancers, 1919, and its expanded version, Four Plays for Dancers, 1921]; The Hour-Glass [part of The Hour-Glass, Cathleen Ni Houlihan, The Pot of Broth, 1904; revised 1907; revised for inclusion in Responsibilties [1914]; The Unicorn From the Stars [1908]; The Player Queen [1922]; The Dreaming of the Bones [originally published Jan. 1919 in the Little Review; included in Two Plays for Dancers, 1919, and its expanded version, Four Plays for Dancers, 1921]; Calvary [part of Four Plays for Dancers, 1921]; The Cat and the Moon [originally published as part of The Cat and the Moon and Certain Poems, 1924]; Sophocles’ King Oedipus: A Version for the Modern Stage, 1928; Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus, 1934; The Resurrection [originally published 1927 in the Adelphi; originally performed 1934]; The Words Upon the Window-Pane [1930]; A Full Moon in March [1935]; The King of the Great Clock Tower [part of The King of the Great Clock Tower, Commentaries and Poems, 1934]; The Herne’s Egg [1938]; Purgatory [part of Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939]; The Death of Cuchulain [part of Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939]—English
*Bloom* *Fadiman*

1959; includes The Celtic Twilight. Men and Women, Dhouls and Faeries [1893; expanded 1902; included in The Celtic Twilight and Stories of Red Hanrahan, 1908; revised for inclusion in Early Poems and Stories, 1925]; The Secret Rose [1897; revised for inclusion in The Secret Rose. Rosa Alchemica. The Tables of the Law. The Adoration of the Magi. John Sherman and Dhoya, 1908; revised for inclusion in Early Poems and Stories, 1925--essentially the original Secret Rose was split in two, creating Red Hanrahan]; Stories of Red Hanrahan [1905; revisions of stories from The Secret Rose; revised for inclusion in The Celtic Twilight and Stories of Red Hanrahan, 1908]; The Tables of the Law and the Adoration of the Magi [1904; revised for inclusion in Early Poems and Stories, 1925]; Per Amica Silentia Lunae [1918]—English

'Down by the Salley Gardens'_1
part of The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, 1889; included in Poems, 1895—English
*Van Doren*

'The Ballad of Father Gilligan'_1
originally entitled 'Father Gilligan (A Legend Told by the People of Castleisland, Kerry)', published Jul. 1890 in the Scots Observer; retitled 'Father Gilligan' for inclusion in The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; retitled 'The Ballad of Father Gilligan' for inclusion in Poems, 1895—English
*Van Doren*

'When You Are Old'_1
part of The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics, 1892; included in Poems, 1895—English
*Van Doren*

'The Cold Heaven'_1
part of the second expanded edition of The Green Helmet and Other Poems, 1912—English
*Van Doren*

'To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing'_1
part of Poems Written in Discouragement, 1913; the entirety of that book made part of Responsibilities: Poems and a Play, 1914; also published May 1914 in Poetry—English
*Van Doren*

'September 1913'_2
originally entitled 'Romance in Ireland', published Sep. 1913 in the Irish Times; retitled for inclusion in Poems of Discouragement, 1913; that book made part of Responsibilties: Poems and a Play, 1914—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman*

'The Wild Swans at Coole'_1
originally published Jun. 1917 in the Little Review; part of The Wild Swans, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, 1917—English
*Van Doren*

'The Second Coming'_3
originally published Nov. 1920 in both the Dial and the Nation; included in Michael Robartes and the Dancer, 1920—English
*Van Doren* *Newman* *Graphic*

'Easter, 1916'_2
published separately 1916, in the New Statesman, Oct. 1920, and the Dial, Nov. 1920; included in Michael Robertes and the Dancer, 1920—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended*

'The Cat and the Moon'_1
part of Nine Poems, 1918; that book made part of the expanded second edition of The Wild Swans at Coole, 1919—English
*Van Doren*

'A Prayer for My Daughter'_1
originally published Nov. 1919 in the Irish Statesman and Poetry; included in Michael Robartes and the Dancer, 1920—English
*Van Doren*

'Leda and the Swan'_2
originally published Jun. 1924 in the Dial and Aug. 1924 in To-Morrow; also published as 'Leda' in the first version of A Vision, 1926; included in The Cat and the Moon and Certain Poems, 1924; that book (except the play, The Cat and the Moon) made part of The Tower, 1928—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended*

'Meditations in Time of Civil War'_1
part of The Cat and the Moon and Certain Poems, 1924; that book (except the play, The Cat and the Moon) made part of The Tower, 1928—English

'The Tower'_1
originally published Jun. 1927 in the Criterion and the New Republic; part of October Blast, 1927; that book made part of The Tower, 1928—English
*Van Doren*

'Sailing to Byzantium'_2
part of October Blast, 1927; published Spring 1928 in the Exile; October Blast made part of The Tower, 1928—English
*Van Doren* *Recommended*

'Among School Children'_2
part of October Blast, 1927; the entirety of that book made part of The Tower, 1928—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'Two Songs From a Play'_1
part of October Blast, 1927; that book made part of The Tower, 1928—English

'Anne Gregory'_2
part of Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems, 1932; entitled 'For Anne Gregory' for inclusion in the Spectator, Dec. 1932—English
*Van Doren* *Newman*

'Under Ben Bulben'_2
originally published Feb. 1939 in the Irish Times and the Irish Independent; published in part in the Irish Press the same month; included in Last Poems and Two Plays, 1939—English
*Van Doren* *Fadiman*

Yuán Méi
Selected works_1
Eighteenth Century—Chinese

Nathan Zach
The Static Element: Selected Poems of Nathan Zach_1

Adam Zagajewski
Tremor: Selected Poems_1
1985; English translations by Renata Gorcznski—Polish

Andrea Zanzotto
Selected Poetry of Andrea Zanzotto_1

Zhū Xī (Chu Hsi)
Selected works_1
Twelfth Century—Chinese

Émile Zola
late Nineteenth Century—English

Mikhail Zoshchenko
Nervous People and Other Satires_1

Quran (Koran) [excerpted]_2
Lubbock does not specify his selections; Eliot's Harvard Classics presents a selection edited and translated by E H Palmer; Seventh Century—Arabic
*Lubbock* *Eliot*

Kitab alf Laylah Wa-Laylah (The Thousand and One Nights) (The Arabian Nights) [excerpted]_1
'The Fisherman and the Genie' and 'The Woman With Two Coyntes'; Ninth Century—Arabic

Kabbalah (Quabala) (Cabala)_1_1
—Aramaic; Hebrew

The Doctrine of the Mean_1
part of the Book of Rites—Chinese

The Great Learning_1
part of the Book of Rites—Chinese

Three Hundred Tang Poems_2
compiled by Sun Zhu ca. 1763—Chinese
*Oriental* *World*

Wen Xuan_1
Selections of Refined Literature—Chinese

The Wisdom of the Chinese: Their Philosophy in Sayings and Proverbs_1
1920; edited by Brian Brown; selections from (Confucius) Analects, The Doctrine of the Mean, Great Learning; (Mencius) The Real Man; (Lao Tzu) Tao-teh-king, Wu-wei, Precepts and Sayings; Chuang Tzu; Yang Chu; Kang-hsi's Sacred Edict; Kuan-yi-wu; Yu Tse; Tse-chan; plus sections entitled The Poetry of the Chinese, Proverbs and Maxims, and Moral Maxims—Chinese

Danmarks Gamle Folkeviser_1
Ancient Danish Ballads
compiled by Sven Grundtvig, Axel Olrik, and Hakon Harald Grüner-Nielsen; originally published in twelve volumes, 1853-1976—Danish


After Ovid: New Metamorphoses_1
1994; edited by Michael Hofmann and James Lasdun—English

Basic Documents in American History_1
edited by Richard B Morris—English

The Emerson Brothers: A Fraternal Biography in Letters_1
2005; edited by Ronald A Bosco and Joel Myerson—English

The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information_1
eleventh edition; published in 29 volumes, 1910-1—English

The Golden Argosy: The Most Celebrated Short Stories in the English Language_1
1955; 39 stories, four of which (Stephen Vincent Benét's The Devil and Daniel Webster, Max Beerbohm's The Happy Hypocrite, Booth Tarkington's Monsier Beaucaire, and Henry Van Dyke's The Story of the Other Wise Man) count as monographical works—English

Holinsheds Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland [excerpted]_1
'A Description of Elizabethan England Written by William Harrison'; complete work originally published in two volumes, 1577; revised 1587—English

Reliques of Ancient English Poetry_1
compiled by Thomas Percy; 1765—English

The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border_1
compiled by Walter Scott; originally published in three volumes, 1802-03—English

The English and Scottish Popular Ballads_1
originally published in ten volumes, 1882-98; compiled by Frances James Child—English

One Hundred English Folksongs_1
1916; compiled by Cecil Sharp—English

English Folk Songs From the Southern Appalachians_1
1932; compiled by Cecil Sharp—English

The New Haven District Telephone Company
The Telephone Directory_1

The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1918_2
originally entitled The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1900, published 1900; revised and retitled 1939; edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch—English
*Powys* *Hundred*

Six Plays_1
1931; edited by Paul Landis; includes two plays by Pierre Corneille, four plays by Jean Racine, written Seventeenth Century—French

"Songs of the Provençal Tradition"_1
Twelfth Century—French

Five German Tragedies_1
1969; English translations by F J Lamport; includes Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Emilia Galotti; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Egmont; Friedrich Schiller's Maria Stuart; Heinrich von Kleist's Penthesilea; Franz Grillparzer's Medea—German

Greek lyricists
Selected works_1
unspecified selection; Sappho, Pindar, and Solon are noted—Greek

Apostolic Fathers
Selected works_1
series of early Christian writings from the late First-early Second centuries; unspecified selection—Greek

The Greek Anthology_2
originally compiled First Century B C by Meleager of Gadara; definitive version compiled Tenth Century by Constantine Cephalus—Greek
*Classics* *Rexroth*

unspecified selections—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Bible [translation]_1
John Wycliffe's 1382 English translation of the Vulgate—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The New Testament_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Book of Genesis_5
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Classics* *Learning* *Foundation* *Great*

The Book of Exodus_4
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Learning* *Foundation* *Great*

The Book of Ruth_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Book of Esther_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Graphic*

The Book of Job_8
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Foundation* *Norway* *Great*

The Book of Psalms_4
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Invitation* *Educated*

The Book of Psalms [excerpted]_1
nos. 1, 8, 19, 23, 29, 51, 90, 91, 104, 121, 128, 137, 139, 148, 150; part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

"Psalms of David"_1
unspecified selection, but 73 psalms in the Book of Psalms, and seven psalms in other books of the Bible, are commonly attributed to King David—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Book of Proverbs_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Foundation* *Kanigel*

Song of Songs_3
Song of Solomon; Canticles
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Classics* *Rexroth*

The Book of Isaiah_4
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Classics* *Utne* *Great*

The Book of Isaiah [excerpted]_1
verses 41-56; part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Book of Daniel_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Book of Amos_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Classics*

The Book of Micah_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Gospel According to Matthew_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Gospel According to Mark_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Foundation*

The Gospel According to Luke_3
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Great*

The Gospel According to John_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Acts of the Apostles_3
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Great*

Epistle to the Romans_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

First Epistle to the Corinthians_3
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Great*

Second Epistle to the Corinthians_3
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Eliot* *Durant* *Great*

Epistle to the Galatians_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Epistle to the Ephesians_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Epistle to the Philippians_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Epistle to the Colossians_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

First Epistle to the Thessalonians_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Second Epistle to the Thessalonians_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

First Epistle to Timothy_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Second Epistle to Timothy_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Epistle to Titus_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

Epistle to Philemon_2
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
*Durant* *Great*

First Epistle of John_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

Second Epistle of John_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

Third Epistle of John_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

The Book of Revelation_1
part of the Bible—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek

Ulster Cycle_1
written ca. Seventh-Fifteenth centuries—Irish

"Classical Japanese poetry"_1

Kokin Wakashu_1

The Ten Thousand Leaves
poetry anthology; probably completed by Otomo Yakamochi; ca. Seventh and Eighth centuries—Japanese

*Ward* *Oriental*

Noh plays_1

'Stabat Mater'_1
hymn attributed to either Jacopone da Todi or Innocent III; Thirteenth Century—Latin

Carmina Burana_1
Eleventh-Twelfth centuries; some works in German and French—Latin

"The Icelandic Sagas"_1
ca. Thirteenth Century—Norse

Certain Songs From the Elder Saga_1
selections; Thirteenth Century—Norse

ca. Sixth-Fifth centuries B C; Sanskrit translations—Pali
*Downs* *Oriental*

Buddhist Scriptures_1
English translations by Henry Clarke Warren—Pali

ca. Eighteenth-Fifth centuries B C—Sanskrit

Seventh-Fourth centuries B C—Sanskrit
*Ward* *Oriental* *SeymourSmith* *Great*

"Early Upanishads"_1
Seventh-Fourth centuries B C—Sanskrit

ca. First Century B C—Sanskrit

"Arthurian romances"_1

"Hymns of the Christian Church"_1

"Pre-Columbian Peru"_1

"Hercules and His Twelve Labors"_1

"Jason and the Golden Fleece"_1

"Orpheus and Eurydice"_1

"Reynard the Fox"_1

"Robin Hood's Adventures"_1

Anthology of Islamic Literature, From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times_1
1964; edited by James Kritzeck—Arabic; Turkish; Persian

Birds Through a Ceiling of Alabaster: Three Abbasid Poets_1
1975; English translations by G B H Wightman—Arabic

Modern Arab Poets, 1950-1975_1
1976; edited by Issa J Boullata—Arabic

Ch'an and Zen Teaching_1
three volumes, 1960-2—Chinese et al.

The Texts of Taoism_1
1962; English translations by James Legge; includes the Tao te Ching—Chinese

Sources of Chinese Tradition_1
1964; edited by William Theodore de Bary, Wing-tsit Chan, and Burton Watson—Chinese

Anthology of Chinese Literature_1
two volumes: 1965 and 1967; edited by Cyril Birch—Chinese

Poetry of the Netherlands in Its European Context, 1170-1930_1
1960; English translations by Theodoor Weevers—Dutch

Famous Prefaces (Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books)_1
Volume 39 of Harvard Classics—English

English Poetry From Chaucer to Grey_1
Volume 40 of Harvard Classics—English

English Poetry From Collins to Fitzgerald_1
Volume 41 of Harvard Classics—English

English Poetry From Tennyson to Whitman_1
Volume 42 of Harvard Classics—English

American Historical Documents From 1000 to 1904_1
Volume 43 of Harvard Classics—English

Great Poetry of the English Language: Geoffrey Chaucer to Emily Dickinson_1
1969; edited by Henry B Weisberg; part of The World's Great Classics—English

The Ground on Which We Stand_1
1969; edited by Lillian W Kay; part of The World's Great Classics; includes The Declaration of Independence; the Constitution; the Gettysburg Address—English

The New Oxford Book of American Verse_1
1976; edited by Richard Ellmann—English

"The Tumbler of Our Lady_1
Thirteenth Century; one of a series of stories collected by Gautier de Coinci; author unknown—French
*Van Doren*

The Penguin Book of French Verse_1

The Penguin Book of German Verse_1

East German Poetry: An Anthology_1
1972; edited by Michael Hamburger—German

The Penguin Book of Greek Verse_1
1962; edited by Constantine A Trypanis—Greek

Hungarian Short Stories_1
1967; edited by A Alvarez—Hungarian

Modern Hungarian Poetry_1
1977; edited by Miklós Vajda—Hungarian

The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse_1
1964; English translations by Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite—Japanese

Anthology of Japanese Literature to the Nineteenth Century_1
1968; edited by Donald Keene—Japanese

Twenty Plays of the No Theatre_1
1970; edited by Donald Keene and Royall Tyler—Japanese

Anthology of Korean Poetry: From the Earliest Era to the Present_1
1964; English translations by Peter H Lee—Korean

Medieval Literature in Translation_1
1950; edited by Charles W Jones—Latin et al.

The Penguin Book of Latin Verse_1
1962; edited by Frederick Brittain—Latin

Medieval Latin Lyrics_2
1952; English translations by Helen Waddell—Latin
*Rexroth* *Ward*

Contemporary Indonesian Poetry_1
1975; English translations by Harry Aveling—Malay

Polish Post-War Poetry_1
1970; English translations by Czeslaw Milosz—Polish

Portuguese Voyages (1498-1663)_1
1953; edited by Charles David Ley—Portuguese

Sacred Writings of the Sikhs_1
1973; edited by George S Fraser—Punjabi

Modern Czech Poetry_1
1945; English translations by Ewald Osers and J K Montgomery—Romanian

Romanian Poems: A Bilingual Anthology_1
1972; edited by Sever Trifu and Dumitru Ciocoi-Pop—Romanian

The Penguin Book of Russian Verse_1
1962; edited by Dimitri Obolensky—Russian

Like Water, Like Fire: An Anthology of Byelorussian Poetry From 1828 to the Present_1
1971; English translations by Vera Rich—Russian

Post-War Russian Poetry_1
1974; edited by Daniel Weissbort—Russian

Great Sanskrit Plays in New English Transcreations_1
1957; English translations by P Lal; includes The Dream of Vasavadatta; The Recognition of Sakuntala; The Little Clay Cart; Ratnavali; The Story of Rama's Later Life; The Signet of the Minister—Sanskrit

Poems From the Sanskrit_1
1968; English translations by John Brough—Sanskrit

New Writing in Yugoslavia_1
1970; edited by Bernard Johnson—Serbo-Croat; Slovene; Macedonian

An Anthology of Sinhalese Literature Up to 1815_1
1970; edited by C H B Reynolds—Sinhalese

The Penguin Book of Spanish Verse_1

Modern Spanish Theatre: An Anthology of Plays_1
1969; English translations by Michael Benedikt and George E Wellwarth—Spanish

A Thousand Years of Vietnamese Poetry_1
1975; English translations by N N Bich, B Raffel, and W S Merwin—Vietnamese

The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History With a Selection of Texts_1
1957; edited by G S Kirk and J E Raven—varied

Buddhist Scriptures_1
1959; English translations by Edward Conze—varied

The Poem Itself_1
1960; edited by Stanley Burnshaw; anthology of poems by 45 writers—varied

Sources of Indian Tradition_1
1964; edited by William Theodore de Bary, Stephen N Hay, Royal Weiler, and Andrew Yarrow—varied

Classical Literature of Asia_1
1969; edited by John D Yohannan; part of The World's Great Classics—varied

Poem Into Poem: World Poetry in Modern Verse Translation_1
1970; edited by George Steiner—varied

A Celtic Miscellany: Translations From the Celtic_1
1971; English translations by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson—varied

The Penguin Book of Latin American Verse_1
1971; edited by E Caracciolo-Trejo—varied

Shaking the Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americas_1
1972; edited by Jerome Rothenberg—varied

Poems of Black Africa_1
1975; edited by Wole Soyinka—varied